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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers **

ZkinandBonez said:

screams in the void said:

The way I reconcile C3-PO in my head is that Anakin assembled 3po more than he built him , I like the old lore that he was built on Affa or some such planet 125 years before the original Star Wars . I imagine he got in some kind of trouble and was disassembled and left in a junk heap on Tatooine and Anakin just found the parts and put him back together.

Well, that is literally what “happened” in Legends canon. I can’t remember the details, but there was a comic where Vader finds C-3PO’s head on Cloud City and then has a flashback to finding his disassembled parts (I think someone used him as target practice) in Mos Espa and rebuilding him.

try not to laught


The Worst Scene/Sequence in Any Star Wars Film

NeverarGreat said:

Mocata said:

NeverarGreat said:

My headcanon has long been that the slaughter was just a dream sequence that George accidentally edited as if it really happened. This makes sense of Padme treating it exactly as she would a bad dream.

Nah it’s George thinking… hmm what would a bad person do? And then child killing becomes his only character trait besides whining all the time.

Your characterization of his thought process is…kind of outrageous. It’s unfair. How can you be the creator of Star Wars and not be a genius?

Mace Windu before he missteped: Take a seat, prequel lover.

<strong>Star Wars: Resistance</strong> (animated series) - a general discussion thread

DominicCobb said:

The Resistance was established by Leia I think about six years before TFA. But Poe only joined something like a year beforehand. So we’ll either see them stretching the limits of what they’ve previously established (I guess there aren’t any exact dates in the material related to Poe), or they’ll just set the show within a year of TFA, which is possible, but seems tricky.

Give them a few years and the nuEU will be like this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uOCBrYgBpjQ

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

Possessed said:

SilverWook said:

trimboNZ said:

When DS2 exploded, lots of construction workers, engineers, etc, died.
When Luke is dragging Vader towards a shuttle in the Death Star’s docking bay, there’s people scrambling in the background, yet no one stops to question why the Emperor’s menacing 2IC is being undressed by a blonde kid - everyone knew the station was doomed. I’m pretty sure the workers would have been the first to drop their tools and GTFO at the first sign of trouble.

The DS2 was finished, the incomplete look was part of the trap. Pretty sure all the contractors were packing up or gone by the time the Emperor arrived. Those were Imperial officers running around in a panic. No time to consider or gawk at Vader. To quote Douglas Adams, it was Somebody Else’s Problem or SEP. 😉
Or maybe Luke used the Force to conceal them both?

Then what was the “apparent lack of progress” Vader was on about in the opening scene? If any significant amount of progress was made between then and when the emperor arrived it wasn’t even hinted at unless you count that guy saying he would try.

The Emperor has already leaked the plans to Manny Bothans, so Jerjerrod and his men needed to finish the construction and test of the superlaser before the Rebels arrive. It may be Vader was also annoyed that the Death Star wasn’t in a better condition and its defenses closer to completion, in case the trap goes badly.

Ranking the Star Wars films

TV’s Frink said:

Ryan-SWI said:

The ST actually has much more CGI than any of the PT film; the issue is that CGI of that scope back in the early 2000s was widely unheard of. As such there was a lot of growing pains and ILM was still trying to figure out how to properly work with the technology and make it look convincing. So all these practical effects, sets, and real locations get overlooked because the CGI at the time just wasn’t 100% ready yet. Not saying that magically makes a lot of the CGI good, just that there is a reason.

But that’s also a problem with the decision making. If the technology isn’t ready, you don’t use it. Or you think it is ready and it’s not and you’re just fooling yourself.

There is also a lot of special effects in the theatrical OT that looks bad (Jedi is particulary bad, but Empire is also not as good as Star Wars). The only difference is that in the OT they only used such effects when they had no alternative (which is why the OT reuses small sets all the time or it has relatively modest action scenes), while in the PT Lucas basically went free and did whatever he wanted without any consideration to how the movie would look years later.

Unless I’m mistaken, the space shots of Naboo in Phantom Menace were rendered, and the planet looks like ass, while Hoth or Dagobah still look decent almost 40 years later.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

This all started when moviefreakedmind started a post with this statement: “I hate the exhaust port complaint”. Then I said that, not only this complain is annoying, Lucasfilm also didn’t “fix” it with Rogue One, and I explained why (that it doesn’t make sense, tha it adds bizarre stuff, etc). I didn’t say that Galen adding a flaw was annoying or a problem for me. That is all.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

Not sure if I’m not interpreting your post correctly, Mocata, but my last comment was addressing DominicCobb.

