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Krieg der Sterne - Despecialized Edition 2.7 (German) (Released)

n00b said:

Laserschwert said:

Deshalb warte ich doch auf towne’s lossless Files 😉

Genial, vielen Dank!!!

Kannst du bei den Rs im “Krieg der Sterne”-Logo eventuell noch die eine Rundung reinmachen und die nach innen gerichteten Spitzen in den Buchstaben K, N und R absĂ€gen, falls ihr keinen Scan verwendet?

Die Schriftart des “Krieg der Sterne”-Logo entspricht exakt der deutschen Kinofassung. Wieso sollte also an den Buchstaben “rumgesĂ€gt” werden? 😉

What Didn't You Like About ROTS?

Anybody read this?


Statistical, but interesting facts about ROTS. A lot of text, but very insightful especially in the second half.


"I’m shocked by it, but when I finished watching [ROTS] it I kind of longed to just go back and watch Episode I. That’s right. The Phantom Menace. I think The Phantom Menace - with all its many problems - is a better movie than Revenge of the Sith. I can’t help but shake my head when I try to say that sentence out loud, but I think I have to stick with it.

Even the ridiculous love story of Attack of the Clones seems palatable compared to Revenge of the Sith. At least it’s a story."

What is wrong with... <strong>Attack of the Clones</strong>? - a general discussion thread

Critics quote “I don’t like sand” so often because it is simply the tip of the iceberg of the entire wooden Anakin dialogue.

As you said, there are so many sequences in this movie but most of the stuff is dramaturgic non-effective because Lucas’ script (along with Jonathan Hales little input) is not well written.

The movies of the Original Trilogy are fun space adventures with likeable characters. The movies of the Prequel Trilogy are melodramatic costume dramas with flat underdeveloped characters.

It’s not the amount of the special effects that drags AOTC down - it’s Lucas’ script & directing.

How accurate are the Harmy versions?

@Charles Daniels

Color-timing and contrast of the image could be a slightly distracting thing - it depends on the viewer. As far as i assume, you are used to the home video releases of the OT, which feature a brightened up image (Experienced Users: please correct if i’m wrong). So you may notice (for example in Star Wars 2.5) some shots with slighty different colors and a darker image you are not used to, due to your viewing experience.

Die RĂŒckkehr der Jedi-Ritter - Despecialized Edition 2.5 (German) (Released)

And let’s not forget the Obi-Wan dialogue in front of the Sand Crawler:

“These Tracks are side-by-side. Sand people always ride single file to hide their numbers.”

The last sentence was slighty changed in the German dub with a real-world adjective:

“Die Spuren hier sind alle nebeneinander. Sandleute bewegen sich im GĂ€nsemarsch um ihre StĂ€rke zu verbergen.”

It’s somewhat arkward to translate that into english. GĂ€nsemarsch = geese in single file

What Didn't You Like About ROTS?

“I should have known the Jedi are plotting to take over!”

The first time i heard this i thought: What the hell are talking about you dumb idiot?! You started this mess to save your boring wife!

Years later i read on [http://fd.noneinc.com/secrethistoryofstarwarscom/secrethistoryofstarwars.com/theturn.html] that this quote was a left over from a previous seduced-to-the-dark-side-story-arc and Lucas (for whatever reason) kept it in the movie.