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Ranking the Star Wars films

Apparently this crazy question pushed them over the edge?

TV’s Frink said:

Beyond I’d like to know what you loved about ROTS and AOTC while loathing TFA to the point that it’s the worst Star Wars created.

I was curious to what the response would be.

Rankings though; it goes SW, ESB, ROTJ
I know that Empire is deeper and more dramatic, but I just have a thing for Tatooine and the Trench Run. Plus Peter Cushing and Alec Guinness.

4K restoration on Star Wars

The problem is that the division between ownership of what Disney/Lucasfilm and Fox has is unclear, at least to me. Is it at all likely that a deal to spend money on this kind of thing for a new release would happen while another corporation has the reigns? Do the people that aim to profit from such a thing get along with the people that now own the negatives?

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

The exhaust port wasn’t retconned, but rather the reactor. Erso didn’t tell them to shoot a torpedo through the exhaust port, he told them to find a way to blow the reactor. They still needed to study the plans to find the way to the reactor.

Interesting, as I say I need to rewatch it.

The idea people have in their mind of Disney execs focus grouping the most profitable ideas for the script and writing them down is just a complete fiction.

Perhaps but TFA doesn’t feel like a human being’s creative vision. I hope you’re right, really. The next sequel will cement my feelings towards this all, and I don’t want JJTrek part 2 all over again.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

I’m fairly certain aspects of the story were developed with the story group (and quite likely the TFA writing team), but there’s nothing wrong with Johnson going solo on writing duties. In fact, I think it will be interesting to see a singular vision in that regard.

I guess it’s possible, it would be interesting even if he just got to flesh out an existing plan for the narrative. But I’m just suspicious that this is all a Lucasfilm board room creation after the 2-3 named writers on TFA. It’s probably all just done with a committee.
“I am not a committee” - Rian Johnson, probably.

When you were introduced to Star Wars for the first time

Somewhere around 1990 I think. It’s a pretty fuzzy as a memory overall, and I cannot remember any specific first time. It must have been through TV broadcasts, but I definitely remember ROTJ being the only one available to watch any time so maybe that recording started it all. Apparently the local TV premiere of ESB was in 1988 so that’s also possible.

The original toys of Han, R2 and C3PO were around along with Luke in his black outfit. I was into drawing stuff at the time and tried to copy the details on paper. It was a time before the 1995 remastered VHS trilogy which arrived in our house a few years later. It was also before the Kenner ‘on steroids’ action figure line appeared because I remember that coming along later too, oh boy.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

As for TLJ and the actual topic at hand I am curious about Rian Johnson being the sole credited writer. Is this a good thing? Perhaps. Is that even a realist credit for a movie this large? Perhaps not. At least his inspirations are WW2 and samurai movies, which are apt. I need Rey’s arc to be something original, and I need the future of the First Order to be satisfactory. Most people’s suspicions on how Luke will deal with things are probably correct since Lawrence Kasdan got his ROTJ wishes in motion to have him be a lone wanderer. I just want progression overall to be honest.

Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * <strong><em>SPOILER THREAD</em></strong> *

To be honest both have the same amount of distracting fan service and poor writing. At this stage R1 bothers me more because retconning the exhaust port from a flaw to a feature is so lazy. I prefer the idea that Empire overlooked it because it was too big to fail. TFA still has the stupid map and the stupider R2D2 activation moment, but it averages out so that both become simply mediocre. I would need to see it again to be sure how badly the lack of development Saw and uh (actually looking it up) Jyn get impacts it on the whole.

I tend to watch the SE sometimes

I sometimes check one or two scenes to see what they looked like but even the basic colours are awful and over saturated. Morbid curiosity only.

The one thing that seems to fit more to me (I guess after years of only having the SE discs) is that like Han saying “it’s alright I can see a lot better”. Maybe this was in older versions from the VHS era? The other changes like Luke’s “you were lucky to get outta there” is just annoying.

4K restoration on Star Wars

I know this is an anniversary year but is it likely that we’ll get anything but another SE trilogy? It’s been too long to believe anyone really considers the historical value, could have done something for the 30th instead. A lot of rumours but not much of a reveal… I mean it’s been 2 years since that John Landis interview were he let it slip, and I am unclear on what print Gareth Edwards came across more recently.

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

It’s … tinny? For lack of a better word. The brass isn’t deep enough and the lighter percussion is too loud. The SW logo is too big as well grumble grumble. It all just looks bold or a similar but wider typeface. Maybe I am just insane though.

Edit: or maybe not … https://medium.com/@FixTheCrawl/the-force-awakens-misses-the-mark-on-the-oldest-star-wars-tradition-ccb37f727872#.t5e8vhqrt

General Star Wars <strong>Random Thoughts</strong> Thread

I always remember it being more white that blue but I just thought it was that the DEED has boosted colours, where the GOUT is washed out.

TFA uses the same title font as A New Hope and Empire Strikes Back. Return of the Jedi used a different font that they used throughout the prequels. The R’s are the biggest clues.
The color is fine. The theme recording does sound different.

Interesting. I always thought it looked a little cartoony and the starfield was over saturated. The music bugs me forever though, even though this thread sheds some interesting light on things.

Are The Prequels That Bad?

I recently watched ROTS for the first time in about 8 years. Well no I didn’t really, what do you take me for? What I mean is that I came across Star War: Backstroke of the West complete with the whole thing dubbed as per the bizarre translation in that version. You can find it on youtube. What struck me was that beyond chuckling at the lunacy of what was being said about the Presbyterian Church and Master Tile Ratio… it was actually just boring. The action scenes are clearly all planned out by second units and effects departments, and they’re the only things with any sort of energy to them.

As films they lack what makes a film enjoyable, aka characters, charm, wit, emotion. Minor details. While I have a lot of issues with TFA it does at least have some level of heart and that missing energy at least. I really dig Kylo even if he’s just another Marvel esque emo with daddy issues like Loki and Ultron. It holds more weight in terms of impact than those at least. Anyway, the prequels. Do they even work as prequels? I sure don’t see the arcs matching up or the basic connecting threads being given any time or attention. So I can’t enjoy them as films and …they don’t work as their intended function as back story. I’d hate to imagine what good/bad means to fans of these.


TV’s Frink said:

The characters were underwritten?

Sure. One LotR movie has more characterisation than the whole of this trilogy. Bilbo is barely in them, instead there are 45 minutes of some guy carrying gold and then 45 more of a bunch of CGI characters running amok, etc etc. Maybe it’s just my crazy brain but I kind of expected with there being this much running time that they might expand things that matter since the ensemble is quite large. But instead a dumb love triangle briefly and the rest don’t even get dialogue. Go watch some of the production diaries and laugh at how the cast describe who they’re playing.