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Where do I go from here as a SW fan?
I third JediRandy's opinion. Actually, I think I said something similar before.

To wit, it annoys me that people talk about what Star Wars has become, yet continue to support it anyway. It reminds me of 2004, everyone was saying that they were gonna boycott the OT boxed sets for not including the original theatrical versions... but then several people caved in and decided they just HAD to have those movies, even if it wasn't in a form they wanted. And by giving in, they basically lifted their skirts and took off their panties for Lucas, which allows the man with the many chins to continue to manipulate the fanbase.

Personally, I would like nothing more than to see the death of the Star Wars franchise--no more novels, video games, or whatever. We've had too many of them already. It's time to call it quits.

But I suppose if stupid fans can keep Star Trek going long after it became generic, unwatchable trash, they can keep Star Wars going as well.
Where do I go from here as a SW fan?
Originally posted by: Chewy72

I just feel it is a real bummer that the set of movies that I grew up with and still love today are not the versions I love anymore. There will be a saga boxset next year to commerorate 30 years of SW, and there is a big chance that they will only contain SE/PT versions. It is just sad there is a split of fanbase of such a beloved set of movies, and one of those fanbases is truly second class now.

To tell ya the truth, I didn't really understand your topic question. I thought you were looking for recommendations on Star Wars-related things to do that don't involve the SEs or PT... in which case, I again suggest comics, novels, and the older video games.
Where do I go from here as a SW fan?
Where do you go?

Wherever your feet take you.

Seriously... I love the O-OT but it's not my life. If I want more Star Wars, there's the video games, maybe the novels and comics. There's a lot of pre-SE material in that venue available.

Personally, I'd start searching out other things to love. If a path seems to be drawing to a close, it's time to walk a new path.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine

Everyone take notes here:
"I'd rather hear from OUT fans here" = mandate
"I don't agree with Go-Mer's perspective on Star Wars" = mandate.
Wow. Some logic.

You're also saying that Go-Mer is a "problem" and calling his opinions an "infection" that has "spread."

I would, however like an answer to this:

The underlying tone of your responses is interesting. I've done nothing more than call it like I see it. Yet, you respond as though I have some sort of power to make people do what I want. Why do you feel this way?

When I'm in a debate of this nature, I tend to respond to one person as if I'm responding to an entire group. You may find that to be a faulty and possibly unfair way to argue, but it's convenient. Why should I shoot down the "This is OT.com it's only for OUT fans" arguement again and again for each person that plays that card when I can just find one major example of it and call it into question precisely once? Go-Mer may have the time and inclination to do that, but I'm a fan of taking whatever route has the fewest steps, since ultimately the results are better in the end.

Also, I've been a member longer than Go-Mer. Do I get a mea culpa from you?

Sure. mea culpa coffee?

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine

Spare me your ivory tower routine. First of all, I expressed a preference - I didn't issue a mandate (I don't own the forum? Crikey!). If expressing a preference is arrogance, than who in fuck's name ISN'T arrogant? Second of all, re-read the passage and say that I think the PT shouldn't be discussed. You have assigned motive to me which doesn't exist, and that's dishonest.

You're right--I misrepresented your stance. Allow me to apologize and rectify it by quoting your original stance:

So? I'd much rather read Jay, Zion, Anchorhead, Gaffer Tape, Darth Evil, CO, Cable X-1, Invader Jenny, Tiptup, and other OUT fans discuss the PT instead of reading Go-Mer-Tonic, Jedi Randy, Stormtrooper 1776, Darth Toe Jam, and other PT fans discuss anything. When I'm in the mood for their opinions, I go elsewhere. At least I used to, before the infection spread.

So... your stance isn't that the PT shouldn't be discussed, but rather it should only be discussed by OUT fans.

However, my original stance still applies. This forum was never meant specifically for OUT fans, but simply for people who want to see the OUT on DVD. Your "preference" doesn't change that.

And by the way, when you start considering another poster a "problem" and outright call Go-Mer a "troll" due to him not fitting your "preferences," that's certainly "issuing a mandate."

There was no lyceum. I was mocking the solemnity with which you approach this.

Dude, I don't have a sense of humor.

I, for one among many, doubt the sincerity of that support.

Why does his expressed support mean anything? It costs him nothing to lie.

And it costs nothing for you to doubt him. Fact is, as far as I can see he supports the OUT as much as the next person, and I have never seen anything to show the opposite.

