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Star Wars: Episode VIII to be directed by Rian Johnson

unamochilla2 said:

I'm not familiar with Johnson or his work, yet.  Do you think he'll continue using practical effects and real locations or rely more on CGI and green screens?  Granted, we don't know how much CGI is in Episode VII and no doubt there will be, but the Abrams team has put a lot of emphasis on using more practical effects and real locations.  Also wonder if the next two films will be shot digitally?

Definitely give Looper a watch. It would be my hope and expectation that Rian will continue the emphasis of using real locations, practical effects, and film. That's often my biggest concern with having a different director, the look and feel of the film could possibly be different (for better or for worse), but I trust it is in good hands.

Star Wars: Episode VIII to be directed by Rian Johnson

I have no problem with having different directors for SW, but I guess I am still somewhat surprised that Lucasfilm already decided to hire another director (without first seeing if VII bombs or is successful - hopefully the latter). I'm guessing JJ had told Lucasfilm that he certainly does not want to return for another SW. It really is a daunting task to take on any SW duties these days, that's for sure. Rian is a good choice to take over though, I approve.

Star Wars: Episode VIII to be directed by Rian Johnson

This was interesting news when I just read it before coming here. I was almost expecting to see JJ come back at least once more. I really enjoyed Looper so I'm interested to see Johnson's take on VIII and IX.

So not only is Rian Johnson going to direct them, he's going to write them as well, but has it been stated anywhere yet if Lawrence Kasdan will return and assist with the writing duties, just as he's currently assisting JJ? I really hope so.

I think it's a very good idea though that they've already determined who is going to direct the next installments of Star Wars. This way he is in the 'loop' (pun intended) and can be made aware of where VII is now (the plot), what's been planned for the future etc, and then can already start his writing/planning.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Guess we won't know what exactly happened until and if we get something 'official'. All we can do is wish him a speedy and successful recovery.

It's too bad we may no longer see him personally doing some of his own minor stunts for VII (jumping, running, etc), but he could surprise us.. after all he's probably more machine now than man ;)

Edit: Very cool 5 images. Falcon cockpit is looking really good. It's amazing to see the snow speeder and Tie Interceptor. Interesting new small ship with the curved surface.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

SilverWook said:

It's amazing no spy pictures have emerged of Ford being whisked away to the hospital, or taken after he was there, well away from the web of studio security. I doubt they would have taken his costume off beforehand.

You're very right, I am surprised none have emerged too. I'm glad none have in this case though.

I keep seeing articles about Harrison hoping to announce some good news soon. If true, I am very curious what that would be. It could even be as soon as 6 - 8 weeks before we know what that good news is :)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Oh, you guys have a good eye/memory. I should have recognized that pose of him when it originally said "Hello Reddit" but for some reason it didn't click.

I definitely remember that shot of him walking with JJ, clean-shaven, so I was surprised that he would suddenly have a goatee. All makes sense now :)

Well, it could've been an interesting portrayal of his character to have a goatee in VII, but even clean-shaven he still looks good. Besides, I can imagine Leia complaining that his whiskers tickle :)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

It's good to see Harrison's sense of humor of what's happened lately :)

I wonder if we're looking at how Han Solo is intended to look like in Episode VII? If so, I think he looks great. To me he looks spry with that tough-looking goatee. Strong enough to pull the ears off a Gundark and still able to shoot someone [first].

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

brash_stryker said:

Personally, I've always thought of "cloaking" (at least within the Star Wars universe) to be just making your ship undetectable to the other ship's scanners rather than literally making it invisible.

This is exactly what I thought too. According to SW Wikia though, if anyone still refers to it as canon or not (at least for this subject), the technology to literally cloak does exist and the Slave I does have a cloaking device (and a jamming array for simply staying off sensors, which is likely what he used while following Han).

In any case, it doesn't seem like something Ady would go for...I think it's been discussed before as well.

 This is truth.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Jaitea said:

Stop looking at the leaves and step back to see the forest


I really like your quote there :)

But yeah Boba never intended to kill Han, as some of you have already stated: "He's no good to me dead" (always loved that delivery) and "What if he doesn't survive? He's worth a lot to me". It's possible Boba could've gotten something from Jabba for a dead Han, but it would've been next to nothing (plus he would've missed out on another big pay, the "substantial reward" from Vader, let alone making Vader upset). Just like Greedo, I always imagined the Rodian wanting to take Han in alive for the bigger slice (since he NEVER took a shot at Han).

Side note: I'd enjoy possibly seeing "disintegrations" being used in the PT:R, or at least maybe the reference in a cool voice: "I will disintegrate you" (if there is a Fett still seen).

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

doubleofive said:

There are no score changes in ESBR.

That's good, but what about some of the SE changes? I think there's at least 2 cases when the SE made a change in the soundtrack.

