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Darth Enzo

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That Clator fella (woo-hoo! I finally get to use his real name here!) is a terrific friend, a dang good musician and songwriter, and all around "good people." This isn't the first time he's donated music sales money to good causes, either. I already have both of his CDs (and then some), so I'm donating the amount I'd otherwise spend on them.
Worst changes to OT in '97 and '04
**Heavy sigh**

How would Executor know Vader was on the way? Easy. I'm sure that somewhere amongst the ion drives and turbolasers and deflector shields on the various ships there are identification transponders. When Vader's personal dropship leaves the command vessel, the vehicle traffic control officer monitors its position and status. When Vader says "bring my shuttle," the pilot signals the VTCO to announce their inbound status and verify a clear docking bay. That, or some very similar standard operating procedure, "alerts" the Star Destroyer to "prepare."

The Imperial fleet is a military organization and as such must operate in a state of continual readiness. Also, remember that Vader is a guy with a documented ability and habit of murdering people, even admirals and at great distances, for disappointing him. Thus there is a very real incentive to make sure that there is a proper docking crew and an officer to deliver any needed updates whenever he arrives.

D_V, the way you worded it, it almost sounds like Vader's in the limo telling his personal assistant to call his publicist and make sure there's a fawning entourage and cheering crowd lining the red carpet when he gets to Burger King.
That depends on whether you're merely unable to die of natural causes or totally impervious to death. If it's the former, your head will lie on the ground (hopefully face up) as you use your final seconds to silently mouthe out some silly dying words like "oh my." But if you're unkillable, your body walks around in a big circle until your head sees it and guides the rest of yourself to pick up your detached noggin, all the while muttering "sonuvabitch, not again. I won't be able to turn my head or eat solid food for weeks."


Originally posted by: Darth Chaltab
Have you ever BEEN to New Orleans, Ric? I have. My mother has a photo of her shocked face reacting to some of the perverseness that goes on there.

As for racist? RACIST? How is what I said racist? I'm simply stating that there ARE bad people in New Orleans, obviously, and that it was a well known fact before the flood. My mom said she knew a guy who got his wallet taken from his pocket in broad daylight.

Never did I say EVERYONE or MOST of the people were like that, just simply stated fact: it exists. Is your view of the city so sanitized that you don't know about it?

Good point, Chaltab. New Orleans is nothing if not a city of contrast. There are five-star restaurants, beautiful architecture, terrific museums and examples of the best of human culture and creativity literally next door to and mingled with people and places whose crudity and depravity knows no end. Looking through one eye you see a place that I loved for three days and (until a few days ago) would love to visit again. Wink and look through the other eye, and you'll find a hive of scum and villainy so wretched it makes Mos Eisley look like frickin' Disney World.

This has nothing to do with race. There are folks in New Orleans of all races who want to take their families to safety, others who want to try and help their fellow men, and disruptive assbags who are making a bad situation horrible and deserve to be shot where they stand.
When you consider the relative difficulty of reporting on it due to the remoteness and lack of infrastructure for travel and communication, the Boxing Day tsunami got tremendous news coverage, as befitting a disaster of that magnitude. Katrina is generating heavier coverage simply because a) it's relatively local for us and b) American media outlets can easily send crews to the scene. Most of the media were already in place, as teams are routinely dispatched to areas in hurricane paths in case it turns out to be a "newsworthy" event like this one. When the devastation occurred, and then intensified, the newsgatherers were already on the job and the coverage was immediate.

In comparison, nobody expected a natural disaster in the Indian Ocean. If there were any newsies there, they were travelers on Christmas vacation. For the first couple of days, most of the video from the tsunami was shot by civilians on hotel balconies and rooftops.
Worst changes to OT in '97 and '04
"Bring my shuttle" is simple, powerful and effective. It's an iron fist that don't need no stinking velvet glove of a sentence. The crew of Executor should always be prepared for Vader's arrival anyway, they ought not need to be alerted. But by far the worst sin of the SE (at least in that section of the movie) is that all those little additional "Hey look, kids! It's Vader, and he's traveling! Wow, isn't his shuttle pretty?" shots disturb the flow and interrupt the music, so there's about 74.26% less tension and urgency in the scene and less relief when the heroes escape.
No Episode III on VHS
bad_karma24: For some reason Gladiator seems like a movie I would have bought on LD if it had come out a few years earlier. I know and love the fact that well-mastered modern DVDs beat the pants off LD (at least in video quality), but there's a different tactile experience with the 12" media that you just don't get with DVD. The discs feel simultaneously substantial and delicate, and a gatefold jacket allows plenty of room for nice big artwork.

Commander Courage, I only listened to the commentary today while I was doing work around the house so I can't say too much yet. I do know that most, if not all, of the cut scenes from the original DVD were reinstated and there were extensions to existing scenes, notably in some battle sequences. The rest of the package seems really nice, too. There's not much overlap in the supplements with the old 2-disc set, so I'm keeping both. There's plenty of informative reviews out there, but I don't give out free links after 2 am so you gotta find 'em yourself.