Why on earth would that petition begin here?

Why wouldn't it? The name "originaltrilogy.com" doesn't need to refer only to the 1978-1983 Star Wars films. In fact, I've always interpreted the name itself as simply referring to a specific edition of those films (See? I can play the interpretations game too!). And since the name is "originaltrilogy" and not "originalclassictrilogy," there's nothing to say that this site can't also work for the original prequel trilogy.

And if we're now getting the original versions of the classic trilogy, I see no reason we shouldn't also campaign for the original versions of the prequels as well, even if they are movies most of us consider lesser-quality.

Then please explain why none of these other PT/SE fans haven't gotten the Gomer treatment. Why is this limited to Go-Mer?

I would suggest it has something to do with the former members having been able to handle opinions different from their own (after all, the other PT lovers I've seen were just as familiar as Go-Mer after a few weeks) and being secure enough as to not feel threatened by someone with different views.

Furthermore, I've been involved in many of the same discussions as Go-Mer (and not always on his side) and I fail to see how he's "jamming it up our ass" any more than any other PT fan is, and I've never once seen him derail a topic as many here claim. Indeed, in every topic I've seen where he talks about the PT, the PT was already a relevant topic anyway. The only thing he does is take a stance that isn't precisely the same as all the angry extremist anti-Lucas nerds here, in fact he's probably the most cool-minded and reasonable poster here.

As Go-Mer is fond of quoting, "Your focus determines your reality." You do not see how because it doesn't fit your worldview. Wait, what am I saying? You're objective!

I tend to think it's more likely that valid examples of Go-Mer's "jamming" simply don't exist. After all, I've asked his critics to name examples and all I got for it was a comparison written by one such critic, of Go-Mer to a South Park character.

I agree with most of what you say here. I didn't make (and haven't made) the topic, and I won't start one once this one is locked. However, if you think I'm wrong for contributing to it, well, what are you doing here? You're not a mod. If you're appalled at the illegality of this thread, then your additions to it only make it grow.

What? Avoid the topic? And let an as-far-as-I-know honest poster stand alone against a mob? Not only would that be immoral, but I also know from past experience on previous forums that if you let these lynch-mobbers be once, they'll decide they run the place and will do it again and again until them and those like them are the only ones allowed to talk. There needs to be a balance.

Now, if someone could show me, conclusively and inarguably, that Go-Mer was a troll, then I would very gladly either step aside, or join the lynch-mob.

and yet you have this notion that God or someone has given you divine authority to tell Go-Mer what he is or isn't allowed to post. So sorry, but Go-Mer has not violated the TOS or any forum rules, so he is quite welcome here unless the actual moderators of this.







Space intentionally left blank.

"Recognized authority figure?" OMG, is this a paying position somewhere?

I meant as in, either a moderator or administrator. I figured you'd be able to assume that.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Tiptup
You two should try cooling down your argument and be less personal.

Everyone has the right to express his or her opinion on how this forum should be run . . . so long as Jay allows that of course.

Sorry... I do get a little too passionate.

But I can't help it... people who think only opinions they agree with should be heard, people who act like authorities on things they know nothing about, and people who make up their own rules so they can try to force said rules on people who don't want them are three of my biggest pet peeves, and I don't feel the least bit sorry to hurt the feelings of those who press my hot buttons.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine

That's it. Nowhere does it say "OT Only."

Really? What's the URL again?

A URL is just a location, not a descriptor. If I live on Smith Street, it doesn't mean my last name is Smith.

In fact even before Go-Mer came, most of our topics were about the PT. When I first arrived here in 2004, most of our discussion had nothing to do with the OT and in fact was all about the PT and people speculating on how Lucas was going to resolve certain plot points in the PT.

So? I'd much rather read Jay, Zion, Anchorhead, Gaffer Tape, Darth Evil, CO, Cable X-1, Invader Jenny, Tiptup, and other OUT fans discuss the PT instead of reading Go-Mer-Tonic, Jedi Randy, Stormtrooper 1776, Darth Toe Jam, and other PT fans discuss anything. When I'm in the mood for their opinions, I go elsewhere. At least I used to, before the infection spread.

Sorry bud, but it doesn't work that way--you can't say PT discussion isn't allowed, then turn around and say it is but only in certain circumstances. It either is or it isn't.

