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Mr. Bungle

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Does anyone see this doing well? I'm not really sure what kind of numbers LFL is expecting, but this won't do what THE LION KING 3D did. That's a movie kids AND adults like. There are some kids who like THE PHANTOM MENACE, but not a whole heck of a lot of adults. If anything, it'll be parents going begrudgingly. 

I wasn't opposed to the whole Star Wars 3D spectacle until the most recent debacle over the Blu-rays. Now I just can't justify giving Lucas more money. Seeing this is basically saying "I'm OK with the special editions", because if they ultimately release the originals in 3D, it will of course be those versions.


Star Wars Blu Ray Impressions

SilverWook said:

Ten year olds are capable of thinking of girls as not being icky. I thought Lynda Carter was some sort of goddess when I was ten. And she still is. ;)

Don't forget Lucas is always mining ancient mythology. Young heroes falling for slightly older women is nothing new.

According to Weird Al, Anakin was nine and Padme was 15.


I wish Al Yankovic was canon.

According to Wookieepedia, Padme Naberrie Amidala (I think I spelled that right) was 14 during the little snafu with the Trade Federation. 

I have no problem with mining ancient mythology or that Anakin had a bone-on for his babysitter. It's Lucas's insipid dialogue in that scene that makes me cringe.

"I was nice to meet you, tooooo!"


Star Wars Blu Ray Impressions

WhatsMyName said:

Mr. Bungle said:

Wexter said:

kenkraly2007 said:

georgec said:

We still talking about kenkraly?

Guy is either a troll, a child, or a mentally disturbed individual. Just read his posts - incoherent, repetitive, and unsubstantial.

He told everyone about an email from LFL saying all color issues were corrected. Nobody else received such an email. I called him out back then and later again when the images/videos began to leak.

Ignore him.

Georgec I am not all those things you just called me so why don't you just take back everything you said.

What are you then? A person? A cup? A lasersword? A colar? All those things? I'm dying to know.

 "Are you an angel?"

 stupidest quote ever! What's bad is that he flirted with her a few times in that movie. But, that's another subject

 "You're a funny little boy."

Star Wars Blu Ray Impressions

Wexter said:

kenkraly2007 said:

georgec said:

We still talking about kenkraly?

Guy is either a troll, a child, or a mentally disturbed individual. Just read his posts - incoherent, repetitive, and unsubstantial.

He told everyone about an email from LFL saying all color issues were corrected. Nobody else received such an email. I called him out back then and later again when the images/videos began to leak.

Ignore him.

Georgec I am not all those things you just called me so why don't you just take back everything you said.

What are you then? A person? A cup? A lasersword? A colar? All those things? I'm dying to know.

 "Are you an angel?"

OFFICIAL: Library of Congress had original prints replaced with 1997 SE

twister111 said:


georgec said:

I wonder what Katie Lucas' twitter looks like right now...


I considered sending this story to her via Twitter, but opted against it. She seems to really take criticism (even if approached lightly) very negatively, and the way I've seen her react to the trolls has been, well, just as nasty. 

I doubt it would make any difference whatsoever.

Save Star Wars Dot Com

TServo2049 said:

Obviously zombie, none and co. choose not to. They must have a good reason. Perhaps they think that an FB group wouldn't be taken as seriously.

I'd love to hear the "good reason". If that's true, by their standards the thousands of legit business organizations, movements, charities, causes, etc who have FB pages should not be taken seriously, either.


OFFICIAL: Library of Congress had original prints replaced with 1997 SE

generalfrevious said:

Checkmate. We might as well shut down the site. Thousands buy the mutilated versions, and the original prints are going to be destroyed despite all our efforts. When has writing to your congressman ever worked? We don't want it to happen, but it happened anyway...

Every time I hear about GL, he hits a new low for me. He will be victorious, and none of you cannot deny that anymore. 

PS I don't care about your rebuttals.

PPS Good! Then please go away. You and other naysayers are useless, bring nothing to the table and certainly won't be missed. You cannot deny that, either.

Save Star Wars Dot Com

TServo2049 said:

I think he means that anybody can link to it on their own FB.

Well, we all know that. Yet it doesn't *hurt* to have a FB page, however. Updates and changes to the site can go out to anyone who "likes" the FB page, thus spreading awareness. Not everyone is coming to OT.com or savingstarwars.com on a regular basis. I can't believe I'm explaining this.

OFFICIAL: Library of Congress had original prints replaced with 1997 SE

My God, this is so infuriating and so depressing at the same time. I'm still a bit confused by all this. They have the special edition, but they were denied the 1977 version? This needs to be clarified.

Let us not forget this statement.

He states in 1997: "There will only be one. And it won't be what I would call the 'rought cut', it'll be the 'final cut.' The other one will be some sort of interesting artifact that people will look at and say, 'There was an earlier draft of this.'...What ends up being important in my mind is what the DVD version is going to look like, because that's what everybody is going to remember. The other versions will disappear. Even the 35 million tapes of Star Wars out there won't last more than 30 or 40 years. A hundred years from now, the only version of the movie that anyone will remember will be the DVD version [of the Special Edition


My Top 10 Reasons ROTJ sucks

sonnyboo said:

Let's be real, Jar Jar Binks with his Gungans and  Ewoks are duking it out for 'worst element in Star Wars movies".


Harrison Ford, ON SCREEN, in this movie gives the single worst and most uninspired performance of his career.


No effing way. What does an Ewok do in ROTJ that even compares to "Icky poo!" or "Weesa FREE!" You think about that one.

The worst element in the Star Wars movies (as they stand now) belongs to "Jedi Rocks" in the piece of shit ROTJ Special Edition. Only reason I think that's worse than the two-headed announcer from TPM is that it's a grotesque CG replacement of a puppet band that worked just fine before being fucked with and thus ruining the scene.  

As for Harrison Ford, worse than the Holiday Special? Six Days Seven Nights? How about Hollywood Homicide? 


Save Star Wars Dot Com

Anchorhead said:


zombie84 said:

The yellow looked a bit too garish, but putting that in white helps I think.

I think that helps a lot. There are probably a fair amount of people who have no idea the enormous volume or extent of the changes. Plenty of apologists like to downplay the changes as though there are just a few barely noticeable tweaks. Your page could go a long way toward helping enlighten casual fans as to what's actually taken place.


Agreed. The unfortunate thing is that the casual fan doesn't want to read. They want to see it in front of them, and having pictures helps.

Admittedly, I'd gotten so used to the DVD edition that I'd forgotten what the original Star Wars film looked like. While it's "just a fan edit", watching Harmy's despecialized edition felt like an altogether different and wonderfully vintage viewing experience and felt close to the original presentation. Point being, seeing it presented closer to "the way it was" really went a long way to furthering my desire to see these films properly restored.

Save Star Wars Dot Com

zombie84 said:

For those wondering, the SE changes page has been updated to include 005's comparison pages.


Not to nitpick, but this is definitely missing some of the audio changes and could use some work. Examples: in ESB SE, Luke grunts/moans when he falls after leaving the Wampa cave (not in the original), there's a different take of Harrison Ford saying "until I get the shelter built), "The first transport...is away" is different, etc. I'm sure there are many more.