I liked that Luke was redeemed. And that he did not die in vain. Rey now carries on the Jedi tradition and Luke lives on in her. The same way Ben Kenobi did with Luke.
I also like her being an adopted Skywalker. I like Han Solo being redeemed and thought the force ghost scene with Han whether it was real or imagined in Ben’s mind was very good. Harrison Ford did a very good job in his acting.
I hate that it all ended we need to see Rey rebuild the Jedi Order and take Finn as her Padawan. And to see the Republic restored for real this time. Hopefully the Empire and First Order are finally defeated.
Honestly my whole opinion of the new trilogy changed with Rise of Skywalker. I see how it all connects even if the story was not planned out in advance and i no longer hate The new trilogy. It just is not what i expected i expected a sequel focusing on Luke.
But like Mark Hamill said he had his trilogy, and this New Trilogy was Daisy’s trilogy. And the prequels obviously were Hayden’s trilogy since he was in 2 of them.