And the last way you're going to win an arguement is by saying "You can speak, but only as long as you agree with me." Guess what? You don't own the forum, and the people who DO own it apparently see nothing wrong with Go-Mer or pro-PT discussion, or they would say so. Your behavior is the height of arrogance and self-righteousness.

Thirdly, if this forum is only for discussing the OUT, why do we have a section called "Theatrical Cuts vs. Special Editions"? Oops, facts shoot you in the foot once again.

In fact, the name "originaltrilogy.com" has nothing to do with the forum itself, but simply that this site is a campaign headquarters for the preservation of the original, unaltered versions of the first three Star Wars movies. The forum is not even the main goal or feature of this site--it is purely an accessory.

It's a campaign HQ - for like-minded fans.

Only in your interpretation.

The idea that originaltrilogy.com is a site strictly for those who don't like the PT and who only want to discuss the original versions of the first three Star Wars films is entirely a modern myth.

Yes, I remember the extensive discussion on this topic at a lyceum our local university hosted.

Unless the founders and owners of this site were present at this discussion, whatever conclusions you came to are still your subjective beliefs and don't mean jack.

Geez, would you go up to the owners of Wal-Mart and tell them what products they're not allowed to carry as well? Because that's the exact impression I'm getting from you--one of those errant nobodies who feels he owns and controls everything.

The entire focus of this site is getting the O-OT out on DVD and in the best quality possible. If you support that, you belong here. Go-Mer supports that, so he belongs.

I, for one among many, doubt the sincerity of that support.

Too bad your doubts mean nothing. That is, unless you have some damning evidence that his support is just a facade. And no, "he supports the PT" is not evidence.

(In fact, I've begun to wonder if we'll next petition for the uncut, theatrical release of the PT).

This forum was NEVER about bashing the PT or the SEs, in fact there have been many, many members here who have loved both and don't demonize George Lucas

-none of whom try to jam the PT/SE up our ass. Notice no one is complaining about those other "many, many members?" Explain that, resident sociologist.

Again your stance changes. First you say there shouldn't be PT/SE discussion at all, then you say PT/SE discussion is allowed as long as its limited to criticism of the PT/SE, now you say its allowed as long as it's not "jammed up our ass." Pick a stance and stick with it, man.

Furthermore, I've been involved in many of the same discussions as Go-Mer (and not always on his side) and I fail to see how he's "jamming it up our ass" any more than any other PT fan is, and I've never once seen him derail a topic as many here claim. Indeed, in every topic I've seen where he talks about the PT, the PT was already a relevant topic anyway. The only thing he does is take a stance that isn't precisely the same as all the angry extremist anti-Lucas nerds here, in fact he's probably the most cool-minded and reasonable poster here.

If anything, it's not Go-Mer that derails topics... its people who spam up every topic Go-Mer is in just so they can bash him. Which, by the way, I've read this board's terms of service, and harrassing another member is A VIOLATION OF THOSE TERMS. And yet, Go-Mer's critics have made a topic all about Go-Mer--by this site's own TOS, that should be grounds for an immediate ban of the topic starter (not to mention, this topic is posted in "General Star Wars" when in fact it has nothing to do with Star Wars, so its off-topic as well).

I also like the "people who joined the forum quite recently". I'm sure that matters.

It matters a lot--it shows you have no grounds for claiming that this forum is meant to cater to a specific mindset. It's awfully pretentious of you to come in here and act like you know more about this forum and its purpose than the long-time members and even its founders.

I once knew a kid who was just like you--he would come over on weekends, and proceed to act like everything I owned was his. He would decide what movies we were and weren't allowed to watch, what video games we weren't allowed to play, and what activities we were and weren't to anticipate in. He would even plug devices into my computer without permission (which caused me to have to delete several viruses). I like to keep things perfectly organized, but he would leave games on the floor and CD-ROMs laying on tables, out of cases. Finally, I got sick of him and simply said I don't want him to come over anymore.

You're the same damn way: You come to this forum with fists swinging and laying down all these rules about what is and isn't allowed, but guess what: This is not your forum. You don't own it, you didn't create it. All you did was fill out a signup form and recieve a password. You haven't even been here half as long as Go-Mer has, and yet you have this notion that God or someone has given you divine authority to tell Go-Mer what he is or isn't allowed to post. So sorry, but Go-Mer has not violated the TOS or any forum rules, so he is quite welcome here unless the actual moderators of this. YOU are little more than a spoiled, pampered brat, crying "me me me." YOU are the one who does not belong here, because this forum is about Star Wars, and that's ALL Star Wars, not just the parts you want to hear about, not just pandering to your private wants, not just you, you, you.

