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Star Wars on Blu-ray?
Lucas has always had a good relationship with Sony. Sony has to be pushing hard for a Blue-Ray version of the Saga. I know Blue-Ray is doing well, but this would really put it over the top. Unfortunately I predict Lucas will give us a stripped down blue-ray release, essentially the same stuff we have now only in HD, and not the mythical box set everyone is waiting for.
The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
auximenies said:

Wait, i thought the joke was only those who paid for it?

Crygor64 has skillz.  I wish i was able to post out of both sides of my a$$.


The joke is on people who willingly paid to see Clone Wars only after watching and hating the PT. I don't hate the PT but many of the complainers in this thread do. They are quite vocal about their PT hate and yet they still went out to see CW. (lol)

(ps: Reading is fundamental.)

There is a comic strip on the previous page that sums up this hypocrisy perfectly.

And BTW, as far as I know your ass only has one side. The backside.

Sooooo, how much money has this film made?

Also, a quick question for Negative 1.  First, I enjoyed your screen caps but let me get to my question.  Assaj Ventress force throws a Battle Droid off a cliff.  Does the Droid scream "why?!" as he is thrown over?  That's what it sounded like to me.

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread

Adywan I'm sorry you missed my point about your fan edit and its connection to GL's own mania. It wasn't intended as an insult to you or your work.

I don't care about the conditions under which you saw the Clone Wars "movie." (Right you brought some kid, you somehow got in free, whatever.) You still went to see it.  Joke's on you.   That comment was directed at the complainers in this thread. Not you. 

Anyway we will just have to agree to disagree. 

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread

Well CO, that's a reasonable, very well written post. I think most people here would agree with you concerning the OT/PT conflict and GL's astounding arrogance.  I know on that part we completely agree.

GL is not someone I want to defend. Not as an "artist" nor as a business man.  In a way I'm glad his greed was thwarted.   But as we've learned in the past nothing will change his mind.  When the GOUT trilogy bombed at retail I'm sure he was happy.  Somehow I think that fits into his twisted world view.

And I'm only busting Adywan's balls because anyone who creates their own "extra special edition" probably shouldn't be complaining about GL's own mania.  Glass houses and all... However I have always respected Adywan's abilities. Editing and CGI effects are not easy. His fan edit is amazing simply because of what he's accomplished.  I hope he understands how I feel.

But yeah, I still think the hysteria over Clone Wars is unwarranted.  I'm shocked to see myself in the position of defending a sily kids movie that prety much everyone hates.  Again, I'm not defending the quality of the film, I'm merely pointing out the hyprocrisy of some of the critics.  (very lulz worthy at times)

But still, the point I made earlier still stands.  If you saw the PT and hated it, and then went out and paid money to see Clone Wars, well....the joke is on you.

I brought a bunch of very young children to see the movie and they all loved it.  That has a particular effect on a person.  Maybe that's another reason I actually enjoyed the tv show....er movie.

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
adywan said:

Since your little "fanboy jab was directed at me I'll just say this:

Your "Star Wars Revisited" is merely "Star Wars: The Extra Special Edition."  So by OT.com standards your opinion on this matter is invalid.  You are as bad as Lucas if not worse.  You know what would make Star Wars even better?  More Tie Fighters! (lol)

We need less childish drama over this kids movie.  Didn't like it?  Too bad. Stop acting like Lucas has slighted you personally.  Some of you just need to let it go. 

This isn't like Greedo shooting first.  This isn't the Prequel Trilogy.  Its a kids movie.  Its fun and incredibly stupid.  Some of you have forgotten how to experience joy.  Others are just too old for this shit.  Most people who saw the original SW in the theaters are at or over 40 years old.  That's your problem right there.  Well that and a complete lack of youthful imagination.

for gods sake, grow up and go back to TFN.

This movie was horrendous , no matter how old you are. but there are still people out there that will say its good just because it has the tag "Star Wars" and will continue to defend any piece of crap that Lucas keeps on putting out. If this was good then i would have said that it was, but it wasn't and the majority of the world tend to agree.



Hmm, another person telling me to go back to TFN.  Hmmm.  For the record I don't post on any other sites.  I guess that's why I'm not used to the pathetic, fanboy melodrama going on in this thread.

