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Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Well the Tech, we are going to see in JJ's Trek which in based in 2250-2265 is really past tech. 

The new i-prise has Hard touchscreen displays like the Nintendo DS which came out in 2004, but coming soon in the real world  is the soft OLED touchscreen display.

TOS with it's odd glowing alien-looking Buttons seem more hi-tech then JJ's i-prise.


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

I have the feeling that The Star Trek: Countdown comics are point-less and are just made to shut up (some) trek-fans.

You know, to make some trek-fans go OH DATA, OH PICARD YEAH, I LIKE THIS MOVIE NOW!!!!

Newsflash: None of the TNG crew are in the new movie and more likely will not be spoken of, nor will Borg technology.


What will be in the movie is a sad-looking near-death Spock (that is how JJ made Nimoy look with make-up. The real Nimoy does not look sad-looking or near-death) flying around in The "U.S.S. Jellyfish".

So, JJ's old Spock is going to fly his "Jellyfish" by a super-nova to make a blackhole inside the core .

Let's cut to the chase, JJ's old Spock is going to fly his "Jellyfish" around the sun (like on TOS-EP: TIY and ST 4: TVH) which will make the "U.S.S. Jellyfish" Travel back in time. 


I think I know how this film will end.....

    JJ and his crew jump back up into JJ's "USS A-Hole" and fly away laughing with people's money.



Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

So, Nero's Ship "Narada" has Borg technology.... "So, what"
After ST: VOY's Final, I would think Seven of Nine would have given Starfleet all types of Borg technology. I guess The writers of The new film & this suck-A** comic forgot about that and that Voyager came back with allot of newer technology. The writers of The new film forgot about allot of things of Star Trek (like good story-telling). 


From 24. Brian on trekmovie.com Comments


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
skyjedi2005 said:

You mean that those asshats running that fake site i got banned from are actually getting paid to help destroy Star Trek? 

Yes, I'm starting to think TM.C is paid for by JJ and I think other sites are on his payroll.

Trekmovie started the same day it was said (to us) JJ got Trek. 

Trekkies/Trekkers are know for being Canon-nazis, But I'm reading things on TM.C like "ban the Canon in 2009" WTF

Things like that does not fits the Trekkies'/Trekkers' profile.


Also, It has been 6 months since my ban from TM.C and I think my ban has been lifted.

I have been able to post on the site. So, if you are ban from TM.C... it lasts 6 months. 


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Funny, I too have ran across the army of yes-men with the over-the-top ridiculously cheerleading for JJ's trek on other trek sites (like trekmovie.com). It is why I started this Star Trek post on this star wars site in the first place.

I know from working in the ad world in my 20's that website shills are real. These secret shills are pay by companies to do the over-the-top cheerleading posting on web sites for the companies. Some Hostels, Restaurants and so on use these secret shills.

From www.aintitcool.com TalkBack:
How much is JJ paying the TalkBack marketeers?
by gruntybear    Mar 15th, 2009
11:14:03 PM
I mean, seriously. Every time there's another "Dawson's Trek" non-story on the site, we get an army of yes-men practically ejaculating about how fricken' a-maaaa-zing this Trek-in-name-only abomination will be. How much does being a viral TalkBack marketeer pay? From the ridiculously over-the-top cheerleading that seems to accompany every Trek story, I would guess it's a fairly lucrative profession.


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
C3PX said:

Personally, I think The Old Enterprise Design would not work on the big screen, it is too out of date.

Oh come on, The I-prise's outsides in the new movie is just TMP retrofitted Enterprise, all mess up.

TMP retrofitted Enterprise is a 1978 Design and has not being used since 1992.

that least the TOS ship has been used in the past 17 years on DS9 (1996), ENT (2005) and ST:R (2006-2008. 

Also The NX-01 (2001-2005) feautre Designs from the TOS ship and The Enterprise-E (1996-2001) had more of a TOS ship Design then the D had. 

The only things the TOS needed is Better rendering, Aztec hull details, more real looking windows and maybe a little bigger pylons.

Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
FanFiltration said:
I don't think that they had to find an actor who would do a flat out Shatner impression, just someone who would have that Shatner like attitude, movement, and speaking style in general.   When SW: episode 1 came out, I was very impressed with the choice of Ewan McGregor as a young version of Obi-wan.  You see, for me he fit the mold set by the original actor, and had enough similarities to help me believe (within the context of the storytelling experience) that this was a younger version of the same character. From what I have seen so far, I don’t buy Pine as Kirk. When there was this rumor that Matt Damon was in consideration to play Kirk in this film, I felt he was a good choice and had a good Shatner like quality. I think Zachary Quinto has that Vulcan factor, but will he be a good Spock is still up in the air for me. 

I feel the same way.

Ewan McGregor did not look or talk like Alec Guinness, but he did fit the mold of A Young Obi-Wan for me also.

Pine does not fit Kirk. People may rip on William Shatner, but Pine with his male version of marilyn monroe's voice is way worst and just wrong for The Main Character of the Film.

On another Note:

I am sick of hearing People saying that The Old Enterprise Design would not work on the big screen or that it is too out of date.

Full-res Pic at:




Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
Anchorhead said:

Besides, Abrams is right.   You don't have to look any further than this very thread - people knowing for a fact this new Trek film is terrible (even though they haven't seen it yet) - asking fans to boycott the film - posting hate messages from other boards - comparing photographs of different actors' facial expressions - claiming a TV show from 43 years ago is being destroyed, etc.

I love all things Star Trek (even ST:5,ST:10) and this is the first time in my life that i have fought something "Star Trek" just like I loved all things Star Wars before the SE and The Prequels came along.

I do not had to see this jj trek movie to tell it is on the wrong foot.

Trailers, Plot details, pics, clips and so on are made to sell movie on what they show.

When you have alot of Trek fans saying what Abrams is doing is wrong how can someone say he is right.  

I had seen This ST:09 film rip the Trek fan-base into two groups: for it and not for it. The Same has happen to the star wars fan-base because of the SE/prequels. the star wars fan-base now is in two groups : SE/prequels lovers with sites like TF.N and OOTP fans with sites like this site I'm on. Star Wars Fans V.s Star Wars Fans and now The Star Trek Fan base is broken apart with Trek Fans V.s. Trek Fans. 

What People do on this Star Trek thread very much like what People on this site about Star Wars SE/ prequels.

People on TF.N would say Lucas was right for making the prequels like he did, just you are saying Abrams is right....

But, with both Fan-bases having in-fighting I would say both Lucas and Abrams are wrong.


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
C3PX said:

I think this is why they decided to go back so far for Star Trek: Enterprise, rather than doing something like a pre-Cage NCC-1701, because they didn't want to have to worry about messing with pre-established characters, vessels and events. By going back so far, they avoided, for the most part, exactly what we see going wrong npw. Had Enterprise been with April or Pike's crew, we'd be saying that the Enterprise looks nothing like the one from the cafe and so on.

if they did Apri's missions, the NCC 1701 would not have too look like the NCC 1701 we know from TOS.

one of the problems with ST: ENT is that in the 4 seasons it never changed or grew. On ST: ENT, The NX-01 never was retrofitted to look and feel more like a TOS ships, The Uniform never Change from all blue to all TOS colors or even from the One-piece jump suit to a two-piece uniform like TOS and so on. It was like the people working on the show (1-3) were bull-headed and trying to force thier visions on to fans (sounds like Abrams). The 4th season saw story change, but it was too little, too late. After The time War ended the show needed Big change not little.  The time-line reset in Storm Front pt. 2 was the best time to have ST: ENT change to become more like TOS, but the writers miss it.

This is a reboot, that essentially lacks the balls to take itself as a reboot. Some sort of separation anxiety perhaps? Afraid to let go of the hand of pre-existing Trek and fly on its own. That doesn't bode well for it. Superman Returns was the last reboot I can remember that couldn't quite bring itself to let go of pre-existing canon and truely start over, and the end result was a disaster to say the least.

yes, my thoughts are the same.

It lacks the balls to take itself fully as a reboot, It lacks the balls to take itself fully as a Prequel, It lacks the balls to take itself fully as a re-imaged and It lacks the balls to take itself fully as a Sequel.