You want a forum where all anyone can talk about is what you want to hear? Make your own forum. Don't pester up forums that you didn't create and are not a recognized authority figure on and go telling everyone what we're not allowed to say.

Does the hostility by some here bother you? Good. Now you have a taste of what it felt like over there.

So... this entire arguement is because you have some unfulfilled need for revenge?
A New Hope HDTV screenshots
Originally posted by: Vigo
Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar
Errr... maybe I'm blind or something, but I don't see a single darn thing that makes these screenshots look any better than the non-HD versions. Actually, I think a lot of these look just like the 2006 DVD.

Perhaps you should click on the picture to zoom them in. You most probably are not running a 1920 x-resolution.

I DID Zoom in. Dude, I'm not stupid. Blind to this quality everyone else is seeing maybe, but not stupid.

In fact right after looking at the pic with the two moons (which, when zoomed, didn't look at all detailed or pristine) I went and compared the scene to the same one on my 2006 SE DVD. Still no difference.

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: CO

Gomer, in an earlier post, you said you want to stop the negativity of George Lucas, cause it is not helping our cause.

He'd be right. Even if Lucas himself doesn't read these forums, others do. Large companies monitor the fan communities because it helps them make marketting decisions. Other fan communities also monitor us, and frankly, originaltrilogy.com isn't taken very seriously.

After seeing a bunch of people make sexual innuendos about George Lucas, despite the forum's owner specifically asking us to tone down the Lucas-bashing, I can see why.

Seriously, we come off as a ground of angry nerds who will never be satisfied. Lucas could read about us and be saying to himself, "I could release the O-OT in higher-than-high definition, with a digital remastery that totally surpasses everything, and including every concievable special feature imaginable, and on top of that, give it away for free to anyone who asks... and these guys would still hate my guts. So why bother?"
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: vote_for_palpatine

This, then, brings us back to my post about the ten-year rift of Star Wars fandom. My argument was that all fans - OUT, SE, PT, Holiday Special - should have places to go. The impression I got, by the name


was that this site was for OUT fans.

There's a fallibility in that.

This topic is happening on the "General Star Wars Discussion" forum. When I go to the forum index, it describes this section thusly:

"General Star Wars Discussion
General discussion about the Star Wars universe."

That's it. Nowhere does it say "OT Only." In fact even before Go-Mer came, most of our topics were about the PT. When I first arrived here in 2004, most of our discussion had nothing to do with the OT and in fact was all about the PT and people speculating on how Lucas was going to resolve certain plot points in the PT.

In fact, the name "originaltrilogy.com" has nothing to do with the forum itself, but simply that this site is a campaign headquarters for the preservation of the original, unaltered versions of the first three Star Wars movies. The forum is not even the main goal or feature of this site--it is purely an accessory.

The idea that originaltrilogy.com is a site strictly for those who don't like the PT and who only want to discuss the original versions of the first three Star Wars films is entirely a modern myth. It was never true. The entire focus of this site is getting the O-OT out on DVD and in the best quality possible. If you support that, you belong here. Go-Mer supports that, so he belongs.

My argument is that it is troll behavior to go to a board whose bias is in obvious conflict with yours and argue for the opposite.

Except for, Go-Mer is not against the O-OT being released on DVD.

This forum was NEVER about bashing the PT or the SEs, in fact there have been many, many members here who have loved both and don't demonize George Lucas--in fact this board's very moderator has a stickied topic right here on this very forum that is titled "please tone down the Lucas bashing." The idea that OT.com is strictly for people who bash the PT, the SEs, and George Lucas is a modern myth, and furthermore seems to be carried particularly by two groups of people: Go-Mer haters, and people who joined the forum quite recently. Frankly, seeing these people who joined last month telling Go-Mer what this board is about is like a Christian going to China and saying you're not really Chinese unless you believe in Jesus.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
By any chance...are you Gomer's doppelganger that flames people? It seems like a likely conclusion with that post.

So anyone who disagrees with you is "flaming" you now?