Adywan you are the perfect example of a hypocrite. You don't get it do you?

You complain about George's actions and yet your own fan film is nothing more than SW: The Extra Special Edition.  I have a suggestion for your ESB Edit.  More Wampas! How about 10 Wampas all attacking at once?  Maybe you could add another couple of dozen AT-ATs?  I'm sure GL is very proud of your work. Its done very much in the spirit of his own Special Edition. 

Also saying that people only like Clone Wars because it has the "Star Wars" tag is an ignorant generalization.

Again, I'm not defending the quality of the film.  I really am just laughing at the people who are outraged over a kids movie.  Its completely alright to hate this film just don't act like GL has slapped you in the face.

You willingly paid money to see something you probably knew you were going to hate.

And guess what?  If you saw the prequel trilogy and didn't like it, and yet you still went out to see Clone Wars....well not only is your opinion invalid but you probably shouldn't be complaining in the first place. 


The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread

Oh noes! I'm a troll now.  Pathetic.

When the Special Editions arrived and the hardcore fanbase compained I was among those who complained the loudest.  It wasn't just the "Han shoots first" stuff.  I was outraged because Lucas was trying to permanently erase something that was part of my life for almost 17 years.  From the point of view of someone who respects film history it was a crime.

At least when Spielberg rehased E.T. he gave us both versions on DVD.  Much like Stalin, Lucas seems content to any bit of history he doesn't agree with.

Lucas also seems obsessed with adding things to the older films that weren't needed in the first place.

However the drama over this goofy and many times stupid kids movie astounds and amuses me. Just look at some of the lulz worthy posts in this thread. The hysteria is hilarious. 

Some people just need a reason to bitch.  Some people just want to blame George for their disappointment with their own pathetic lives.  I'm not defending clone wars as much as I'm laughing at the people who are so offended by a silly kids film. (And like we said before, its not even a movie, its 3 episodes of a TV show strung together.)

You can go back to whining now.



The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
adywan said:

Well i succomed to my curiosoity and watched TCW. Now i am desperately hoping someone here can help me out with something......


I've been a fan of Star Wars since 1977. The PT, though not of the same calibre as the OT, i still enjoyed seeing for the first time. But this... How the hell anyone can say this is good is beyond me.

This should have remained what it was meant to be and that is a TV cartoon series. Releasing 3 episodes strung together is an insult to Star Wars fans. So its supposed to be aimed at kids. So why not just keep it for the TV where the kids can watch it for free? Money, that's the only reason. Lets see.... kids tickets are usually half the price of adult ones so the parents then have to take their kids to the cinema and pay full price. Great, now more money is coming in. Well not from me. I'm just glad i didn't pay to have to sit through this abomination. The fanboy excuse of "see it through a child's eyes" is complete crap.Most  kids that were at the showing were restless and bored, some even leaving half way through. i have never seen this at any other Star Wars movie i have ever watched at the cinema.

What happened to the promise that the animation would "not be like anything we've seen before"? well i, for one, am glad we have never seen anything like it before because the animation was truly outdated. there was just no suspense in any part of the movie. All the battles, we knew who lives, so they became pointless and boring. Why keep flogging the clone wars to death? They could have done so much with an animated series without having to go over old ground.

Lucas screwed up with AOTC when we never got to see the clone wars, as he had promised, so we now get lumbered with this.

Call me a hater as much as you want, but know this before you generalise me.... i wasn't, until now.


Since your little "fanboy jab was directed at me I'll just say this:

Your "Star Wars Revisited" is merely "Star Wars: The Extra Special Edition."  So by OT.com standards your opinion on this matter is invalid.  You are as bad as Lucas if not worse.  You know what would make Star Wars even better?  More Tie Fighters! (lol)

We need less childish drama over this kids movie.  Didn't like it?  Too bad. Stop acting like Lucas has slighted you personally.  Some of you just need to let it go. 

This isn't like Greedo shooting first.  This isn't the Prequel Trilogy.  Its a kids movie.  Its fun and incredibly stupid.  Some of you have forgotten how to experience joy.  Others are just too old for this shit.  Most people who saw the original SW in the theaters are at or over 40 years old.  That's your problem right there.  Well that and a complete lack of youthful imagination.

