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When was the last time you actually watched a prequel? (Or: Revenge of the Sith still blows.)

I hope I don't get in trouble for saying this, but even after smoking some weed, I still can't sit through any of the prequels.  But God damn it if I don't feel like a kid again when I'm high and throw in the Original Trilogy.  :)



EDIT:  I forgot to actually answer the question of this thread.  lol  Only time I watch the prequels is to show off my Home Theater.  1080p and the Lightsaber battles are all that is shown.  I have tried numerous times to rewatch The Prequels, but I always either walk away or just turn on ESB.  Hell, I would rather watch Ewoks.

3D STAR WARS for the masses...has ARRIVED!

I suffered an accident as a child which has robbed me of central vision in my one eye.  So 3D doesn't seem right when I see it.  But even if it did, I would not pay to see The Prequels again under any circumstances.  I will get the big BD Set just because of my archivist nature, but that is as far as I will go.  Lucas won't last another 20yrs, but I will.  And when he dies I can guarantee you, we will get our Original Untouched Trilogy on the then current media in all it's glory.  And that will be a glorious day.

Info: The Making of The Empire Strikes Back (Michel Parbot)

Yeah, I just learned about this a few weeks ago.  So I felt I should put my two cents in.  Not releasing this is a dick move.  Pure and simple.  Imagine if there are only two copies of this in the world and both people die within a year.  Then we Star Wars fans are left without a piece of history.  Now that is a crime.

Info: The Making of The Empire Strikes Back (Michel Parbot)

So is this a joke or a slap in the face?  I've just heard about this wonderful documentary and like everyone else here I would kill to watch it and add to my collection.  But the person who has it in his possession says he promised he would never leak it.  But he'll make a website professionally done about it?  Wow.  That's low.  Admins can remove this or whatever, but I will not stand here and give this man what he clearly wants.  And that is attention.  He knows he has something that no one else has and but everyone wants.  And instead of sharing this treasure with the rest of the Star Wars Community, he refuses to release and creates a web site about it.  Shame on you.

Star Wars - The Force Unleashed Cut-Scenes Preservation (* unfinished project *)

Well, I’m surprised these have not been preserved on DVD yet.  The story of this game is by far superior to anything that has come out of Skywalker Ranch in the last decade.  If no one will take on this task, then I guess it falls to me.  But I will wait until November to release because the Ultimate Sith Edition comes out then with new levels and cut-scenes.  I don’t have experience with making Menus and Cover Art, so if anyone would like to contribute to that, that would be great.  I guess I will use my Hauppagge 1600 to capture the video, though it won’t be HD.  I guess I will make ready to start this project.

1997 Special Edition Restoration thoughts...

Well, I think we will all have what we desire when George Lucas finally passes away.  The the rights hopefully will fall into someone else's hand who is interested in milking it for all it's worth.  I don't care if they release shitty Star Wars crap after shitty Star Wars Crap.  Just give me my OUT in HD 1080p and I will be done forever buying Star Wars Movies.

The Special Edition wasn't needed.

I'm sorry, but anyone who says the SE and 2004 DVDs are the "prefered way" to watch these movies are not a true 70s 80s Star Wars fan.  They came along with the SE Hype.  Let me go through the nonsense of the SEs, or what irks me the most.


1.  Greedo Shooting First  NUFF SAID

2. CGI Entrance to Mos Eisley  NOT NEEDED

3. Jabba the Hutt   NUFF SAID


I think that might actually be all.  The Death Star attack was handled well.  The added CGI shots were good. 


The Empire Strikes Back


1. Less Wampa, the better I say

2. Blue, blue everywhere


4. Darth Vader says "Bring My Shuttle" pissed off like because HE IS PISSED OFF  NOT "Alert my Star Destroyer to Prepare for My Arrival" all calmly

5.  Okay George, I see a different angle of the Death Star II from RotJ when I see one.



Return of the Jedi


1. Don't need a music number in Jabb's Palace George

2. Sarlacc did not need a beak

3. Ending Sucked  NUFF SAID



Don't even get me started on the retarded Prequels or those 2004 DVDs with Hayden!  Damn you Lucas.  DAMN YOU!!!