Just look at my date of registration--2004, a year and eight months before Go-Mer ever reared his head, and yet just because I agree with him, you're trying to lop me in with him. That hurts your case more than anything.

FYI, it's lame and makes you look foolish to take someone's whole post and analyze it sentance by sentance. \

If you can't come up with a real counterpoint, just say so. Trying to worm your way out with these made-up rules only makes you look weak.

Figure out the facts before you judge others. Here's an excerpt from another post of mine about Gomer.

Originally posted by: Darth_Evil

If anyone watches South Park, you might remember a very funny epsiode called "All About Mormons." In it, Stan meets the new kid on the block, who is mormon. He goes over to the family's house for dinner, and they are all cheery and laid back and no matter what anyone ever says to them, it bounces right off. They act all passive and happy to make people belive in mormonism (which is the stupidest religion on earth next to scientology.) At the end of the episode, Stan stops being friends with the mormon kid, and the kid tells Stan how great it is to be Mormon and that he has all he ever wants, but Stan can go suck his balls. The other kids think that the mormon kid is cool. So, basically the mormon family is getting South Park to convert to mormonism just by flaunting it all over the place, not telling people to be mormons or being mean to them because they are mormons.

Sound a bit like Go-Mer, doesn't it?

Go-Mer, you have not once told someone off for being an OOT fan, or not liking the prequels. But every time we express our views, you flaunt your love of all things Lucas in our face, just like the mormon family on south park. And then you try and say everyone should be able to have the best version of version of the film they prefer. But you don't really believe it. You're just trying to convert us by acting all calm and cool and trying to make us think being a "saga" fan will make us all happy and cool.

If you still don't get it, Go-Mer just pretends to care about the OOT preservation. He acts like he's on our side, while at the other time singing the praises of Lucas. These things totally contradict each other, and he tries to pass that off by saying he respects everyone's opinions. And he's never outright put down someone for liking the OOT, but that is his strategy. And with each and every last post he makes he is proving my point.


Going out of your way to flame and provoke a specific poster IS considered trolling on most forums, yes.

And I fail to see what you hoped to gain with your long recap of an analogy that fails on so many points.

What's funny is that the South Park mormon sounds more like YOU. You convert people to anti-Go-Mer-ism simply because you won't stop repeating your made-up stories of Go-Mer's supposed crimes and won't stop talking about how much you hate Go-Mer. All the other Go-Mer critics do is constantly repeat the same things you say--in fact it's almost like they're too uncreative to come up with their own stories so they just use yours. Kind of like alien abduction "victims."

The only possible way you cannot see this is if you are actually Gomer's doppelganger, like I suggested above.

Which will be hard to pull off, considering that doppelgangers don't exist.

I hope you won't mind me emphasizing some words in your next two paragraphs:

No one on this board is bashing Gomer simply because he has different opinions then me. I want him gone for my reasoning in the above excerpt, and for facts that others have brought up. He has gotten rid of the fun of this site. It used to be a laid back place with everyone getting along for the most part, and where we could chat with people sharing our views.

Yes, I do get annoyed with Gomer having different views. But I can tolerate it if he would just be a normal member, instead of posting 24/7 and trolling like he is. I liked this site much better when everyone was on the same page.

Can you say, "caught in a bold-faced contradiction?"

You have as much as ADMITTED that your only beef with Go-Mer is that he's different.

And have you noticed that I'm not the only one expressing dislike for him? Why don't you flame the others disliking him. Why not do that? Do the others have longer posts, thus, better points? Well if this post isn't long enough for you, then I don't know what is.

That you think length equals quality says pretty much everything about the amount of valid logic in your posts.

Why do I single you out? Because of all of Go-Mer's critics, you are the most annoying and persistent. I hate the way you kiss the ass of anyone who agrees with you, whether their points are valid are not. If I were to post tomorrow and link to a webpage made with Netscape Composer that claims Go-Mer is actually an Iraqi Terrorist, you would be showering me with compliments. That's how shallow you are.

What's worse is, you think you're right as long as other people agree with you. That's the same kind of mentality that has consistently held back any sort of intelligent discussion on online forums for as long as the internet has existed (not to mention has resulted in far worse things in real life), and frankly I will fight that mentality wherever I see it.