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread
CO said:
Crygor64 said:


You lost me at haters.  They did that shit at TFN, generalizing about people.  Have a real debate at OT.com, or go to TFN and have lame ass debates labeling people.

You aren't Cryogenic are you?


 TFN you say?  You should go back there. I'm sure you are missed.

The 2008 '<strong>The Clone Wars</strong>' animated theatrical movie - a general discussion thread

Haters, what did you expect from a movie that is merely 3 episodes of a cartoon strung together?

And to the profit bean counters, Clone Wars is part of a TV series that has already been bought and paid for.  The only costs on the movie are promotion and making the prints. Anything above that is pure profit. I'm sure Lucas is happy.  This movie is really a commercial for the TV show anyway.

Personally I enjoyed the film. I got a kick out of a few of the little jokes, (Zero, lol), and it was pretty much what I expected.  Watch it through the eyes of a child and you'll have fun. I know I did.

On a side note, Clone Wars is head over heels above current kids TV shows like Ben 10, Transformers Animated, etc...  I'm glad the kids have something fun to watch.  I know I will be sure to set my Tivo.

adywan said:

One person emailed me saying i have ruined Georges vision and should be hunted down and forced never to touch another film again. the best one i got, only because i couldn't stop laughing at the dumb f**k....

" You removed the dinosaurs from Mos eyesley (not my spelling, his) which now makes that whole sequence look like it come from the 1970s. Replacing the dinosaur with crappy looking computer generated stormtroopers was uncalled for. George added those creatures when he filmed it for a reason and you have removed the alien feel from that whole scene now. "


Apparently George Lucas is now posting on the forums ;)

Adywan, I sympathize with your health issues. Went through a little crisis myself a few years ago. Giving yourself a project like this is really therapeutic. I did similar things (art & crafts bullshit) to keep myself busy and it really helped.

Honestly I'm amazed you pulled something like this off. This whole time I thought you worked for a company like WETA or ILM. Amazing stuff. Keep up the good work.
Doctor Who
Ha! Nice comic. You know when I mentioned the trauma induced by the death of former Doctors? Tom Baker's demise effected me the most. It was so dramatic. And Tom was my favorite. I was horrified when he fell/died.

Anyone else got a favorite? If I had to rank the top 3 I'd go with Tom, Peter Davison, and Jon Pertwee.

David and Christoper Eccleston have exceeded my expectations. Maybe I prefer Christopher. David's material has been at times inconsistent. (I hated Love & Monsters. And I've never hated a Doctor Who episode before)

Still the two episodes I mentioned earlier are probably my favorites of the new series.

Doctor Who
adywan said:

Crygor64 said:


Can someone, anyone confirm or deny this rumor? I'll be heartbroken if its true.

Don't worry. that was a totally made-up rumour by The Sun newspaper. There won't be a new series in 2009, but instead 4 specials, then a new series will return in 2010. This is because David Tennant will be doing a season playing Hamlet so would be unable to film a full series.

Thank you adywan. That's great news. I've really grown attatched to David. I wasn't ready to let him go yet. Losing a Doctor was always so traumatic for me when I was growing up. *chuckle*

So David is playing The Prince of the Danes. I would enjoy seeing that. His performance in Human Nature/Family of Blood really blew me away. I always liked Christopher but David has truly earned my respect.
doubleofive said:

Crygor64 said:

How many versions of this film are there again? I have the original release (beta). I have a second, tweaked release. And now I hear about the "Purist Version" and a DVD9. Can someone explain to me what the purist version is? I'm a little confused by all the different versions.


The xvid is the rough draft, the DVD-5 is the second draft, and the DVD-9 is the final draft. However, the Purist Version is a side project, with some of Adywan's changes undone (no added music, no extended Death Star reveal, no extended TIE reveal, and Obi-Wan's Hut reverted back to its original order). Like a Fan Edit Edit. I've not watched the Purist Version myself, as I am pleased with all the changes made. In fact, these are pretty much the exact changes I wanted to see in the 2004 DVDs.

Thank you doubleofive. I think I'm going to track down the purist version while I await the DVD9. Anyway I appreciate the help. And the incredible covers.

Excellent job!
