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Did you think Dagobah was Yoda’s homeworld the prequels were made?

Superweapon VII said:


I remember drawing an alien for this contest! Unfortunately I was not a very good artist and never sent it in for one reason or another (embarrassment.) Maybe one day I’ll find it in an old box in the basement somewhere. So much cool stuff came from SW Galaxy magazine. Unfortunately my copies are old and mangled from wear, cutting out posters etc. Maybe I’ll try to acquire better copies somewhere. I wonder how collectible they are. Ok that’s enough off-topic for now.

Joel's Star Wars Holiday Special 1080P AI Upscale and Reconstruction (a WIP)

Nothing’s going to magically make this show into HD but I think this is a great version, compared to many VHS->Digital efforts, and other versions of the show. pro: I could not expect too much better from an official release. con: copious edge-enhancement halos. And some glitching at the very start of the cartoon, though it could be my pc playback.

Which version of The Phantom Menace should I buy. I only have a 1080p TV and no 4k blu ray player

AdmiralWasabi10191 said:

Darth telly said:

35mm scan, tho you would need to get the blu-ray set first.

Wouldn’t having the DVD be totally fine with getting the 35mm scan after? Myself, I have both already, 2001 DVD release and 2011 BD set which is the 2015 re-packaging, but not the scan yet.

You can own any or every home video version, but it will never change the legality of downloading copyrighted material. The whole idea hinges on selective enforcement, lax oversight, and “getting away with it.”

Did you think Dagobah was Yoda’s homeworld the prequels were made?

Maybe neither Snake-Man nor Yoda are indigenous to Dagobah, but the abundant life there makes it closer to the Force so it’s a cool place for Force users to hang out. What’s this Snake-Man image from? There is that one trading card that showed Yoda “on his home planet” from mid-90s, recalled/withdrawn supposedly at the behest of Mr Lucas himself. (I read about this in Star Wars Galaxy magazine.)

Also sorry but not sorry just have to Ps. All the 90s trading card sets were bitchin and should be collected as books

A New Hope as a Stand-alone Movie

When I was a dumb(er) kid, I thought that Obi-Wan was just using Luke’s lightsaber, i.e. holding for him except for the training on the Falcon, until Luke knew how to use it. Then of course I wondered how Luke got it back in Empire Strikes Back. Why would a retired Jedi have his own lightsaber? 🤔😉 I forgive myself now as there are only four lightsabers in the OT and the two that are blue are never used simultaneously.

What if the prequels were made in the 80s?

WookieeWarrior77 said:

There are a few exceptions to this (the first two Spider-Man and Harry Potter movies)

I had grown from being a movie-loving kid/teen into cranky college-age when someone loaned me a video of the first Harry Potter movie. It very much felt authentic, with a sense of adventure to a period 15-20 years before, though you must forgive some sad cgi. Now, if Cerberus was stop-motion animated… chef’s kiss! [edit. John Williams music definitely helped.]

I saw Chamber of Secrets in the theater. It was even better, including awesome sets/sfx that would have been vfx under Lucasfilm-- even Dobby was a technological improvement upon Jar Jar (and maybe Weta’s Gollum too.) I don’t think any of the later Potter books made good adaptations, or even sensical movies. Columbus’ tone was perfect, and given his resume he was in a kind of unique position to deliver such audience-pleasing adventures. Imagine him doing Attack of the Clones.

Sure while we’re at it, hire Sam Raimi for Revenge of the Sith. Spider-Man was another movie I really liked on VHS in college, a very retro adventure. Then I found out “wow is that really the Evil Dead guy?!” So don’t blame the calendar, it’s not that the 80s have passed. It is that certain directors just don’t accept the Spirit of the 80s. Bear in mind Lucas himself directed little in the 80s, except second unit on Return of the Jedi, and possibly a few fill-in days on Return to Oz.

Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull - Non Paternal Cut by 15MaF (Released)

This edit made me enjoy the movie for once. It’s still kind of dumb but not “stupid” if that makes sense. All the little (and sometimes big) trims add up to a much snappier film. Everything between Marion’s intro and the jungle chase used to drag this movie horribly, that section is drastically improved with the omissions. I think Mutt works much better as a character now. Honestly I would have cut out as much as possible of the “ninja monkeyman cryptkeeper” fight in the cemetery and the scorpions as well. Cut too much stuff and I guess there’s nothing left, though.