You're also the most annoying and persistently terrible liar I have ever come across. You constantly claim you don't mind Go-Mer for being different, while at the same time your two most consistent problems with Go-Mer are that A) he posts too much and B) he supports Lucas and the PTs. I don't know what kind of fools you think me and everyone else to be, but anyone can read your posts and see past your lies and realize that ultimately, you only hate Go-Mer for not having the same opinions as you. You can say otherwise all you want, but your words betray your thoughts.

You have consistently failed to bring any sort of facts or evidence into the debate, even though you claim otherwise. I don't know what fantasy world you live on, but on this planet, quoting some post where you compare Go-Mer to a South Park character doesn't count as proof of anything except your ability to draw connections--which isn't much because finding similarities and patterns is a basic aspect of human nature.

You, frankly, don't know how to carry an arguement. You want to prove Go-Mer is such a disruption, and yet you never once have linked to or even named a topic he has disrupted. If Go-Mer is such a disruption, surely there must be dozens of topics he has derailed.... yet you can't produce even one. In fact, the only topics that have ever been "disrupted" were ones where people have entered specifically to flame Go-Mer.

It's not Go-Mer who has the problem--it's you and those like you.

You're acting totally childish, singling me out and flaming me, when at least twenty other posters have expressed similar contempt on this thread alone.

You can blame most of that on time constraints--I'm only online for about four or five hours a day and I don't spend all those hours at a single forum, so I can't be bothered to respond to everyone. That, and I feel Go-Mer is doing a fine enough job defending himself. Really, most of his critics do little more than repeat the same things you say, and those that don't usually come up with something even weaker.

But I've got time tonight, so maybe I'll respond to some of the other guys.

Of course, this is the point where you suddenly do an about-face and say I'm now being childish for fighting with Go-Mer's other critics, right?
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
Yeah....whatever. I've actually made lots of good points about this.

Yea? Where? All I've seen you do is talk about what a BANE ON THE UNIVERSE'S ASS that Go-Mer is and say you want to keep making topics about him in order to get him banned. That's a "good point" only to six-year-old boys.

I've said many times, he's not a troll for having different opinions, but for derailing every thread to that topic and shoving his opinions on everyone.

Except that he doesn't. That's just your unsubstantiated fantasy. I've pointed out many topics that Go-Mer hasn't derailed or spammed even though they would be PERFECT targets for him, and Go-Mer has pointed out even more such topics. Yet you just casually ignore this.

I am not the kind of guy that bashes people for having different opinions on things like movies.

Except that that's exactly what you're doing while at the same time pretending you're not.

Why do I even bother? Go-Mer has facts on his side. I have facts on mine. You have nothing except yourself and a bunch of people who are willing to agree with you out of hand simply because they don't like different opinions. Me and Go-Mer have presented facts again and again that show your general interpretation of him to be flawed (if not outright wrong) but you never listen. All you do is say, "shut up Go-Mer" again and again. That, if anything, is proof that it is YOU and those like you who are unwilling to listen.

So there's no point to this discussion at all.

For once, we agree on something.

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
You know what really drove me away from the Star Wars fandom?

The insecure little asstwats who can't handle opposing views.

Many of Gomer's critics (especially Darth_Evil) have failed to make a single intelligent arguement. In fact, most of what I've seen them do is advocate bully tactics ("let's keep making topics about Go-Mer until he gets banned!") and step on their own damn toes.

I mean, who is really mature here, the guy who is keeping his calm and being logical DESPITE BEING UNDER PRESSURE, or the insecure little mid-teens who keep making bad jokes about Go-Mer being homesexual?

I think the arguements speak for themselves.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil

There's already a place to talk about SE changes vs Theatrical, and any newbie can find it. (I did.) If Gomer did, one day, answer something within the realm of the Unaltered trilogy, I'd listen to him and would not call it trolling because it would not BE trolling. When every post is the same thing, glorifying Lucas and pushing our buttons, he's trolling. I will complain about him until the day he begins bringing relevant points to this discussion. Simple as that. I'm reasonable, and I'm fair. People who come here and love the PT are ok in my book, as long as they don't shove opinions down our throats and actually have evidence to support thier claims.

As I said earlier, if Go-Mer is such a PT Gusher, why did he actually contribute ideas to fan-prequels in the "What did the PT Need" topic? Heck, that's a topic ABOUT problems with the PT and I don't see Go-Mer spamming it up....

Oh, and why do we keep whining about PT changes? Oh yeah. Gomer keeps derailing the threads to that topic, in which we present our views. If he didn't keep derailing topics, those opinions would only come up sparingly.