Abrams' trek seems so half-a**, messy and weak.
no wonder why, I see Abrams as a wimpy punk.

ST: ENT had way more balls then Abrams' trek.
ST: ENT was a Prequel (no ifs, ands or buts about it) and NOT some odd mix of reboot/Prequel/Sequel/re-imaged like the Abrams' trek or Superman Returns.  


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

How about somebody in hollywood having the guts to work with TOS and trek canon. 
The James T. Kirk of Classic trek canon has a bigger backstory.
Kirk needs his Canon past. Tarsus IV massacre with Kirk witnesses Governor Kodos' eugenics philosophies alone is key to future events.
This new movie is really about alternate version then JJ should have the guts to do it fully and name it something like "Star Trek: Alternate" or "JJ Abrams' Star Trek". The Kirk in this movie is an alternate version with a different backstory and even looks different but I bet he will secretly reprogrammed the simulation computer on Kobayashi Maru scenario.

Rebooting is fine, but do it right.
Look at Batman Begins, Most of Bruce Wayne's past of the comics is in the reboot film. The death of Bruce Wayne's parents and his past is key to batman just as much as James T. Kirk's past is key to him.

nobody is offering any alternatives or ideas?
Here is one: Captain Robert April
Captain Robert April oversaw construction of the USS Enterprise components and commanded USS Enterprise for it's first five years before Pike. Captain Robert April is like the father of the USS Enterprise NCC-1701 and his missions are untold. I like Star Trek: Enterprise, but This is what Star Trek: Enterprise should have been.
A Pre-Cage NCC-1701 with her first captain and crew... Here is a new start for Star Trek which is Canon.

Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
HotRod said:

Errr..Hang on a sec dude...Classic Kirk from the TV shows was pretty bad. Even now, he is ridiculed for his Ov-ER pron-oUN-CING - of certain phrases. If anyone tried to imitate that, they would surely be slated for doing so.

William Shatner's Kirk has been around for 42 years.

The Classic Kirk is just that.... a Classic Character. The Classic Kirk actions of Over Pronouncing phrases are Classic Too. 

The Classic Kirk is a icon for being a good hero Character.

Dr. Smith on the other hand is a icon for a joke Character.

A great and well known actor like Gary Oldman worked with The Classic Harris' Smith Character.

on the other hand, we have a little unknown punk named Chris Pine who is playing kirk not like Shatner's Kirk.

Now the last time I looked Harris' Dr. Smith was a big joke then Shatner's Kirk.

HotRod, I do not know if you know Lost in space or not. The 1998 Lost in space movie was bad, but the only good part was Gary Oldman's  Dr. Smith which was like The Classic Harris' Smith.

The Truth, more likely is that Chris Pine is a bad actor and does not acting chops to do a good version of Shatner's Kirk like Gary Oldman did with Smith. I think this is the true reason why Chris Pine said he did not play like Shatner's Kirk.


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

The new trailer is better than the 2nd trailer, the first trailer with the Enterprise begin build is better then both.
The new trailer bugs me because it shows me that the movie will be bad. I have watched The new trailer many times and at first like it, but then I Re-watching it and it started to bug me. The New trailer can be designed to put a different spin on the film, but the thing is that the New trailer has less dialog then the last one. The Last trailer and The Prequel comic (countdown) shows how the dialog (and story-telling) will be in this movie.
Watchmen was good, but it does not mean This Star Trek film will be the same.
Being skeptical is Wise, but I would wait to read reviews (by fans would be the best) on this film before spending a ticket price to see it in the theater.
Remember the best thing of Star Trek Nemesis was it's trailers (which looked like a Mirror-verse TNG movie).  
Side Note:
Just Re-watched the 1998 Lost in Space movie which was a So-So movie (bad but had some Ok parts). The one of the OK part was Gary Oldman as Dr. Smith. Gary Oldman play it like Jonathan Harris' Dr. Smith (mainly the Dr. Smith from the pilot).
It is odd that a big and known actor like Gary Oldman played Smith like the Classic Smith, but then a little and unknown actor like Chris Pine is not playing Kirk like the Classic Kirk (WTF).

Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

 HotRod Said:
Hunter...Just for you man..
New trailer - Which looks pretty darn good!!! (Sorry dude, I know you're gonna hate it)

skyjedi2005 Said:
Even this trailer says it is a different star trek by nero's line of "James T Kirk was a great man.  But that was another Life".  Obviously referring to the real star trek and real Shatner Kirk.

Yes the third trailer is a huge improvement over what has been shown so far.  This movie is going to be Fucking EPIC.  and probably be the biggest grossing Trek of all time.

I'll watch it in the mindset that it is a rebooting of the franchise and has nothing to do with any other trek except in name, and of course there is an enterprise starship,lol.

Funny thing is Bana's Nero is everything Shinzon should have been.  This movie critics will say is everything nemesis should have been.

I am getting a Batman Begins, or Casino Royale feel from this new trailer.


I would think that Star Wars Fans (like my self) could not fall for a trailer like this after the prequels.

This new trailer made the "I Like this Ship" scene look epic. The new trailer is edited to look epic. The movie it self will more likely not be epic (or good).

I am getting an EP II and EP III feel from this new trailer.

"James T Kirk was a great man,  but that was another Life" .... Yeah, and those were better Trek films by better film-makers.

Don't be fooled by This "Emo" edit trailer. 




Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Here are FAN-made CGI pics of the JJ i-prise.
These Fan pics are great and They look better then the shots in movie.
The lighting on the i-prise is classic of star trek, too bad none of the pics or video from the JJ movie looks like this.
these FAN-made pics make the shots in the trailers look like S***.
Now we know how the i-prise would have looked if Nicholas Meyer filmed it or if Jonathan Frakes filmed it or if Michael Okuda worked on it. :) 

UPDATE: after studying The FAN-made pics of the JJ i-prise, I noted that the JJ i-prise in  FAN-made pics has difference than the JJ i-prise from the movie. The FAN-made pics has more details which the maker of the pics must have taken From past trek ships like NX-01, NCC-1701 (remastered) and NCC-1701 (retro-fit)/ NCC-1701 A.Also The Texture on The Fan CGI Model is more like NCC-1701 (retro-fit)/ NCC-1701 A then the JJ i-prise from the movie and the Grey color of the ship is more like  NCC-1701 (remastered) then the JJ i-prise from the movie. The type of rendering and lighting on The Fan JJ i-prise is more like NCC-1701 (remastered) and some of the other past CGI rendering in Star Trek. The Fan CGI Model is Cleaner, Clearer and sharper then the JJ i-prise from the movie which is Blurry and has really bad lighting. Also the FAN-made JJ i-prise CGI Model over-all shape is off from the JJ i-prise from the movie. The FAN-made JJ i-prise CGI Model shape is a little more like the JJ i-prise from the movie crossed with NCC-1701 (remastered). 

The FAN-made JJ i-prise was made by a Star Trek Fan and is his guess work of how the JJ i-prise looks like, but In the end I have to say the FAN-made JJ i-prise CGI Model is more the way This ship should have be design. 


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars


Star Trek more than meets the eye, Star Trek more than meets the eye....


The New final Star Trek title logo:




Computer screen in the new star trek movie:


why is kirk in black....  why is the bridge white and blue.... why is Kirk blue eyed.....

The Answer is Abrams, Orci & Kurtzman only have a few ideas which they reuse, reuse and reuse. 



Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars
skyjedi2005 said:

The new Star trek is good in at least paramount is finally putting some money back into the franchise. 

Even if you hate the JJ film it is exciting to be a trek fan because of the new movie we get all 6 classic films on blu ray in their theatrical versions, and a completely restored wrath of khan from the original negative.

Paramount allways releases Star Trek DVD, HD-DVD and so on, each year.

Paramount was already releasing Star Trek on HD-DVD, but then HD-DVD lost the format War.