For the SE, one is when they continued the music when Boba's shuttle takes off from the Bespin platform, which I can go either way, with or without it (I like it without the music because you can appreciate more the sound FX of Boba's shuttle going off in the distance and other sounds - I like it with because it continues the sense of urgency for Leia, Chewie and co.).

Another that comes to mind is the changed Imperial March theme while Captain Needa's shuttle is seen heading towards the Executor. I actually favor the SE change in this case because it adds another variation of the theme song, so it doesn't become monotonous (and it loops well with the previous music right after Yoda says "That is why you fail"), but that's up to Ady.

I am hoping things are going well with the Revisited as well :)

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Just speculating, does anyone else here think that Gwendoline Christie's character would make a great android? Think of Xizor's assassin droid, Guri, from the book Shadows of the Empire. She has an imposing frame to play a kickass human-like android.

Edit: @towne32, Honestly, I actually hope Luke doesn't die in VII. One doesn't have to die to "pass on the torch" to another main cast - it's becoming cliché in Star Wars. As iconic as he is, I'd like to see more of Luke as a powerful, full-fledged Jedi Master - even when his role becomes just as a supporting character after VII (just like Yoda's role in V) - seen only when integral for the story. I give him permission to die in IX if he has to :) Han on the other hand, yes it's likely he will die in some way in VII, or at the latest VIII. I trust them to do with each character what they need to do to tell a great Sequel Trilogy.

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Personally, I am very happy with the higher resolution footage seen in the binoculars.

I do agree about the shield generator being a mess in terms of it's inconsistent location throughout the movie, same with the paths of the AT-ATs (not sure how much of that can be corrected, but maybe most of it can be in the 2nd half of the battle). The best suggestion I can think of is Ady actually draws himself a very rough sketch of a map showing (the best way he can determine) the layout of the most notable objects on/near the battlefield - entrance, some trenches, shield generator (and defense turret(s) next to it), the path of the AT-ATs - and from there carefully deciding what can be left as is or what needs to be adjusted in the footage. Sometimes having a visual reference can help when doing this kind of work. I wish him luck when patching up the glaring inconsistencies of the battle :)

I'm on the fence about the close-up of that AT-AT's head. In a way, darkening its window does help it look less like a miniature model imo, but judging the light, you would see more of a reflection on the glass window - maybe something inbetween? Not sure if we'd notice the drivers' heads in the cockpit from that perspective, but maybe.

Speaking of a close-up of an AT-AT's head, I'm curious to see how Ady might have improved that side-view shot of one with an AT-ST in the background. I wouldn't even be opposed if he discards it for something similar but more dynamic.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

I'd imagine Luke would wear something very similar to what he wore in ROTJ for VII, but we'll see.

Since they seem to still be using some old concept arts by McQuarrie (an excellent strategy), I wonder if we'll see someone dressed as the original protagonist concept seen here:

I think I would actually be stoked if they did make use of it for a main character.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

SilverWook said:

unamochilla2 said:


I have serious doubts about that mouse eared fellow though. ;)

Perhaps that mouse eared fellow IS "the ancient fear" ;)

Jokes aside, people can have fun photoshopping that image, but I hope real pictures of Mark/Luke in full costume don't get leaked. The first time I'd like to see him is in motion. At the very earliest, possibly a short teaser trailer, where maybe we hear him say a monologue and then we see a bearded figure in a hood and cloak within the shadows igniting a green lightsaber (in homage to the ROTJ deleted scene) *chills*

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

The pig-like creature has grown on me. My first reaction was "My, what a horribly big snout you have." But I like it overall now. Curious how much of it, if any, they'll choose to enhance with CGI.

Really like the new "evolved" version of the X-Wing that's based on McQuarrie's original concept. It does seem to have a slightly longer neck with a slightly shorter nose than said concept, but it still looks great I think.

Episode VII: The Force Awakens - Discussion * <strong>SPOILER THREAD</strong> *

Tyrphanax said:

DuracellEnergizer said:

Ryan McAvoy said:

oh and I translated this...



(Yes I'm that sad)

Not sure what the symbol is

Maybe it's the Star Wars equivalent of the radiation/biohazard symbol. 

Sarlacc pit in there maybe?

Well whatever that warning is about, it makes you wonder what all the other 291070 warnings (at least) are about too!! :O :P

Serious note: Very interesting pics lately. I like what I see and I'm anxious to see more, but not too much! Btw I doubt anyone's getting fired for making these pics available online.. I'm quite sure it was intentional to tease us with these - It's how JJ roles ;)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

doubleofive said:

I'm not understanding the shake hate. In the original, everyone on the bridge throws themselves around while nothing else moves. It doesn't look right.


