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RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"
doubleofive said:

I like it, but what's with the huge TOS Enterprise?  I love the old girl, but she does feel out of place...

I was under the impression it was the TMP Enterprise.  I'm not a big enough Star Trek guy to notice those things or to have them bother me at all.  I figured I needed something for the bottom, and there aren't very many good, high-quality TMP images.  Suggestions are welcome.


Rick McCallum?  I'm so glad he had no involvement ever in SW/ESB/ROTJ.  What ROTJ really needed was for Gary Kurtz to stay.

And I like the idea of showing the fleet leaving - the last shot could be them blasting into hyperspace.  When we pan up from Luke at the funeral pyre, we could see some Rebel ships leaving Endor, then cut to space where we see the fleet blast off into hyperspace.

Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist

There are only two good ways to deal with Fett in ROTJ:

1) Make him more involved with the story, like the idea where, using AOTC or fan-shot footage with a screen-accurate costume, Fett leaves Jabba's before the Sarlacc scene and sells the Death Star II plans to the Rebels (the implication being the Emperor himself hired Fett to do this to lure the Rebels into his trap)

Or, my personal favorite:

2) GET RID OF HIM ENTIRELY!!!  As it is, he doesn't need to be in ROTJ at all.  He's entirely pointless.  He's there just to die in the most pussified way known to man.

So either make him more important to the story, or get rid of him.

'Wolverine' takes a leak

I've watched it - it's the same cut they showed to the producers that made them decide to shoot additional scenes a few months ago, so the theatrical cut will be about 10-15 minutes longer than the "workprint."

The majority of the effects aren't finished (which makes watching the climax pretty funny, since it's VERY CG-heavy), the sound effects are all temporary (editor's scratch mix before it's sent off to the sound designer and sound mixers), and the music is all temporary (the film hadn't been scored yet).  The credits are also roughly thrown-together, then there's a mid-credits sequence, then they use the credits form X-Men 3 in their entirety before going to a post-credits sequence.

In general, the movie would be on par with "The Last Stand" if they hadn't completely ruined the characters of Gambit and Deadpool.  I don't think the additional 10 minutes can possibly save it.

Note that I never intended to pay for this film in the first place, and the only reason I watched it was because, as an editing student, work-in-progress cuts are very intriguing to me.  Watching this workprint was almost as educational as my classes, unfinished though it may be.

Info & Ideas: ESB and ROTJ Wishlist
Bingowings said:
ChainsawAsh said:

Movie starts with Vader arriving, then Luke on Dagobah, then a Jabba scene, then Luke arrives on Tatooine and that's where the above scene would come.

I know what you mean Ash I meant as far as Luke is concerned.

Yoda dies after Luke finishes his train near the beginning of the film (some people have or are working on variations based on the same idea but all of them build on that daring leap of reordering).


Sorry I was replying to Sluggo, not you.  I didn't notice that you'd replied at about the same time I had.


STAR WARS: LAST OF THE JEDI (fanedit of 'Return of the Jedi' - unfinished project)

You could show Luke at the funeral pyre, then cut to Ben and Yoda watching him as Anakin fades into being.  Ben and Anakin smile at each other, then turn and watch Luke as Luke watches his father's body burning.  The Force Theme swells, the camera pans up to the sky, and the saga ends.

The biggest difference here is Luke doesn't see them, but they see Luke.

And I'm all for cutting Luke/Obi-Wan's earlier conversation, especially since Luke is no longer Leia's sister.  It now serves no purpose, really.

NON-Star Wars Fan Edit and Alternate DVD Covers SHOWCASE

My Indy set (posted originally in the Star Wars DVD covers thread because I forgot all about this one):

The first three are for the individually-released sets, not the 4-disc box, and the KOTCS one is for the single-disc release.

If there's demand for them, I can make one for the 2-disc KOTCS and the old 4-disc box set for the originals.  I may also do disc art to top it all off.

Here's the RapidShare download link for all 4 covers:


Beatles Remastered Albums Due in September
JarHead413 said:

the only thing they are using in processing the songs is a slight use of limiting to bring them up to a slightly higher volume because a lot of the tapes they worked with were noticeably too quiet.

Uh-oh ... while I know that was meant to be reassuring, it had the exact opposite effect on me ... here's hoping we don't have a too-loud remaster that clips the peaks of the waveforms like all of The Who's remasters ...