The JJ's Movie is Not the reason beheld Star Trek on Blu-ray. Paramount would have released them with or without The JJ's Movie.

skyjedi2005 said:

Plus there is room for us who grew up with the next generation and reruns of classic trek, as well as those still living when they originally aired in the sixties.  There should also be room for the newcomers brought in by the jj film, Trek needs new blood.  If the jj film is positive and inspires these young people even if i don't like all the changes i can live with it.

The same could be said about the Star Wars Prequels.

Star Wars Needed new blood and the Star Wars Prequels did that...

But at what count.

the Star Wars Prequels is inspiring a new generation...

But what are they inspiring.... Bad movies.

skyjedi2005 said:

Plus lets at least give JJ abrams a little credit he understands popular culture and fiction and has been connected to four hit tv series.  A lot more than you can say for the modern George Lucas who brought us the lackluster prequels of star wars from 1999-2005, desstroyed the old movies in 1997 and 2004, and delivered the turds of 2008 Indiana Jones 4 and Clone Wars.

If he understood then why is he did changed things so much. Redesigns the ship, bridge, being true to the canon and so on of TOS would have been understands the popular culture icon. The Thing is that none-thing we have see or heard has show us that he understands it. The Enterprise (insides and out) in this film is Not Redesign of The Enterprise from TOS, They are new designs. What we have seen is JJ has changed things just to be changing them. Each today something new which shows he and crew do not understands or think they know better. Star Trek: TOS was a short ran show in the 1960's which became a popular culture icon in the 1970's, but in the past 40 years no one really went back to TOS-era. Now if JJ abrams really understands it then why is he fixing something which is not broken meaning TOS-era. Why change a icon of popular culture history meaning TOS-era.

Now if JJ abrams really understood it then he would be doing a re-boot of TNG-era and not TOS.

The back of the new best of Star Trek DVDs clears up what this movie really is: It is a Prequel just like EP I,II and III. The more I learn and see it about this film the more it looks like the modern George Lucas' playbook. 


skyjedi2005 said:

If this film is sucessful is means more star trek films and television shows, it also means more classic trek related fiction in the books and possibly the first time the old films and tv shows get the proper treatment even if just to make Paramount money.

If this film is successful, we will more likely see less classic trek related fiction in the books and more JJ trek related fiction in the books.

Classic Star Trek is already having these thing (books,comics,figures, so on...) and always will. 

Once again,

Paramount allways releases Star Trek DVD, HD-DVD and so on, each year.

The JJ's Movie is Not the reason beheld Star Trek on Blu-ray. Paramount would have released them with or without The JJ's Movie.

I was sad Enterprise and before that the next generation film series was cancelled but does that mean the spirit of genes vision died, i don't think so.  An ideal or symbol cannot be killed.  And the world we live in now needs some positive thinking about the future and less cynics because the financial world and everything we hold to be sacred as Americans is coming apart at the seams.  But trek is not just for us Gene gave it to the world.

True. The Soul of Star Trek is something the world needs.

It makes me sad to see what seems to be a Soulless Star Trek filled with punks-a@@ posers saying bad lines like the Star Trek Prequels.


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Finally, A Film-Maker speaks out about and attack all the Re-Made,Re-boot,Re-**** and so on. 

------------- ------------- -------------





From screenwriter Stephen Romano (Incident On And Off A Mountain Road):

It's OFFICIAL. Everything you love has been destroyed.

This is a distress call from the Planet Earth.  The REAL planet Earth.  The one that made sense when I was growing up.  Not the one we’re living on now.  I don’t know how the fuck it happened, but the Earth I used to know has been DESTROYED.  Everything I love is gone . . . and all that remains is . . . well, I don’t know what it is, but I hate it and I want it to stop.

More at:


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Once again The Writers of the New Star Trek Movie put their heads up Lucas' Butt:

    Roberto Orci: Obviously we were comfortable for Christmas, because that was its niche. But we all feel it can sustain what it needs to sustain in the summer. One of the things we said early on is that Star Wars and Star Trek are always the ones being compared to each other by certain people. Why is Star Wars able to surpass all of that even though they’re all in space and some characters are similar? It just felt like Star Wars had a little more rock and roll than Star Trek had.

