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The Marvel Cinematic Universe

HansiG said:

I think it would be better to have standalone Black Panther and Spiderman movies beforehand.

Black Widow and Hawkeye in the first Avengers were also off, and they were also the only ones without movies.

You need to show us the characters first before making a crossover dammit!

I was afraid of this, but it ended up not being a problem for me. The characters were developed well in a very small amount of time.

Hawkeye didn’t need an origin story, he’s just an average soldier that uses a bow instead of a gun.

Black Widow could have used an origin story though.

Video Games - a general discussion thread

Call of Duty played the part perfectly. DICE knew that they were just gonna keep digging themselves deeper and deeper into Sci-Fi shit, so DICE came back with what people had been asking for, a World War 1 game. It’s hilarious to see so many CoD fans jumping ship to Battlefield over this. And it appears that Activision realized what they had done, so they tried to throw in Modern Warfare to sweeten the deal, but not even that could save them.


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Random Thoughts

HansiG said:

The Shining
Kill Bill
Jessica Jones
The Terminator
Star Wars: Episode VII

Hmm, yeah, I see it. All those have female lead roles and are universally HATED! Right? Or…

I think HansiG has a good point. All of those things are loved by a large amount of people. People are upset with the new Ghostbusters because it’s an unfunny and un-needed reboot of a beloved classic comedy. Some view it as an obvious cash-grab that’s trying to appeal to the ‘feminist’ crowd with a ‘girl-power’ message. I don’t necessarily agree with this, but it’s far more nuanced than “I ain’t gon’ see that movie cuz there’s womanz in it.” I haven’t seen anyone ever espouse the latter position, but I’ll concede that if anyone does hold that view, they’re stupid.

But it appears the conversation has moved on, so I’ll leave it there.

Random Thoughts

DominicCobb said:

Unfortunately there’s really not much doubt about the dislike of the Ghostbusters trailer being due at least in part to misogyny.

Beloved movies/franchises getting reboot/remakes are far from something new (and neither are bad trailers). The volume here is telling (not to mention the comments).

Or perhaps it’s because it wasn’t funny. Literally none of the jokes in the trailer hit, for me at least. It wasn’t necessary to reboot Ghostbusters in the first place, and people always complain when movies are rebooted. It just doesn’t help that they’re rebooting a beloved comedy.

Random Thoughts

Possessed said:

And here I thought my memoirs were leaked.

I don’t think God hates me. But I do. I’m miserable and I hate life. But I don’t blame God for that. There’s bigger and more important things than my pathetic little life. And I’m not being sarcastic or spiteful, really I realize that in the grand scheme of things I don’t matter, so I honestly wouldn’t expect god to care and I understand that. It’s fine, I’ll probably die in a year or so anyway. I can always hope anyway.

Hey man, you matter to me.

Get ready for "Star Wars - Shroud of the Sith", a radical fan edit of "The Phantom Menace"

I love what you did with that. I really got the impression that Anakin was using the force when the audio drowned out. However, I didn’t like the way the engine sound cut out once Binary Sunset started, maybe some kind of audio fade would help. I feel like the first piano version of Imperial March isn’t needed, and for the second Imperial March, I don’t think it needs to continue once he gets to the crowd, just keep the beginning. But nonetheless, I had a huge smile on my face when he gets free of Sebulba and Imperial March plays, I love it.

I think your color-correction also makes the CG aliens look more real, might just be me though.