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Terminator 2: which version to watch - Theatrical vs Special vs Extended?

I like the version without the DVNR and newly added edits with cgi that was done for the 3D re-issue.
It would be ideal if the theatrical blu ray had the original color timing and original audio mix.
I prefer the old 2K master over the 4k because the 4k is horrible.

Both T1 and T2 remasters have a horrible new teal to them. They never looked like that.

Your favo[u]rite directors

I’m going to say George Lucas. Unironically. I like the Theatrical Cut of American Graffiti, THX 1138 and Star Wars. Before he made changes to the films in the 1990s and 2000s. I also don’t hold the belief that just because he made the prequels he never was a good filmmaker to begin with.
My second favorite Is Steven Spielberg because of Raiders of the Lost Ark, Close Encounters, Jaws and ET.
Third favorite is Francis Coppola for Godfather 2, The Conversation and Apocalypse now.
Fourth is Richard Donner for Superman 78 and Goonies and Lethal Weapon.

How many times have you bought the movies?

I bought the Collectors Laserdisc from 1995. Of the trilogy from Japan and the new 2020 Special Edition.
I have far too many versions including every American VHS release of the Star Wars trilogy on VHS, The First issue Definitive and US faces laserdisc, the Japan Definitive Collection. The Special Widescreen Collection. Original issue and re-issue of the pan and scan US release on Laserdisc. The CAV pan and scan for Star Wars and Empire on LD, the special edition on 1997 US LD. Phantom Menace on Japan LD. The Japan Special Collection CAV LD issues. 2011 blu ray, 2004 DVD set. Phantom Menace, Attack of the Clones and Revenge of the Sith 2 DVD sets NTSC North America releases. I also have 35mm trailers for a re-issue of Empire and theatrical return of the jedi release flat not cinemascope. And some 70mm film frames from Willits Designs.

What is the main Star Wars Saga about?

The OT was about Luke’s journey. The prequel about Anakin’s Journey and the third Trilogy about Rey’s Journey.
Rey being an adopted Skywalker ties the 3 together and nothing more. A loosely connected Saga about the Skywalker/Solo family and their friends. At least its no longer the Story of Darth Vader. That in itself erased the series being from the adventures of Luke Skywalker.

Is it Lucas, or Fox, who has prevented the restored OOT release?

I disagree with respect. I see the Special Edition as a fundamentally different film trilogy. Its like a remake. And i find it unwatchable, i tried watching the 2020 Special Edition and i hated every single change, it just is not Star Wars anymore. The novelty of the Special Edition for me wore off in about 2000. When i realized the original was being actively suppressed and we were unlikely to ever see another release. The last scan was done for Laserdisc in 1993. In 2020 i realize its never going to happen at least in my lifetime.

What happened with the Original Trilogy OSTs?

If you can find it for a decent price just get the Arista Records boxed set. The Anthology. The tracks are not restored and Return of the Jedi sounds rather muddy, but it is better to me than any noise reduced release. To me the best sounding Star Wars is both the first issued CD double release, and the same for Empire or the original vinyl releases. The best sounding Original Return of the Jedi was the cut down release on CD. Though i have not listened to them in years.

I have to say though other than youtube i have not listened to the Disney remasters. They supposedly restored return of the jedi from the original recording materials. But it is still the same release with missing tracks from the 1980s just restored.

Were there any official VCDs of the One Last Time Release?

I once saw the VCD set in Newbury Comics and almost bought it.

It had a nice box and even looked official the discs were factory pressed.

Only did i find out years later that the set was a bootleg.

I think it uses the pan and scan Hong Kong Laserdisc as a video source but i’m not a hundred percent sure of that. The 1995 faces transfer.

Name Something You Unreservedly Love About The Rise Of Skywalker

I liked that Luke was redeemed. And that he did not die in vain. Rey now carries on the Jedi tradition and Luke lives on in her. The same way Ben Kenobi did with Luke.
I also like her being an adopted Skywalker. I like Han Solo being redeemed and thought the force ghost scene with Han whether it was real or imagined in Ben’s mind was very good. Harrison Ford did a very good job in his acting.

I hate that it all ended we need to see Rey rebuild the Jedi Order and take Finn as her Padawan. And to see the Republic restored for real this time. Hopefully the Empire and First Order are finally defeated.

Honestly my whole opinion of the new trilogy changed with Rise of Skywalker. I see how it all connects even if the story was not planned out in advance and i no longer hate The new trilogy. It just is not what i expected i expected a sequel focusing on Luke.

But like Mark Hamill said he had his trilogy, and this New Trilogy was Daisy’s trilogy. And the prequels obviously were Hayden’s trilogy since he was in 2 of them.

Revenge of The Sith four hour cut petition???

It is not going to happen. Lucas maintains final cut over his films. Disney cannot just decide to create a 4 hour cut of Revenge of the Sith, which does not exist.

What people should be asking for is Theatrical Cuts of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi because Lucas did not direct them. Based on Lucas own belief that a director should legally have the right to final cut, those should be available.

Modern SE Revisionism

I was watching the bonus features from a few years ago where they interviewed the crew who did the effects at ILM, and when they are talking about specific shots from the original in the special features it is a Special Edition shot. Did the person editing those clips together not notice or did they just not care? I think Rinzler was the one who did those new digital special features.

George Lucas: Star Wars Creator, Unreliable Narrator & Time Travelling Revisionist...

I was reading the making of Raiders of the Lost Ark and Lucas said he believed directors deserved to get final cut on their films. As i was reading that it reminded me that Irvin Kershner and Richard Marquand did not get that on their Star Wars films. Since 1997 you have not been able to see the films they directed. Lucas pretty much made himself the director in the Special Editions by changing scenes.