I tried Spence’s edit which was not as extreme as 15MaF, his was well done but still had too much fluff for me, though he did improve the colors which ideally this version could use too. My applause again to all the editors out there.

Ripping Atmos

Hello folks. I’ve been entertaining the idea of doing a new audio mix for a movie, with total music replacement. Ideally I’d have isolated speech and sound fx, so is there a way to get the stems from an Atmos mix, either disc or streaming? (I would be willing to get a uhd disc drive for PC, if such a thing exists, and it would be of use.)

I’m not too familiar with its methodology so please correct me --rather than mixing the various audio to mono, stereo, surround, etc. Atmos instead has an unlimited number of isolated elements that are combined to the speaker setup indicated by hardware. Are the audio elements divisible by software before they go through Atmos processing? Otherwise I’d be using the center chanel of 5.1 which would not be ideal but possibly workable.

The Unpopular Film, TV, Music, Art, Books, Comics, Games, & Technology Opinion Thread (for all you contrarians!)

Superweapon VII said:

Vampires combusting in sunlight’s one of my least favourite tropes in vampire lore. I don’t begrudge Nosferatu for introducing it, but it’s become grossly overused in the decades since.

I can remember Interview with the Vampire and Let the Right One In, which were both very effective in terms of drama and not just “defeating the boss.” I’m curious where else is this depicted? I do recall many vampire movies that merely show them avoiding sunlight, and Coppola’s Dracula literally dismisses the idea. Haven’t seen any of the Hammer movies.

Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull - The Spence Edit (Released)

I applaud SpenceEdit for making this film more palatable. However it still stinks. No edit can change the laughable direction, horrible scripting, or godawful lighting in this movie. If this flick wasn’t a sequel, the consensus would be “zero out of ten.” Its plot borders on complete illogic, the audience has no reason to care about anything, the gratuitous callbacks are unfounded, the action has no danger, and the dialogue is anything but natural. People said Temple of Doom was racist, well this film has “natives” jumping up & down and jabbering like monkeys. Indy has been wearing the same clothes for 30 years, though they look new and clean and fit for an old man. If that’s a metaphor for this movie then I’m being generous.

Tldr. Even if the bones are ok, the meat of this film is diseased and to consume it invites illness.

What if the prequels were made in the 80s?

Sorry haven’t listened yet so I don’t know if this is adressed. I can’t remember where I heard, so I don’t know if this is just a rumor, but Michael Jackson wanted to appear in Phantom Menace as Jar Jar in live action with prosthetics before Lucas decided to go with an all CGI character. Since Lucas had a hand in Captain Eo I can’t help but think Jackson would’ve actually had a role in 80s prequels, similar to casting Samuel L Jackson as a popular actor/fan in a supporting role in the actual prequels. Imagine if Star Tours was actually a vehicle to hype 80s prequels instead of the last gasp of OT era. Maybe those prequels would even find a role for Pee-Wee Herman.

Unpopular Opinion Thread

A new Return of the Jedi. basically the same movie but with some different exposition. In the past, the “real” Darth Vader kidnaps and has his wicked way with Mrs. Skywalker. Anakin has to free her but is killed. Obi-Wan of course wouldn’t know that Anakin is not the daddy.

So in ROTJ we have Darth Daddy rather than Obi-Wan The Liar. Leia wouldn’t even be a sibling to Luke. Maybe she is the real progeny of Anakin Skywalker. Or maybe she’s just Bail Organa’s biological daughter. Leia hates Luke because he reveals he is the son of Vader (instead of her brother) but at the end she knows the hate is misguided. But she’s already got with Han, which leaves room for romantic questioning in the future.

So we shall put this fantasy into an idea where Luke has a more ambiguous flirtation with the dark side. Sequels continued coming out every three years 1986 1989 etc. There is no OT but an ongoing triennial series of movies in various episode order so as to foment maximum anticipation. The prequels would end up being more in line with all the hints we hear from Ben and Yoda. Anakin was a cool dude, and Obi-Wan’s friend, but is not Darth Vader or Luke’s dad.