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Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Funny how I recall Harrison Ford on Oprah how many years back how he was never a fan of Han Solo, saying there was no depth in his character.  Talk about a waste indeed.  Han saving Boba from the Sarlaac you say?  Wonder if Lando could get switched with Boba and somehow Lando is somewhere else amongst the fighting? 

After that Boba doesn't really thank Han at all and would just fly off having second thoughts about killing him there on the spot.  Hmm perhaps Ady could hire a genuine body double for mainly Solo.  Camera pointing behind Han's shoulder or something like that?

Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

<blockquote><p><strong>ben_danger</strong> said:</p><p>Maybe not tossing the sabre into the fire, that would suggest giving up. Burying a sabre in the dirt (yoda's green bladed crystal, and a pyre on tatooine), would suggest something completely different. Maybe finishing what Yoda should have done years before. The prequels should set up this great mistake the Jedi made. Rivalry and infighting (EP1), Rogue Dooku (EP2), creating Vader (EP3) etc.<br /><br />Palpatine's speech could link brilliantly. Would be great if it that theme could be brought back into ROTJ more.<br /><br />The Last of the Jedi thing might also tie in with Kurtz's original idea for Luke going it alone after 6. Maybe just leaving the galaxy behind. He suggested episodes 7-9 would concern Luke's relationship with his 'sister' (not Leia!).<br /><br />What if by this point, years and years later, the force potent sister (or perhaps the sister's child) is running wild with powers she cannot control, maybe as a dangerous self educated Jedi to combat a new threat. Luke reluctantly comes out of retirement, much like Obi-wan, to train her and passes on his sabre to her to start the order afresh.... <span style="text-decoration: line-through;">Dark Knight</span> Skywalker Rises.</p></blockquote><p> </p>

I love that idea! :-)

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Okay going back on topic.... For those of you who have seen the 3 episode Malevolence Arc on the 1st Season of the Clone Wars, I'd love to see the Executor taken down in a similar way the Malevolence was being destroyed engines catching fire and all.  I loved the way Filoni and Co. handled those episodes.  I think I'll go back and watch them now! ;)


I guess they deemed it wasn't necessary given that they were so overconfident their technological terror was going to get the job done but to no avail. :p

And I just read that Ady wasn't going to be making any further additions to ANHR:SE so I guess the suggestions I made won't be happening.  Ah well.... ;)

STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

I think I'll anticipate a December release.  It will be this next to The Hobbit that I'll be also be looking forward to and that will pretty much make up my month.  Still if it's any time sooner then awesome.  But for now I'd like Ady to take his time and a December release date sounds a little attractive to me that way. :)

News or no news heh - I look forward to the surprises Adywan has in store for us, so the lesser the spoilers I say. ;)

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

muddyknees2000 said:

dabest13 said:

... if it is indeed concealed that Anakin and Vader are one in the same, obviously the transformation scene would have never been seen. 

 Which would open things up for a much better "Birth of Vader" type scene. More spiritual and akin to a knighting ceremony than the scientific "operating table" scene that we DID get....

EDIT: Obviously Vader would already be partially in costume so that we have no idea that it is Anakin...and the knighting ceremony would just be Palpy formally giving him his Darth name....the "force lift" lowering of his helmet shroud (like in the painting) would be a nice touch though...

Now THAT would be an iconic scene.  Would be nice to actually see that at the end instead of Vader joining Palpatine overseeing the construction of the Death Star.  No dialogue required - nothing but music instead.  Man what an overhaul the PT:R is going to be lol.  And I'm liking the idea of Padme not having to die either.  Say she was on Alderaan when it blew up.  What if Vader found out during ROTJ somehow like say what if the Emperor knew she was on the planet when it exploded or something?

Oh and I'd still prefer it that Leia does remain Luke's sister despite the incestuous kiss lol.  All this "there is another" business etc.  Obvious there were signs in ESB in the first place so I wouldn't have that aspect changed.... at all.


Erikstormtrooper said:

FVDnz said:

Wouldn't it be cool if there was a tease of the Executor just with Vader's Tie Fighter docking with it or something.

I could have sworn Adywan did something like this at some point. It was the shot from the end of ANH with Vader's TIE flying off into the distance, with the Executor in the background.

Oh really?  I read something along those lines but never really took much notice.  I just downloaded the DL version of the movie yesterday.  As soon as I've burned it to disc I'll check it out.  Cheers for that. :)


After reading some of the ideas for ROTJ:R and the Epic Space Battle above all, I'm wondering if Ady will make any further enhancements to his already impressive Battle of Yavin scene.  And looking at some of the different DS angles on the ESB/ROTJ Wishlist Thread, I'd love to see DS perspectives like that on ANHR:SE or would that be too Prequel-ish?

I remember thoughts going round that Vader should report to the Emperor at the end at Coruscant or something.  Wouldn't it be cool if there was a tease of the Executor just with Vader's Tie Fighter docking with it or something.  Could probably use the soon to become omitted footage from ESB:R you know, the Shuttle docking scene that was unnecessary in the first place but replace that with his Fighter instead.  And perhaps a tease of Vader's chamber just giving that nod that he's going to contact his master.  Just an idea.  :)

And I wonder if somebody out there could tease the Imperial March theme with snippets during such a scene that is, if the Imperial March doesn't get used earlier in the film.  Something like what Hans Zimmer did with Christopher Nolan's Dark Knight Trilogy bringing out the Official theme in the Dark Knight Rises.  Just thinking this so that when Ady eventually revisits the PT he could use that instead of Uncle George already giving that theme away.  Just makes the Sage more interesting that way if you ask me.

Info &amp; Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

Been skimming over a number of pages myself and wow the wealth of ideas making ROTJ:R an even more coherent film.  I'm already getting excited at the prospects not to mention what Ady and Co. decide to include in the film.

I love the idea of a third Death Star twist plus Piett making a bold sacrifice.  Can it really be done though?  And some of the artwork is simply jawdropping too.  Man oh man it's going to be a long wait but it will be worth it.  And I'll gladly contribute a number of donations to the cause like with ESB:R.

And to you too, 005.  Love that link with your list of ideas for ROTJ:R.  A pity some of the artwork has been deleted though.  Could they be reinserted if possible?  I know it's been a few years since you posted it but it would be cool to see it updated (dreams are for free of course).  I hope you don't mind me advertising your link here too especially for those who haven't seen it yet. :)


STAR WARS: EP V &quot;REVISITED EDITION&quot;<strong>ADYWAN</strong> - <strong>12GB 1080p MP4 VERSION AVAILABLE NOW</strong>

Long time lurker and frequent poster/donator on the Facebook page.  It's taken long enough to leave a post but at 1,000 pages and the start of the New Year, heck better now than never! ;)

Personally I like the idea of Vader referring to Fett as Bounty Hunter.  Actually I would have preferred it if Han referred to Fett by name the moment he shows himself at Cloud City.  A shame there was never a shot of Han saying his name in the next shot especially seeing him back at Mos Eisley.  Then again I do think Fett shouldn't have made an appearance during that Jabba scene.  Guess it's a good thing Ady had the scene deleted in his previous edit in the first place.

Going back to Han Solo.  Would have loved a look of chagrin on his face the moment Boba comes into the shot next to Vader - and then saying his name with disgust (reminds me of Wolverine and his past encounters with numerous villains). :)