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What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

Vader hunting down and killing the Jedi instead of order 66, Anakin’s wife living and going to Alderaan with Leia. I wish i could find the article talking about it. The one Lucas came up with in the 1980s. It also has Palpatine as a Nixon type who subverts a democracy.

I believe it might be touched upon in Paul Duncan’s book but i don’t have that one myself.

What do you think of The Prequel Trilogy? A general discussion.

The gulf between the OT and the prequel is just too wide for me. I’m never going to accept them as a true continuation of that story. Lucas original prequel concept fit the OT why he changed it only he knows. Many of the canon contradictions were preventable. That isn’t to say the OT is perfect i still think Leia as the sister is stupid. Vader reveal as Luke’s father works because it was done well, imagine if it had been handled as badly as the prequel.

Your DVD Collection

Added Return of the Jedi Special Edition with OBI. Laserdisc Japanese Release CLV.

Added Making of Star Wars/ SPFX:Making of Empire Strikes Back. First issue Japanese release analog audio only triangle OBI.

Worked out a deal to get both for 59 dollars after tax, free shipping. Not a great deal since they are valued at 25 each but a fair one. Especially considering the seller is in US and so i don’t have to pay 50 dollars for shipping from Japan.

Edit: Added Jason and the Argonauts ViaVision Blu-Ray import. And Supergirl Warner archive Blu-Ray

Original Trilogy Edits - some changes are justified

I know Lucasfilm usually does their own in house stuff, but they should have the people who restored Cinderella restore the OT theatrical cuts. Hand it off to Disney. For the first time that movie looks like film again in 4K. They should do that as little DNR as possible, and include the original audio. Just remove the garbage mattes but no other fixes.

The Clone Wars messes up continuity or how Lucas is still destroying star wars.

Basically i’ve given up on the very idea of canon being anything other than a guideline. Since the people making these television and film franchises are just making it up as they go. Whether it is Star Wars, Indiana Jones or Star Trek. Its malleable and not set in stone. That doesn’t mean that a secondary universe should violate its own rules, or lore.

Its all fake isn’t a good excuse for telling a bad story, or making a bad movie. Anymore than saying its a kids movie, or i based it on 1930’s matinee serials so the quality doesn’t matter.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - General Discussion thread (KotOR, KotOR II)

I still wonder what happened to Revan. In the unmade Kotor 3. I don’t accept the story they gave us in the book and in the old republic. It doesn’t fit with the story of Kotor 2 the Sith Lords.

Kotor I was very familiar to the original film Star Wars, it wasn’t as original as II.The Revan twist was the only really novel thing about it.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Sounds like someone just took the news from celebration, that Kathy Kennedy interview and the previous Lindelof story and ran with it. Only changing the timeline from 100 years after TROS to 15 years. It is far too early for any story synopsis. The only trade i trust is Variety. Most of their scoops were based on fact or from info directly from the people at Lucasfilm. the only other i’ve found reliable is Vanity Fair.

Edit: I also hope they can get Oscar Isaac and John Boyega back but this doesn’t look like its going to be episode 10. The only connection to that trilogy is Daisy/Rey. I also think Mark Hamill despite some fans concerns is absolutely not needed in this movie the torch was passed. We need new worlds and new characters and to expand outward not shrinking the galaxy. I also hope the Empire is barely touched on, though wouldn’t mind a little bit of world building about the state of the galaxy and New Republic. And no new Sith,a new challenge/foe would be preferable.

'Rey Skywalker' (Upcoming live action motion picture) - general discussion thread

Well i don’t know i’d be interested if they can make a Star Wars film that would get me back again and engaged. as is all the plus shows far too many, and all the Disney EU to much to follow. I’m not looking for a homework assignment like with the Disney MCU to follow continuity.

At least the sequel trilogy you could come in and watch them and you didn’t need supplementary material to watch them.

But clearly that Star Wars era i love and hold dear is done and over. With Mark Hamill announcing retiring the role of Luke Skywalker. I already walked away from this franchise with episode 9. I wanted to watch the Obi Wan thing but i never finished it. That was the only thing sort of tangentially connected to Lucas Star Wars with the prequel actors.