Nice. The problem is your wrong. I've been coming here for two years and even befoe Go-Mer arrived, 9/10 of our discussion was all about the PT and how much it sucked.

Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: CO
I think have sort of a solution to everyones problem, so this way nobody gets banned, and we don't get labeled a site of being exclusionary like TFN.

I think Jay needs to divde up discussions boards now as a whole seperate board for PT talk, and OT talk. This way it atleast keeps any PT talk to a whole seperate page that anyone here who doesn't recognize them as movies have to even venture on, and for those fans of the O-OT who like, love, or even hate em, but still love gushing or bitching about them, they can talk all they want.

I tried to achieve this at TFN by establishing an O-OT Page, where every topic was circa 1977-83, so there was no chance of any SE lover chiming in about the new SPX, Greedo shooting first, or Hayden in ROTJ. I was shot down, and pretty much laughed at, and that was one of the reasons I stopped posting there.

So Jay, I think if you have seperate boards for OT & PT talk, and all the saga talk 1-6 can also go on the PT board, I think alot of people wouldn't get as mad anymore, cause I think many of them won't even venture on that board. And then you could see who a real troll is if they start making smart ass remarks on an OT board.

There's a very huge problem here. As per your proposal:

* Any OT talk that involves the SEs goes on the PT board
* Any Star Wars talk that encompasses all six movies would go on the PT board
* Any SW talk that doesn't involve strictly the O-OT (and, presumeably, the EU based around the O-OT) goes on the PT board.

First of all, newbies would get confused at this. They would see a board called the "OT Board" and assume its the place to talk about the SEs. They would never think that you would talk about the SE-OT on a board labelled PT--it just isn't logical.

Secondly, considering that practically all we do here is moan about the changes and the PT, it seems to me like all that would happen is that most of the discussion would migrate to the PT board and we'd be right back where we began.

Thirdly, topics such as Lucas interviews.... where would they go?

Finally, the fundemental question of Go-Mer would not be resolved at all. In fact, I suspect that people like Darth_Evil would just continue complaining about him. It would be worse because we'd have people finding even more baseless reasons to pounce on him.

Case in point, imagine if someone posted in the hypothetical O-OT Forum, and asked about an obscure plot point in Return of the Jedi, and Go-Mer responded and simply answered the question, WITHOUT bringing the PT or the SEs or the EU into the discussion (which I know he's capable of because I have seen him do it). Go-Mer's critics would not care for the actual content of his post, they would simply see a Go-Mer post in the O-OT forum and assume he was "trolling," and in their minds they would have even more hard evidence even though they really wouldn't.

Personally, I think it would be bad management if Originaltrilogy.com created another subsection for their forums--the ones they have already cover pretty much all the ground possible and adding a new one would not resolve anything, but would actually create more problems later down the line.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Tiptup
Originally posted by: JamesEightBitStar

Honestly, I think the thing that ticks most people off about Go-Mer is that they can't concretely prove he's a troll. I mean last year, there was a PT Gusher who went around and cussed out anyone who didn't like the PT--that was a troll. And funnily enough, he didn't get half the reaction Go-Mer does.

He or she probably didn't make endless numbers of pointless, insinuating replies like Go-Mer does.

The guy I described was 10x worse than Go-Mer. People call Go-Mer a Lucas suckup, but this other guy would literally CUSS YOU OUT if you didn't like the PT or the SEs. And he posted much more than Go-Mer did. And again, he didn't get half the reaction that Go-Mer is getting now.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: Darth_Evil
Shut up you stupid fucker.

Here's my opinion on Go-Mer. He's a classic internet troll, and an excellent one at that. He's a textbook troll and anyone saying otherwise is a textbook idiot. He derails every thread he visits making it a PT arguement so he can glorify his gay lover Lucas. I'll say it one more time. I AM OK WITH DIFFERING OPINIONS, but only when they add to the discussion, and don't derail it. Hell, who knows if Go-Mer even really thinks it. He's just trolling.

And this thread probably only has a few posts left before Jay closes it. Remember how I tried the same thing?

We need to ban Go-Mer. End of story.

Wow, what a logical, mature, thought-provoking arguement!

Seriously, I've seen many topics Go-Mer was in that he DIDN'T derail--heck, he hasn't derailed the "What did the PT Need?" topic, and that one's all about how fans could improve the PT. He's actually contributed ideas for it.