    Alex Kurtzman: so we figured the missing ingredient for this one was it needed a little rock and roll. And if we succeeded in doing that, I think it will meet the summer expectations. Star Trek was essentially a submarine naval battle, except in space. Star Wars was flying down the trench of the Death Star at the speed of mach 70,000 to shoot a little bullet into a hold. The experience as a viewer you have is different: there’s a speed I think associated with that experience. To my mind, there was no reason they had to be mutually exclusive. Obviously you have to be very true to spirit of what Star Trek is and you cannot violate canon, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have some of that as well.

    Kurtzman: That’s what motivated it for us. It would have broken our hearts if Star Trek just faded away.

    Orci: It just meant too much to us in varying degrees and ways. Obviously the opportunity to inherit that mantle is so epic that you cannot go forward if you don’t believe in it with your soul. All of us call ourselves the supreme court of Star Trek, and this is our term right now.

----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------
JJ, Orci and Kurtzman say Star Wars more times a week then even Lucas says it. Too Bad The movie they are making is Star Trek.

----------------- ----------------- ----------------- ----------------- -----------------



Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Abrams seems to have turn Star Trek into just another Star Wars Rip-off.

A farm boy who (thinks) father is killed by the main Villain.
Abrams' Kirk:
A farm boy who father is killed by the main Villain.

has a want for a better life.
has a want for a better life.
Abrams' Kirk:
has a want for a better life.

Gets show a better life by an old wise man (obi-wan).
Gets show a better life by an old wise man (Qui-Gon).
Abrams' Kirk:
Gets show a better life by an old wise man (Pike).

Has dirty Blond and blue eye.
Anakin (ep2):
Has dirty Blond and blue eye.
Abrams' Kirk:
Has dirty Blond and blue eye.

has trouble in a bar.
has trouble in a bar.
Abrams' Kirk:
has trouble in a bar.

Fights a monster in the snow.
Abrams' Kirk:
Fights a monster in the snow.

hangs over a pit with the Villain standing above him.
hangs over a pit with the Villain standing above him.
Abrams' Kirk:
hangs over a pit with the Villain standing above him.
Blonder when he was younger.
Abrams' Kirk:
Blonder when he was younger.

Drove a high speed craft when he was younger.
Abrams' Kirk:
Drove a high speed craft when he was younger.

rides a hover-bixe.
Abrams' Kirk:
rides a motor-bixe.

fights an friend.
Abrams' Kirk:
fights an friend.

was an james dean want-be.
Abrams' Kirk:
was an james dean want-be.

han solo:
Abrams' Kirk:
Darth Maul: villain with an bald head, face taboos and staff weapon.
Nero: villain with an bald head, face taboos and staff weapon.

Darth Maul: kills obi-wan's father-figure (Qui-Gon).
Nero: kills kirk's father.

Darth Vader: uses a large laser weapon shooting down on to a planet.
Nero:  uses a large laser weapon shooting down on to a planet.


Star wars prequels: Bad Designs by ryan church.

Abrams' Star Trek: Bad Designs by ryan church.


Star wars prequels: Bad CGI by ILM.

Abrams' Star Trek: Bad CGI by ILM.


And so on....
This is just from the two trailers and some plot detail, the movie will more likely have more.
This Film is looking more and more like an Star Wars/Starship Trooper rip-off then a star trek film .


The commercial cost you a reported $3 million. You have the eyes of an entire world of potential ticket-buyers upon you. And you give them … stuff they’ve already seen? Virtually every shot in the "Star Trek" ad had already been glimpsed in trailers, or described in detail by journalists who attended J.J. Abrams’ footage previews a few months back. It leaves movie fans with two possibilities to consider: Either Abrams is too paranoid about spoilers to give us anything else, or all the good stuff is already out.
    There’s nothing particularly exciting or new about the 30 second promo trailer for the new Star Trek film that was broadcast in the midst of the Superbowl. And by that, we mean there’s nothing that we hadn’t really been seen before.

