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What didn't you like about TFA? <em>SPOILERS</em>

Lord Haseo said:

mfastx said:

SilverWook said:

What did we know about Alderaan, except it was Leia’s home planet and they didn’t have any weapons before KABOOM!

Alderaan was at least involved in the plot as it was a main character’s home planet and Luke and Ben were on a mission to go there.

Also it being a peaceful planet with no weapons made the deed seem more abhorrent.

I will say the fact that the Falcon was going to Alderaan and it went kablooey makes that destruction a bit more impactful, but in TFA we know that the Republic’s senate and fleet are destroyed by the Starkiller, which isn’t nothing.

An Experiment in Inducting a SW newbie.

13las said:

This would also be one of the first times a newbie was introduced to the saga in the order: IV, V, VI, VII, I, II, III.

Anecdotally, this seems to actually be a pretty common way that newbies have acquainted themselves with the films in light of TFA. They watch the originals to give the proper backstory and because they’re regarded as great. Then they see TFA and want more. So they check out the PT, even though they’re widely regarded as not so great.

Info Wanted: What is considered by most fans to be the best edit of the Prequels?

The thing about PT edits is preference plays a big role in what people think should and shouldn’t be cut. If you’re looking for specific somethings, definitely go through the database on fanedit.org and see which cut list sounds the best to you. If you don’t really mind what is or isn’t included and you’re simply looking for what works best, you definitely can’t go wrong with L8wrtr’s and Hal’s. I’ve never seen them, but if you’re looking for more extreme cuts of quality, Q2’s or secior’s are probably the way to go.

Personally I go with Hal EpI, EpII, and L8 EpIII. But even then I’m not completely happy so I’ve decided that I’ll have to do my own hybrids at some point.

What Didn't You Like About ROTS?

ZkinandBonez said:

moviefreakedmind said:

DominicCobb said:

  • Palpatine transforms into wrinkly face rather than slowly aging into it.

This was important to me though because I am not capable of comprehending the fact that people age over time. If he hadn’t have turned into a wrinkly old man in ROTS I would’ve sat there perplexed staring at the screen thinking, “why does he look older in Return of the Jedi than in this movie?”

Well, to be devil’s advocate, was Palpatine ever supposed to have aged naturally? His appearance in ROTJ is quite, for the lack of a better word, “alien” looking. That’s not to say that I think ROTS solved it brilliantly, but I never interpreted OT Palpatine’s wrinkles as being natural, and he does look kind of melted. I also remember the novelization (which was Lucas canon) hinting at his unnatural age.

Although I know now that this is not the case, but when I watched ROTS for the first time as a teenager I thought Palpatine’s aging scene was him being transformed back into his true age by the Force lightning. Which made sense to me after all that Plegeuis talk about artificially maintaining life with the Force. In retrospect though, that’s giving the PT too much credit.

No, not aged naturally. Aged unnaturally and deformed by the dark side. But still a gradual process that occurred in part due to aging.

Again I wouldn’t have minded it too much if they made him look like in ROTJ or if there’s was some sort of explanation besides “scars.”

Ranking the Star Wars films

Snoke looks a bit artificial but I attribute that to the lighting and the sort of translucent look it gives to the character. Of course the purpose of this is that he’s a hologram (also I’d imagine why he’s somewhat desaturated). The detail on him is pretty good and overall he’s way better looking than any PT CG character.

Max looks great to me. Yoda comparisons are pretty far off-base and just people stretching to paint everything in the film as an OT rip-off.

What Didn't You Like About ROTS?

moviefreakedmind said:

DominicCobb said:

  • Stupid battle droid humor and voices.
  • Palpatine cheering during the Dooku duel.

Oh yeah those were real bad. I was not quite as young as you but still in my youth, and I didn’t get why there were so many attempts at childish and slapstick humour in the film that was supposed to see the demise of the jedi and the fall of Anakin Skywaltzer

“Skywaltzer” ha I’ll have to remember that one. Yeah the humor was poor and stood out to me in large part because the droids were so much different in ROTS than in the previous two films. Weird that not only was there droid slapstick in the dark ROTS but it was only in that and not TPM and AOTC.

DominicCobb said:

  • Palpatine transforms into wrinkly face rather than slowly aging into it.

This was important to me though because I am not capable of comprehending the fact that people age over time. If he hadn’t have turned into a wrinkly old man in ROTS I would’ve sat there perplexed staring at the screen thinking, “why does he look older in Return of the Jedi than in this movie?”

I had always assumed as a kid that the Emperor was just super old in ROTJ. Palpatine’s appearance in AOTC looks like it’s actually working towards Emperor. Then he de-ages in ROTS? I could buy Palpatine turning wrinkly face as if it was his true visage but the film makes it sort of unclear why and implies that the force lightning use caused it. Anyway the big issue is that the make up doesn’t match AT ALL.

Star Wars Episode I: Cloak Of Deception (Released)

Hal 9000 said:

I noticed what seems like a weird audio glitch. Can anyone confirm that the dialogue only seems to come from the Right side during the reinserted ‘dawn before the race’ scene?

JEDIT: It appears it’s just happening in the 720p version, most likely as a result of transcoding it to AAC.

I downloaded the 720 version awhile ago but haven’t checked it out until now. I can confirm that the dialogue only comes from the right side during that scene.

However… it’s actually that way throughout the entire film, not just the one scene.