Its just a bunch of fanfiction now really. There are a lot of things to enjoy if you care to dip your toe in. I’m far too old to begin my fandom again. Throwing away years of EU i understand why they did it but that was where my fandom was along with the original trilogy and prequel films. Disney SW feels like a reset.

Why are people like this?

You can support the artist and still say its a BS position to not release the original cuts of his movies. I include American Graffiti and THX 1138 in this not just the Star Wars trilogy. Lucas is really his own worst enemy. Why not just release the movies the same way they looked and their original audio as catalog titles for Lucasfilm, Or at least allow Disney to do so. George might not like how grainy they look in a new 4K scan, but i would be phenomenally grateful to own the original Techniscope photography of THX and Graffiti. the DNR versions are trash. The cgi is garbage.

What changes would you make to the Sequels?

The thing is Force Awakens and Last Jedi are far from perfect but the third film should have been where they should have stuck the landing. Instead they made a film worse than Return of the Jedi. I like Rey more as the adopted niece and a nobody than a Palpatine. Finn isn’t the only character they failed they also just about erased Rose. I mean i get it its Rey’s story and Finn and Rose are supporting roles, but they got even worse than Han and Leia did in ROTJ.

The third one introduced new characters i very much liked like Zorri Bliss, and Jannah. But in adding more characters it was overstuffed no room for Rose Tico?

Last movie seen

I really enjoyed Dungeons and Dragons with Chris Pine. A fun movie and doesn’t try to be anything more than it is.

I also watched Shazam Fury of the Gods, loved the first one. This was terrible. Bad cgi, lackluster villains. Poor performances. Even the Wonder Woman scene which was fun didn’t save it. It reminded me of those Percy Jackson movies and Jessica Alba Fantastic 4 movies except worse. The best i thing i can say is it wasn’t offensive at all and is a decent family movie, but it is also one of the worst DC Superhero movies ever made.

Are you glad Lucas sold Lucasfilm to Disney or do you wish he hadn’t?

I’m glad he sold in a way and also upset they won’t continue Legends as a separate timeline.

I’m not going to pretend i wouldn’t have watched Lucas sequels had they been made. I’m also not going to pretend the idea of Darth Maul as the big bad wasn’t a stupid idea, and bringing in Darth Taalon from the EU. Lazy and hamfisted.

Leia leading the New Republic sounds awesome. Han being a leader in the rebellion sounds great, Luke training new Jedi cool. Just not the training younglings thing. And the worst aspect Whills and Midichlorians, why?

What do you think of the <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong>? - a general discussion thread

Luke has a story in between 6 and 7. Lucasfilm for some reason just hasn’t told it beyond a couple cameos, a comic book and a novel. The sequel trilogy isn’t at fault for that though nor is Rian Johnson. The sequel trilogy is Rey’s trilogy not about Luke. Its not about Anakin either. It really didn’t even need to have the OT actors at all and could even have been set in the far future. Because they do very little at all they were window dressing. They are touchstones of memory. Remember Luke, Remember Han, Remember Leia. Fan service for Gen X fans. Even down to largely following the same style and story beats of the originals. Rebels Vs Empire. Jedi Vs Sith.

The actual world building is shallow and poor. Bordering on imitation. We know nothing about the state of the New Republic, or how the resistance became to be. We no nothing of the origins of the first order or the state of the Empire. And we never see the Return of the Jedi. I hate to say it but the prequel did a better job at world building than actual flavor of the story or likeable characters which the sequel did better. And the OT did better than both. But it was a smaller story and more contained.

I will say going back to the adventure style of the OT was enjoyable actually and i initially really enjoyed Force Awakens because it brought that style of good Star Wars back. It only took me awhile to realize well of course i liked it i love the 1977 film. I understand what George Lucas meant when he said Disney made a fan movie, that did nothing new.

I will always like Rey, Poe, Finn and Rose and i wish the movies were better.