Adding to your post, there’s also:
a) Vader, Tarkin or the Emperor never bothering to monitor Galen after his exile/escape
b) Galen believing his flaw will never be detected by the Imperials in the middle of a battle by merely looking at the Rebels’ battle plan
c) the Imperials being unable or unwilling to send reinforcements to Scarif until the very end of the movie (roughtly 25 real life minutes after the battle has begun) while it takes like 2 minutes for the Rebels to send their whole fleet to the planet. Does the Empire have only 10 or 20 Star Destroyers in the whole galaxy?
d) the Scarif archives being guarded by a single guy during an intrusion/battle alert

while in the original you only needed to accept there was a flaw.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

DominicCobb said:

Mocata said:

GZK8000 said:

moviefreakedmind said:

I hate the exhaust port complaint. People say that the Empire should’ve just covered it up, but that defeats the purpose of an exhaust port! It’s established that the port is tiny and apparently only someone with extreme propensity for the force can even hit it. Also, the port wasn’t what destroyed the Death Star. It was a chain reaction explosion caused by a torpedo making it all the way down the port and into the center of the space station. It isn’t like the exhaust port was a self-destruct button.

The funny thing is that when Lucasfilm addresses this complain, they add even more improbable and implausible stuff on top of the original plausible but improbable stuff.

Agreed. The dumb ideas added in RO are the problem, not the original plans that needed to be researched to find the weakness in 1977.

What is the problem with the RO explanation?

This is not how you do this thread right hahaha.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

moviefreakedmind said:

I hate the exhaust port complaint. People say that the Empire should’ve just covered it up, but that defeats the purpose of an exhaust port! It’s established that the port is tiny and apparently only someone with extreme propensity for the force can even hit it. Also, the port wasn’t what destroyed the Death Star. It was a chain reaction explosion caused by a torpedo making it all the way down the port and into the center of the space station. It isn’t like the exhaust port was a self-destruct button.

The funny thing is that when Lucasfilm addresses this complain, they add even more improbable and implausible stuff on top of the original plausible but improbable stuff.

Most Baffling Complaint of a Star Wars Movie

DominicCobb said:
Luke doesn’t mourn his aunt and uncle’s death. This is silly to me. We see he’s clearly broken up about it, then we cut away and when we cut back some time has passed, but he’s still broken up about it and because of it has decided to move on and join the fight against the Empire.

I find the lack of references to Alderaan and its destruction in later scenes and in TESB/RotJ more jarring.

Vader being Luke’s father turns it into a soap opera. Star Wars was mythic from the start and this seems to fit that pretty well, amongst other things. This is not a hard one to defend.

It also reduces the Star Wars mythos to a bunch of characters deeply involved with each other. Ancient Greece seems to have more people than the Star Wars galaxy. Except when you go to both the old and the new EU. Then it seems Star Wars has too many people.

That Darth is a title, not a name. I mean, why the hell not? First of all, it’s a solid portmanteau (“Dark Lord of the Sith”). Second of all, maybe this is just me, but I think Darth is kind of a funny name, but works fine as a title. Also, despite what people say, there is nothing in the OT that would suggest this shouldn’t be the case.

Obi-Wan calls Vader “Darth” when they’re alone. There is no clear indication in the OT that Obi-Wan was mocking Vader. For me, his name is Darth.

Grievous’s cough. I think it’s actually a pretty good way to immediately establish that he’s not just a droid, and to sort of anticipate Vader’s breathing. Not sure what about it people hate.

It’s pointless and not really properly introduced.

When you first see Vader in Star Wars, you see him coming to the aftermath of a battle, with Rebels corpses in the floor, searching for the plans. He has a full armor, his face is unseen, his voice is modulated, his body movement is limited, he chockes a guy to death, he interrogates Leia, the breathing fits what Lucas was trying to do with this menacing character: he’s human yet he’s not a human.

When you first see Grievous in Revenge of the Sith, he is in his battleship, we don’t know what was he doing, what is he going to do. He isn’t really a Vader-like character, he’s more humanoid than human, he isn’t always coughing and the viewer has no clue as to why is he coughing in the first place. Is he ill? Is it a limitation of whatever process he underwent before he became RotS Grievous? What was Lucas’ point here? The movie never addresses this.