I fail to see where the idea that he's sucking up to Lucas comes from--he's more lenient on the guy than the rest of us, but he's no more lenient on Lucas than, say, I am for Michael Jackson's change of skin color. Go-Mer seems only to say that we don't have all the facts, or that we misinterpret the ones we do have. Maybe he's wrong, but that doesn't make him a troll.

Honestly, I think the thing that ticks most people off about Go-Mer is that they can't concretely prove he's a troll. I mean last year, there was a PT Gusher who went around and cussed out anyone who didn't like the PT--that was a troll. And funnily enough, he didn't get half the reaction Go-Mer does.

I've seen a lot of posts by Go-Mer and I don't see anything that makes him different from any other poster who just happens to see redeeming value in the PT. He's not "gushing" it, he's not writing "love letters to Lucas" or whatever people are accusing him of doing. The worst he's doing is having an opinion different from yours.

Yea, I know, you say you're okay with differing opinions... but your anger proves you are not.
What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
Not sure what you mean about the Gandalf example... he never changed throughout the books, he just got promoted.

Personally I tend to view Star Wars as a straightforeward fantasy/action series and in my own stories, probably won't go too psychological/profound. That being said (and this probably isn't what you meant, but), that does make me think that if it were a clone that was thawed, I'd have him act different from the original just to comment on the fact that people are individuals and that their genetics mean jack-be-diddly (IMO).
What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
In another topic, Go-Mer said he had once heard a rumor about a character getting frozen in the prequel trilogy, and then getting thawed out in the sequel.

Just immediately, I thought that was such a cool possibility. Who would get frozen? And what's more, this person could be the "other" that Yoda mentioned in Empire Strikes Back! (Honestly, even IF Leia is Luke's sister, there's no way she could be the "other" hope Yoda mentioned).
What did the Prequel Trilogy need?
Originally posted by: auraloffalwaffle

JamesEightBitStar, would you prefer to have all SW characters named with familiar western names, rather than made-up stuff like 'Obi-Wan' and 'Han' and so on?

What I mean is, in the OT you had characters with weird, but more natural, fantasy-evoking names like "Luke Skywalker" and "Han Solo" and "Leia Organa." Even "Obi-Wan Kenobi" is a bit more traditional. Then we have the Expanded Universe, where suddenly we have characters whose names don't sound natural at all and sound like they're just trying to be as unusual as possible, such as Quigon Jinn, Jar Jar Binks... and I'm sure I could come up with hundreds more if I looked through Wikipedia. I've never really liked this trend towards "nonsense" names that the EU showed.
Opinion Poll on Go-Mer-Tonic
Originally posted by: CO

The purpose of this site is for fans who want the O-OT fully restored or atleast respected, and Gomers line that 'this is the best the O-OT has looked and we should thank Lucas for even putting it out' shows me he is a troll, because no normal person who owns a DVD wants any of their DVD's to come out in Laserdisk quality.

And this is where I come off thinking Gomer's critics are acting like petulant children.

Seriously, there's nothing trollish about the Gomer line you quoted, and last I remember the purpose of this site was to get the O-OT out on DVD, PERIOD, not get it out then say it wasn't good enough.

And, "no normal person who owns a DVD wants any of their DVD's to come out in Laserdisk quality?" Well hell, if the 2006 bonus discs are what "Laserdisk quality" looks like, its darn fine by me. SW fans harp on those like they're the worst and most unwatchable discs ever made, but they're not really all that bad. I've seen a ton of movie DVDs--including movies made AFTER star wars--that looked far better.

As for Go-Mer, honestly I have never seen a convincing arguement against him. He's only a "troll" if "troll" means "He has opinions that disagree with most of the forum." You say that TF.N just wants PT Gushers. Well if Go-Mer gets banned, then that makes us no better than TF.N, because obviously all we want is a bunch of yes-men who will agree with whatever the popular views are.

I've been fighting trolls since 1998, and I know their patterns. I've seen a lot of Go-Mer's posts and nothing about them strikes me as trollish. Trolls try hard to openly offend people. Go-Mer doesn't--he just has a different opinion, and everyone criticizes him for it. If Go-Mer's a troll, then he must be a very subtle one--and in my experience, trolls don't believe in subtlety.

So quit your bellyaching and stop acting like children.