Star Wars DVD Covers
ben_danger said:

ooh, id like to see the indy ones

Ask and ye shall receive.


Remember, these are for the individual releases and single-disc KOTCS.  I can make alternative covers for the old 4-disc box set and the 2-disc KOTCS if there's demand for them (I didn't make them because I don't have them).  I'm not entirely sure what I'd do for the 4th disc in the box set, but I'll figure something out.


I can also make disc art for "Raiders" to replace the "Indiana Jones and the ... " part.  Though I suppose if I do that, I'd *have* to make disc art for the rest of them ... and the Star Wars discs ... hmm ... I might just do that anyway in the near future ...

Star Wars DVD Covers

Alright, here are the covers, finished, without the "special features" section:

I decided against the Special Features section because it didn't quite look right, plus it wasn't on the VHS sleeve anyway.  It wouldn't be hard for someone to add if they wanted to.

Here's the RapidShare download link - one ZIP file containing the full-res JPEGs of all three covers:



I'll post a similar link for my Indiana Jones covers if anyone's interested (you can find the "thumbnails" for those on page 150).

Beatles Remastered Albums Due in September
Dangerous Incorporated said:

I heard the albums were going to be remixed like The Yellow Submarine Songtrack released in 1999 or the recent Genesis' box sets. If so, that'll be a big improvement. A few years ago, the USA (Capitol) versions of the albums were re-released and sold in sets, but I don't know of many people interested in those, lol.

They're not going to be remixed, just remastered (except Help! and Rubber Soul, which were already remixed in the late eighties - but the original mixes will be finally officially available on CD).

Which is a good thing - there's absolutely nothing wrong with the way the albums were mixed originally.  The CD masters just sounded terrible.  Hopefully they won't ruin these as well (not holding much hope out for that, though).

RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"
dark_jedi said:

Hey dumbass...

...get off your high horse and move on damn *****!

...you sir,not so much(have you done anything).

Well, I see you're a nice guy.  As a matter of fact, I'm in the planning stages of an OT edit (mainly ROTJ) and I'm writing the scripts for the in-the-works animated reimagining of Episodes I-III.  I've also been here almost a year longer than you have.

While I see how you might have construed my post the way you obviously did, I was just expressing my opinion on a matter in what I thought was a tongue-in-cheek manner.  You don't need to be a dick about it, I wasn't trying to be.

Anyway, let's move past this now, I don't want to start any shit with anyone here.  If you still want to hurl insults at me, shoot me a PM, but let's not clutter this thread up anymore.

RELEASED: "Star Trek: The Motion Picture (Special Longer Version)"
dark_jedi said:
Taolar said:
Oldfan said:

I do agree that the warning is pretty much useless. ...



I still disagree.  FF, I suggest continuing to use the warning.  Fair use laws are fairly nebulous.  But one of the four things that courts look at when deciding is it's use for commercial gain.  If you place the warning, you'll be less likely a target than fan editors who don't.  It's not any sort of a guarantee against prosecution.  But it might be one step in your defense's job of swaying a jury.  And if lawsuits are ever brought against fan editors, I think it's safe to say they will target the biggest offenders first and those actually doing it for profit.  Having a warning in the front will at least support your argument that you're not doing this for any gain.  Actually, I'd suggest a disclaimer saying that you did this only for educational purposes (your own), which is another factor that the courts decided is allowed in fair use.

Like I said, it's not a get out of jail free card.  It may not help you at all.  But it could be a factor that helps your defense, if it ever comes to that.   And even if some viewers find it annoying, it's really only a couple seconds of their time.  No real harm in keeping it in.

Just my 2 cents.

I still find your statement very amusing,the warnings are on the retail DVD's for "us" not to do what we do,but you do it anyways,will this help in court? very doubtful,so you place a warning on something that you were already warned about,and this will "help" sway the jury,again this is very very funny shit,like I said,I really find these warnings as very very annoying,some more so than others,but they are easily taken OFF.

Now all that said,I do like the editors own little signature thing,these are cool idea's as long as they don't get overboard in length.

Noone is trying to tell FF what to do here,we are just stating our beliefs on these dumb ass,useless warnings,and for the record I have never and will never use them.


Then take them off yourself if they bug you so much.  I happen to agree with Taolar - it's a gray area, to be sure, but it's a legal ass-covering.  And while you may be covering your ass with your hand as opposed to a bulletproof shield of immunity, it's still better than leaving your ass out in the open.