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- #482154
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- Idea: a Star Trek 2009 Extended Cut?
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- https://originaltrilogy.com/post/id/482154/action/topic#482154
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Octorox said:
FanFiltration said:
Rura Penthe was established as an ice planet in Star Trek VI. A planet where without proper clothing, no humanoid lifeforms could survive for very long on the surface.
Could you guys add in a few snow flakes and a bit of ice? Or could you make it look like this is underground or under some type of dome?
Isn't Delta Vega supposed to be a desertish Planet too? I believe they established that in TOS.
Reminds me of the Robot Chicken Star Wars bit where the serpent creature dismissed the notion of a planet defined by a single geographic feature. :) No, what we saw of Delta Vega, in the TOS 2nd pilot, "Where No Man Has Gone Before" didn't establish much, other than they beamed down to a temperate region. It was an apparently strip-mined area near the lithium cracking station. Thick storm clouds were in the distance. In the remastered edition, the clouds were subtly moving behind the station's structures, with rain streaks falling from them. (The streaks might be in the original background as well - blu ray needs to be installed here, to check).
In any case, this would have to be a different "Delta Vega", as the TOS one was extremely close to the rim of the galaxy. (Annoys me that they lifted the name, it worked against the movie's careful attention to trivia. The intention was probably to call back to the episode's sense of you-don't-want-to-be-stranded-here). IIRC, there was a single bush seen in that artificially-barren region.
To get pendantic, as is my wont, an "ice planet" would have to have considerable vegetation, somewhere, in order to have a breathable atmosphere. In TNG, using microbes to achieve an atmosphere, in any reasonable time frame, seemed to be somewhat cutting edge. And in TOS "The Cloud Minders", the botanical plague threatened to wipe out the source of a planet's oxygen. Heck this one even had monsters - animal life.
So, anyway, I generally liked the movie. My full opinion will hinge on the next movie(s). And I'd also much rather have a series - movies have to be "big, big big", gets in the way of substance, and the actors age too dang much between movies.
Looking forward to this edit.
Wish I could pitch in. So little time for fandom stuff, anymore. My attempts to get more educated with compositing, CGI, et. al, leave me spinning my wheels, trying to get over the starting line. :-\ (Any starting line). Never enough time to really dig in.