    Interestingly, Paramount is continuing to sell this more as an action movie rather than the latest big screen Star Trek outing, and there are one or two short snippets we hadn’t seen before. But it didn’t get our pulse racing.
    - Den of Geek
USA Today Ad Meter Movie rating

Year One      6.79
Land of the Lost        6.78
Up      6.74
Race to Witch Mountain        6.38
Star Trek      6.14

from some comments from trekmovie:


It’s not just that he (kirk) says “man”. It’s that he says it like crazy, druggie





C’mon, you can’t help but groan when you hear these lines. And I bet there are plenty more


 I agree that JJ is annoying as hell.

    I know everyone is entitled to their opinion, but I can’t believe anyone would stick up for JJ. I mean, c’mon people, this is the same guy who wrote Forever Young for Gods sake. He’s probably the luckiest guy in showbiz considering his talent to compensation ratio.

    But we’re all going to see his damn film anyway, aren’t we?

    And ultimately, that’s all he and the studio care about. Us emptying our wallets and pocketbooks on tickets and merch.
Why is the Abramsprise fireing Star Wars Laser?
wow, this keeps getting worse. Sorry, it really does.
Star Trek Vi will be like Gone with The Wind compared to this “Star Trek” movie coming out in May.
whoa whoa whoa whoa, wait up. THAT’S SAN FRANCISCO? Really? I mean…really? It looks like Coruscant from Star Wars.
They had it perfect TMP.
 Why change it?
What I mean is that it is of it is for kids but deals with some philosophical/theological topics that may go over their heads. It’s a good movie though.

The second one is even better. It’s called Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan. It’s actually a serious movie and very well done and tackles a lot of adult oriented themes such as life/death, growing old, and sacrifice.

Just don’t expect any wicked cool lines that are aimed at The Transformers crowd such as “WOO HOO” or “Buckle up.”

Or my personal favorite “I like this ship! it’s exciting!” *shivers in disgust*
Star Trek: The Motion Picture. You may have heard of it. It’s totally different that this new Star Trek movie coming out, because well…it’s not made for kids and it really is a human adventure for the soul. You should check it out sometime.’
I’m sorry, it just looks so childish. Like it’s specifically aimed for kids.
hy are you talkin’ to me man?” Just makes me mad hearing it., Makes you mad? Makes me VERY VERY NERVOUS!!! I have tried so hard to be accepting of this movie, accepting of the new group of actors, accepting of YES the MANY MANY MANY radical changes of this supposed altered timeline. Guess what this NOT even an altred timeline, because in altered timelines — the “players” remain true to their characters. Kirk saying “man”, are you kidding me? Even a “casual” Star Trek knows better than that. I’ve reviewed the clip six times and still (pardon the pun) CANNOT believe my ears. This isn’t Star Trek — this is “21 Jump Street in the 23rd Century”.
    You guys are just a bunch of cheerleaders for this film (Anthony, I’m looking at you).

    Promo looks nothing like the shows we know and love… and why is Kirk’s face still bloody on the shuttle from Iowa? So he gets drunk, gets in a fight, and gets invited to the Academy the next day? Doesn’t he at least have to take the SATs or SOMETHING?
You have to open your wallet to view it, regardless of the mind being open or closed.
    Big Red Lazer reminded me of:

    Stargate Atlantis: the Replicator’s sattelite weapon.

    Star Trek Enterprise: Xindi planet destroyer, the Verteron array

    (007) Die Another Day: sattelite gun


Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Well, I’m just a fan of "Star Wars." As a kid, "Star Wars" was much more my thing than "Star Trek" was. If you look at the last three "Star Wars" films (meaning: the prequels) and what technology allowed them to do, they covered so much terrain in terms of design, locations, characters, aliens, ships — so much of the spectacle has been done and it seems like every aspect has been covered, whether it’s geography or design of culture or weather system or character or ship type. Everything has been tapped in those movies. The challenge of doing "Star Trek" — despite the fact that it existed before "Star Wars" — is that we are clearly in the shadow of what George Lucas has done.
-JJ Abrams



My thoughts:

JJ Abrams really does not understand Star Trek or the fact that the Star Wars Prequels are bad.

