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What do you LIKE about the EU?

Since my absence from here I really loved the early EU stuff from the DE series to the Jedi Academy novels written by Anderson. He stays true to the OT formula of going to distant planets, minimizing usage of the force to only certain parts, and the Old characters all seem familiar to me- other than Han being sort of a father figure to young Kyp Durron. I have only read a few pages of the first Thrawn book, but it seemed to be just as good as the rest of the early EU stuff.

I wish I could say the same for some of the LOTF novels, granted I loved Lumiya, some scenes with Caedus, but Luke's character was incredibly weak

Return of the Jedi Appreciation Thread

Probably tied with the 2nd Godfather film for being my favorite film of all time, I love the constant shifts from planets, the battle scenes with the Ewoks and the Empire, but most of all the tension between the father and son duel of ROTJ Luke and Darth Vader. The tension is very strong between the two and the Emperor goading Luke on just adds to those scenes. I always get a little choked up even now seeing Vader die in Luke's arm. I love that film more than ANH and ESB.

Should Darth Plagueis have had a larger part in the PT?

Given how there really was no plot in the Phantom menace, would it have been better to have Plagueis eliminated in a central plot surrounding either the Jedi or a duel with Sidious? Without referencing the novel too much, do you think Lucas should've given more of a setting to Sidious's master? What did you think when they first brought him up in ROTS? What could Lucas have done to integrate him better into the PT?

If Vader had won the Mustafar duel

Vader was the most powerful being in the force, or so it would've been if he hadn't been killed by Obi Wan's plot armor. But if Anakin had actually won the duel, how would the OT have turned out? How long would Vader have learned from Palpatine until inevitably killing him and turning into the final Dark lord of the Sith? Would Luke have been able to stop his father if he had fully immersed himself in the darkside under the Emperor's tutelage? Would there really have been anyone that could stop him?

Would the ROTS novelization have made the film better?

There are quite a few differences from the ROTS novelization to the mixed bag that is the final film in the prequel. The fight between Windu/Palpatine is extended, we get to see into Anakin's mindset more between scenes (such as wanting to rule the galaxy, his declining mental state), as well as increased characterizations of Dooku, Grievous, and Mace Windu. For those who have read the novelization, would it have made the film better if it was adapted? 

What do you LIKE about the EU?

DuracellEnergizer said:

darklordoftech said:

From the upcoming novel "Lords of the Sith":

"Vader completed his mediation and opened his eyes. His pale, flame-savaged face stared back at him from out of the reflective black surface of his pressurized meditation chamber. Without the neural connection to his armor, he was conscious of the stumps of his legs, the ruin of his arm, the perpetual pain in his flesh. He welcomed it. Once, as a Jedi, he had meditated to find peace. Now he meditated to sharpen the edges of his anger. He stared at his reflection a long time. His injuries had deformed his body, left it in ruin, but they'd perfected his spirit, strengthening his connection to the Force. Suffering had birthed insight. [...] When man and machine were united, he no longer felt the absence of his legs, his arm, or the pain of his flesh, but the hate remained, and the rage still burned. Those, he never relinquished, and he never felt more connected to the Force than when his rage burned. [...] The armor separated him from the galaxy, from everyone, made him singular, freed him from the needs of the flesh, the concerns of the body that once had plagued him, and allowed him to focus solely on his relationship to the Force. [...] He looked out and up through the large viewport that opened out onto the galaxy and its numberless worlds and stars. It was his duty to rule them all. He saw that now."

What do you think?

So now Vader is some semi-masochistic rageaholic? Sorry, but

this characterization just doesn't appeal to me.

In my mind, Vader considers himself a prisoner of pain, rage, loneliness, and his life-supporting suit of armour; he would shed them if he could, but he cannot. He certainly does not embrace any of these.

Vader as a darksider would utilize his rage to sustain him and make him more powerful. That's kind of common for a darksider in the EU and has been for a long time, he did the same thing to sustain himself when he was trapped underneath a building for days and he did it int he RODV novel to make him more powerful in duels

Was Samuel L a good addition to the Prequels?

I'm not quite sure what I originally thought of Mace Windu in TPM, when I saw it many years ago. While his character was much better in the Novelization of ROTS and Shatterpoint, what do you think of Mace Windu/Samuel's performance in the prequels? Do you think his character added anything at all to the movies, or is he just another cardboard cutout random Jedi? What do you think motivated Lucas to attract an A lister like him to SW?

Should Jacen, Jaina, and Mara be in the newer films?

The Skywalker lineage and Luke's wife have been in the EU for quite some time now. What was your reaction when Disney announced that the Legends cannon would exist unto itself, and that long familiar characters (notably the three in the OP) would not be involved in the upcoming films? Did these characters contribute heavily to Luke's development in your opinion, or do you think that it was best for future cannonical films to start anew? Did you find Jacen and Jaina's birth/development to be nothing more than a rehash of Luke/Leia's?

Phantom Menace Discussion: Is the Duel of the fates a classic match?

darklordoftech said:

My major problem with the fight is that the characters were fighting just because they're Jedi and Sith. There was no personal conflict between the characters.

 Maul was very eager to kill Jinn after fighting him on Tattooine, while Lucas has no script writing skill that and Maul's desire to test his skills counts as a motivation somewhat.

Phantom Menace Discussion: Is the Duel of the fates a classic match?

I was 12 years old when The Phantom menace came out, and while there is probably consensus here the film sucked the duel always stuck out to me. From the choreography to the music, the introduction/visuals of Maul also contrasted to the peacefulness of Qui Gon. But moreover to the point, Do you believe the duel belongs among the pantheon of the classic fights (The Bespin duel, Vader vs. Old Ben), or do you think it was the duel that started the all flash over substance trend that the followup films would follow? What were your original memories from the duel?