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Movies that have never been released in original form on DVD

Originally posted by: Lord Peeler
Do you even concieve how lame it is to compare a DVD release to being in physical pain?

Do you realize that the story wasn't changed, just the effects? Luke is still from tatooine, he's still a whiny little bitch,


Luke's a "whiny little bitch?" SINCE WHEN?!

You've just proven that you have even less track of the plot than the guy who said Boba Fett had a vendetta against the Skywalker family.

Movies that have never been released in original form on DVD

Originally posted by: Lord Peeler
I'll use whatever icon I like, thank you very much.

"I'll never buy the Ses on VHS, DVD, etc". Whatever. You already own them on VHS, because you bought them back in '97 when they came out.

But the point I need to make is, how the hell can anyone act surpised that Lucas isn't going to put the rough-cut out on DVD? He said nine years ago, NINE YEARS AGO thar the "95 release was the LAST TIME the original versions would ever be released on video.

And you get on to US for not paying attention.

"would never be released ON VIDEO." Back in the day, that generally referred to VHS tapes. It still does--DVDs are called DVDs, not videos. He never said anything about not releasing the movies on LD or some other format which may come around in the future.

Now, care to go suck the magic pacifier?
BOYCOTT (the 2004 OT SE DVD release)

Originally posted by: jimbo
I hardly noticed that cencorship on the death star. Its the same as the censorship in Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Some scenes were censored a bit and I didn't like it but such small unnoticable censorship is not enough to boycott a movie as great as Who Framed Roger Rabbit. Anyone who could deny themselves one of the best movies over a couple missing frames needs to rethink.

What was censored out of Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

(I've already bought the DVD, but I didn't notice anything missing).

George Lucas' explanation why the OT is obsolete to him

Originally posted by: Samatar
Does anyone really buy that the SE's are what Mr Lucas originally envisioned when he made the old versions? Did he really picture Jabba as he appeared in ROTJ when he made "A New Hope?" Or did he just decide that he liked the way Jabba looked -after- ROTJ was made?

Well, here's the description of Jabba straight from the original edition of Star Wars: From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker (whcih pre-dates Jedi by quite a few years):

"A great mobile tub of muscle and suet topped by a shaggy scarred skull."

That's not all, either... the Empire Strikes Back novelization describes Yoda as being blue and having long, white hair!

As for Lucas' statements... I'll be damned if I ever buy into anything he states ever again.

The Novels
Hey guys, I asked this on another forum, but no one knew for sure. So I am asking here.

We all know that Lucas has altered the movies. I was wondering if any of the Novels have ever been altered in a similar fashion? The only one I know of was the renaming of the first Star Wars novel "From the Adventures of Luke Skywalker" to "A New Hope." So far, I've seen nothing to make me suspect that Lucas has cared to alter the novels (which if that's the case, would be quite a blessing) but I wanted to know if there's ever been any articles or reports on this subject.
George Lucas no longer cares

Originally posted by: sean wookie
how can any one hate mel brooks films

I didn't wanna continue this arguement, but you asked... so...

I just find Mel Brooks' humor cheap, juvenile, and basically not all that funny. Granted, I do find he's got a few good tricks (I loved the randomly-inserted bear in Spaceballs) but most of the time I just find him dry. An example of this is during the showdown between Lone Starr and Dark Helmet in Spaceballs, where they both put their Schwartz rings over their groin areas and their lightsabers come out, and Dark Helmet makes a comment about their Schwartzes being of equal size. My impression was "Was that supposed to be FUNNY?" as I realized that this was the type of joke that a high school jock would come up with.

That's just my opinion, of course.
Thoughts on SE
Okay, now that I've seen them, here's my thoughts.

Personally, I just found it way too jarring, seeing these digital effects in a movie that was obviously made in the 1970s/early 80s. This distracted me to know end and lowered my enjoyment of the films. Other than that, I had no problems with them...

... Except for one: That horrible musical number in Return of the Jedi. Come on Lucas, this is Star Wars, not a flippin' Disney film!
George Lucas no longer cares

Originally posted by: jimbo
No where. George Lucas hates this film. Hes hated it since the beginning. He never released it on video and never allowed it to air again. He said he would burn every copy of that abomination if he could.

Funny, considering that one of the features on the Attack of the Clones DVDs features footage from it.

As for Spaceballs.... no comment. *James hates Mel Brooks films*