 I don't think there's a hate for the shake, at least I certainly don't. There obviously needs to be something. For some though I believe it mostly has to do with what the shake portrays, which in this case it shows one Star Destroyer very foolishly bumping into another. Instead, maybe it'd work better to have a different style of camera shake, a one direction tilt of the camera (perhaps very similar to what's seen in that Star Trek clip you posted) which portrays that the imperials are falling because the ship is suddenly tilting ("take evasive action!") to avoid the other (as seen from the subsequent underbelly shot). The perspective of the other Star Destroyer seen outside the windows should change also if a drastic tilt is implied. So i guess the question for some is: should the imperials be portrayed as complete morons or as more competent risk-takers?

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Got back last night from my very first trip out to Europe for 2 weeks and now I have the chance to finally comment on the latest video :)

Absolutely loved all of the various details you added and reworked, Ady!

Regarding the shaking-cam in the Star Destroyer, I thought that was interesting when I first saw it. I hadn't thought before that the Star Destroyers actually collided with each other (didn't think that they were THAT reckless), instead I thought they only got super close to each other in order to capture the Falcon in a chokepoint (which failed). As for the imperials falling over, I justified it with the sudden "evasive action" tilt of the ship as it's barely avoiding the other. I really do like that effect very much and can go along with the idea that they actually do hit though - it adds a bit more excitement (even if it also does seem very silly and careless of them to get that close and hit, lol).

Amazing work of the new canyon sequence! Regarding the 2 versions though, I'm in the camp who prefers the crashes of the tie fighters in the first version (much more natural looking, more than "super-speed" crashes of the original), but I liked the rest of the changes in the second version (more noticeably the Falcon coming closer and faster towards the camera).

I agree with people who think the tie fighters could/should continue firing at the Falcon in the asteroid canyon, but not too much. I'm thinking it should happen only in that shot of the ships flying over head when first entering the canyon - just firing one shot each (at different times) may be just enough. In the next shot when the ties are about to crash, though, they don't need to be seen firing (at this point they're more focused on making it through the canyon, just as they weren't firing during most of the asteroid sequence).

oh_riginal said:

INVAR said:

Harmy said:

I think the shots are fine as they are but if one did want to add a bit more dynamism to the camera movement, a bit of rotation could help. Here's a rough demonstration of the idea: http://uloz.to/xqKJtVAq/escape-from-hoth-revisited-mp4

 I'm not one to diminish the incredible job Ady is doing with this edit, but THAT little motion just made what Ady did with the Canyon shot more…. WOW!

DEFINITELY adds to the incredible job Ady already did - as if that were possible - but your "rough" demonstration just puts it right over the top.


I hope Ady will consider this as well.

I definitely agree with this also. It's a subtle camera movement but makes a positive affect.

Another thing I'd like to comment on is when the Falcon enters the cave. In the very last shot of it flying further on, the inside appears a tiny bit darker with grayish colors for the Revisited, which is a big improvement over the original, but I think it can still afford to be made darker.

Here's a quick comparison I made.. the bottom half is the current Revisited version and the top half is a quick edit of that Revisited version, which was darkened more and more gradually the further it was from the Falcon..

At this point, the only light-source would be from the Falcon. Therefore, wherever the Falcon is, that area of the cave will be illuminated the most; as it is traveling further to the right, the left side of the screen will get darker (I hope you guys can visualize it in motion what I mean). It would require a bit more work, but I do believe this is worthwhile to consider. Not only will it look more consistent with the previous shot of the cave, it will also make the cave more ominous and the forward light effect more prominent (a very nice touch btw!).

Star Wars: Episode VII to be directed by J.J. Abrams **NON SPOILER THREAD**

Anchorhead said:

I have to say, I'm happy at how forthcoming they've been with information so far.  Particularly at such an early stage.  Cast announced as soon as it was certain, picture from the read-through, and now a picture from the first day. 

No complaints here on their connection to the fans so far.  Abrams knows this is a very big deal.

Agree with you completely there. So far they're doing everything right. JJ's one of the best at film-making secrecy, but he's allowing just the right teases at the right time. It really helps knowing that he has expressed being a SW fanboy of the OT ever since being a kid, so I believe he knows what's good (and what isn't) and what it takes to capture the SW magic again.

TheBoost said:

 I'll say again, I hope they don't just shoehorn in every character from the OT. 

I like Lawson, I like Wedge. I don't need him in an adventure 30 years later.

I understand your concern, but I think if they did it just right, Wedge wouldn't necessarily have felt shoe-horned in the ST (same with Lando, if they include him again). Wedge had some fairly big roles in the OT, so it'd be interesting to see what's happened to him after all these years. He could play a general, just a very minor role who isn't in every ST episode (just like General Rieeken) - you either know it's him or you don't. Of course though it all depends on the story, if a character like his is needed or not. But since he isn't interested in reprising the role, that's that.

Edit: Maybe not, but what if Lawson is simply misleading us just for the sake of throwing us fans off? Actors can do that. Just a thought.