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KILL SHEEV - A Tarantino-ish Original Trilogy Edit (a WIP)

JakeRyan17 said:

This sounds really fun! If you PM’d me a link to a work print, I could help you isolate the DX/FX and get rid of the music a little cleaner and just send you back those audio tracks so you can include the music selections you’ve chosen.

Really? Thank you! Then I’ll finish the workprint and I’ll send you the link. I still don’t know when, but I really appreciate it.

KILL SHEEV - A Tarantino-ish Original Trilogy Edit (a WIP)

Mario said:

IlFanEditore said:

Work has restarted on this!
Please, tell me what you think of the chapters, and what you’d change.
I’m thinking about replacing the first chapter with the Battle of Hoth. It establishes the real enemy, while Jabba feels like a digression.
The final chapter in Volume 1 will feature Ben and Vader duel, and probably the Battle of Yavin.

The chapters and the structure looks very good for me. I like the Jabba Scene but the battle of Hoth is maybe a better idea. You can show introduce the empire with a Pulp Fiction like text and Vader then he enter the rebell base. Then you introduce Leia, you will use footage from ANH as flashbacks? Thats cool. In the Obi Wan chapter should you use footage from the Prequels i think. Funny/cool scenes with Obi Wan would be awsesome.

Thank you.
Then Battle of Hoth it is!
Yes, during introduction of Leia I’ll show scenes from ANH. I don’t know if I’ll use prequel scenes for Obi Wan. Hattori Hanzo in Kill Bill (Obi Wan’s counterpart) didn’t have any flashback-y introduction.
But I’ll use prequel and Clone Wars scenes to tell the story of Darth Vader.

KILL SHEEV - A Tarantino-ish Original Trilogy Edit (a WIP)

Work has restarted on this!
Please, tell me what you think of the chapters, and what you’d change.
I’m thinking about replacing the first chapter with the Battle of Hoth. It establishes the real enemy, while Jabba feels like a digression.
The final chapter in Volume 1 will feature Ben and Vader duel, and probably the Battle of Yavin.

The Prequel Trilogy Revised - concept trailers released (WIP)

TheAlaskanSandman said:

Plan to show broadcast like current affairs building up to Nazi Propaganda by Ep III. Will be doing a zoom in to the monitor at this shot as the feed fades from static blue to actually in the Senate Room, via the camera feeds floating around her head. This is after considering some critique of the movie from Mr.Plinkett.

I plan to show the city become more bare of people by Ep III and more war torn.

Really interesting.