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Darth Chaltab

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Plot holes in the SW saga
Jimbo. The Empire was a threat to the rebellion in RotJ. The entire rebel command fleet was in one place and couldn't leave because of Stardestroyers. And a Death Star was right there picking the rebel ships of one at a time. And If the second deathstar was finished, I'm sure they would have compensated for the weakness exploited in the first movie... Like maybe a curved exhaust shaft.
What is wrong with Return of the Jedi?
How about I point out some of AotC's flaws?

1. The dialogue in the Ani/Padme romance is freaking awful.
2. The actors collectively give bad performances even though they aren't bad actors
3. Natalie Portman's monotone speach is only slightly less annoying/ then it was in TMP but thankfully less frequent
4. Why am I numbering them?
5. CG is used in nearly every shot, including many in which it isn't needed.
6. The CG army at the end looks incredibly fake.
7. Nearly every one liner is painfully unfunny
8. Haden Christiansen is topless in bed and screaming in a bad acting mode *cringes*
9. Jar Jar Binks isn't as funny as he was in TMP, and that says a lot.

Over all I really enjoyed Attack of the Clones but... this crap is hard to ignore.

Originally posted by: Rebel Scumb

Interestingly enough, Mark Hamill said in a recent webchat that he and Bob Anderson always wanted to do crazy saber twirls and one handed style fighting in the OT (similar to what we see in the PT duels) but that the word from Lucas was always "its heavy, its like excalibur, you can't swing it around like that it takes a lot of effort because of the weight". But this logic seems to have been abandon in the PT.

Heavy? A lightsaber blade is freaking made of energy! It has no mass. It has no weight. A small child could swing a Lightsaber
Plot holes in the SW saga
Jimbo. Why do you continue to make people think that 16-year-olds are idiots?

Aside from Padme mysteriously knowing about the hangar, I really can't think of any plot holes. And I don't think all the Stormtroopers are clones. If their age was accellerated they would be too old by the time of the OT. And Obi-wan does know Luke before ANH. Remember he addresses Luke by name after Luke gets up in the Wastes of Junland.
Knights of the Old Republic
1.Actually, I heard the PC version had some technical glitches from a reliable source <www.gamespot.com>

2.There is no way it will take you multiple 24 hour sessions. I completed the game first-time-through without a walkthrough in app. 27 hours.

3.Manaan, the water world can be pretty monotonous, especially if you get yourself involved in Sunry's trial, but the rest of the game isn't.

4.No comment. My crappy excuse for a PC will never see KoToR. Another Bioware game (Neverwinter Nights) is what I am playing now.
What is wrong with Return of the Jedi?
The Empire didn't surrender. The EU deals with the rest of the crap that happened after RotJ. But the death of Palpatine and Vader was a devastating blow to the Empire. And if you want to get technical, the trilogy ended after RotJ because a trilogy can't have four movies.

About the Ewoks... I find them sort of annoying... but they are fighters. They carry spears and hunt prey.

Also, the clones have had their age accelerated, so the Storm Troopers on Endor may have "old" worn-out bodies. Just a thought.
And Boba Fett doesn't die... he escapes the Sarlaac pit. I don't like his sissyfied scream, though.