As a kid I was like JJ ("Star Wars" was much more my thing than "Star Trek" was). Then at 16, I started to watch Star Trek and became a fan of it too. I can see both the trek-fan and non trek-fans sides of things. Star Wars and Star Trek are like the Yin/Yang of space sci-fi. They are opposing forces but the fact is both are rooted together. Star Trek is not in the the shadow of star wars becuase They are opposing forces. The Star Wars Prequels are like bad chi and Star Wars ineffected by them. Now, JJ Abrams is copying The Star Wars Prequels and he will ineffected by them too.


Some Comments from trekmovie:

7. spock - January 30, 2009

    Wonder how he is going to do it, since he is making Star Trek look like Star Wars. JJ is getting to be annoying.

TBonz - January 30, 2009
The last three Star Wars movies sucked. They were visually appearing, but the stories and characters were lacking.

 42. JoeR - January 30, 2009


    “Star Trek must escape the shadow of Star Wars”

    JJ!!!! You got the guy who works of Star Wars Designs to make the new Enterprise. Pine says he is making Kirk more like Han Solo!

    Nero is a guy (In the Comics and the movie) Who Starts out as a good guy and stuff happens to make him bad. Sound like Anakin Skywalker.

    So you want to turn Trek into Star Wars (Which you seem to love) and that is how you are going to take trek out of the shadows of Star Wars.

    Oh and for people who will say wait and see the movie. Let me tell you this. One if you pay and see the movie..Guess WHAT! Its too late, they have your money. You think they care what you have to say then. They got paid!

Abrams is Destroying Star Trek like Lucas has Destroyed Star Wars

Remember when Lucas said "if fans want the original (original) trilogy, then they can find it on VHS".
For me that was the F.U. to the fans moment which made my dislike for Lucas into hate for Lucas.  

what JJ Abrams says here is a F.U. to the fans moment, but it is the underhanded punk-a@@ way he does it, that is making me NOW SAY: JJ ABRAMS IS WORST THEN LUCAS.

JJ Abrams saying: I think I benefited because I came into this movie as someone who appreciated "Star Trek" but wasn’t an insane fanatic about it.

also please read this Comment:
From Trekmovie Comments:
 131. McCoy - January 30, 2009

    You know, I’ve recently been pulling Star Wars collectables out of the closet and placing them on ebay. With no regrets. I guess for me, the importance and fond memories of the Star Wars universe were severely impacted by the last three Lucas attempts.

    I still find it strange that some people are open to letting someone basically come through the Star Trek door and make changes to TOS just for a romp in a theater. There are plenty of other movies capable of delivering action and new interpretations on space travel and phaser design—we didn’t need to attempt to re-brand Kirk’s era to this degree.

    I assume it’s my weakness that I see what could have been. I see that young men have come in and changed things that didn’t need to be changed, while at the same time exclaiming that what they changed wasn’t important anyway.

    Still, I carry some hope the timeline will be restored or time cops will remove all new technology. If I don’t hear that this has happened, I will be just fine staying and perhaps contemplate selling things from my Star Trek collection.

    To me, seeing the Enterprise like this is like watching R2D2 suddenly use booster rockets to fly around—simply because it looks cool. Seeing Scotty get excited about Pike’s ship is like watching Jar Jar jump up and down waving his hands. Looking at the generic communicator and phaser wondering where the classic gear is, is like wondering why the Millennium Falcon is MIA for three prequels.

    What am I worried about? That feeling.

2009: State of Star Wars
rcb said:

ouch! that hurts! u know, the people who walk away will be the older generations, while the new generation

will keep on going, because wat they see now is wat they're used to and prolly think the PT and all its

ailments is better then the OOT.

It is odd to me, but there are some who see the prequel trilogy as better and they are in love with Lucas, but like I said Lucas has an abusive Relationship with SW fans. One day in the future, Lucas will more likely piss off the PT-fans just like he pissed off the OOT-Fans.

On this post (#22)I wrote about the stange future in which we may see an original prequel trilogy Movement just like the original, original trilogy Movement of today:


Deep in my gut I feel that Lucas will make a Prequel Trilogy: Special Edtion and some of the prequel trilogy fans may turn on him just like the OOT-Fans have.

one day, We may see....   Lucas Bashing: The Next Generation.

It maybe a Stange Future for Us.