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Fantasia - 35mm Project (Help Needed) (a WIP)

TonyWDA said:

CMGF said:

Hey how is this going on? Any updates?

On and off over the past two months, I’ve been carefully removing clicks, pops, low-end hum and correcting all sorts of anomalies from the mag stereo tracks, channel by channel. A preview file should be ready soon.

Oh good!
Then why in the to-do list it says that the clean-up part is not yet in process? And do you have any news about the scans you are still waiting for?

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

littlejoe416 said:

CMGF said:

littlejoe416 said:

Again, hilarious and revealing hot takes. This movie isn’t worth it. This ain’t it, chiefs.

That is YOUR opinion, and I find it actually quite offensive. I mean come on, who even talks like this today? You’re discriminating Song of the South lovers, you’re being a Songophobe! Deeply insensitive, so uninclusive. Shame.

Please. I’m done engaging with this bad faith argument about a movie that isn’t worth mine or anyone else’s time.

You are invited to speak for yourself - It was definitely worth my free time, as well as most of those who actually saw it and not just read the title “Disney’s racist movie” on some TikTok short with a picture of Uncle Remus.

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

littlejoe416 said:

Again, hilarious and revealing hot takes. This movie isn’t worth it. This ain’t it, chiefs.

That is YOUR opinion, and I find it actually quite offensive. I mean come on, who even talks like this today? You’re discriminating Song of the South lovers, you’re being a Songophobe! Deeply insensitive, so uninclusive. Shame.

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

If Disney would ever treat Mary Poppins the same way they treat Song of the South, it would be nothing but a cultural crime. Enough is enough. You can’t just take every classic and look for the crazy reasons to label it as “wrong” - sometimes you just need to enjoy the movie and shut your mouth up, because there is what to enjoy, especially when it comes to masterpieces like this. Getting offended is a decision.

Back to Song of the South - if you are really that sensitive to take offense from a movie about a nice, clever and positively-portrayed black man telling folklore tales to children of both races and encouraging their friendship - just don’t watch, instead of telling people that they shouldn’t even be ABLE to view it.
But, Oh man… you need to work on yourself a bit.

Info: How many Disney 35mm scans exist?

littlejoe416 said:

0x897673 said:

These are the scans I’m aware of that have surfaced in various places:

101 Dalmations
Beauty and the Beast
Lady and the Tramp
Robin Hood
Sleeping Beauty
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs
The Jungle Book
The Lion King
The Little Mermaid
The Sword in the Stone
Who Framed Roger Rabbit

Also technically nightmare before christmas and also unfortunately song of the south

Just because you don’t like Song of the South for whatever reason doesn’t mean it shouldn’t exist. 💀

Fantasia Special Edition Laserdisc Restoration v2.3

Class316 said:

Starbond9 said:

Great work Class.

Thanks man, but greater work to both you and CMGF! And your own work still lives on in the audio tracks of all 3 Fantasia releases that we now have.

I actually owe both of you a great thanks… Fantasia is one of my childhood favorites, and I would have never known what was wrong with the way I used to watch it if it wasn’t the old Laserdisc V1 and the detailed write up that came with it.

BTW, I noticed that this thread is getting more and more PM requests recently, which is very nice to see! I’m considering to upload both this release and the 35mm one on archive, hopefully they won’t flag it.

Song of the South - 35mm project V1.1 (Released)

A few days ago, I released the first version of my Song of the South project. However, some pointed out to me that there are interlacing artifacts which I didn’t notice. In this upgrade I re-done the video to get rid of the interlacing, improved the color correction a bit and also fixed a syncing issue in the ending scene. Enjoy!

Original V1 write up:

Hello everyone!
I’m very glad to annouce the release of a new 35mm version of Song of the South, which as far as I know, is the best way to watch the movie as of 2023! Unlike other versions such as Notelu’s restoration, in this release I used Thunderbean’s recent 35mm scan, which is much cleaner and has better color than the previous scan.
Here’s what was done to create this version:

Thunderbean’s scan was slightly cropped to get rid of the rounded corners, which look quite bad.
Missing scenes patched up from the old 16mm scan, which I color corrected to match the 35mm better.
For the audio, the same missing scenes were patched from the BBC broadcast audio.
A minor color correction has been done on the 35mm scan to fix some brightness/contrast issues
Video and audio multiplexed using MKVToolNix
Released on MySpleen, and I can send you direct download links in PM. Feel free to upload this anywhere you want.

Hope you all enjoy!

Song of the South - 35mm project (V1 released)

Hello everyone!
I’m very glad to annouce the release of a new 35mm version of Song of the South, which as far as I know, is the best way to watch the movie as of 2023! Unlike other versions such as Notelu’s restoration, in this release I used Thunderbean’s recent 35mm scan, which is much cleaner and has better color than the previous scan.
Here’s what was done to create this version:

  1. Thunderbean’s scan was slightly cropped to get rid of the rounded corners, which look quite bad.
  2. Missing scenes patched up from the old 16mm scan, which I color corrected to match the 35mm better.
  3. For the audio, the same missing scenes were patched from the BBC broadcast audio.
  4. A minor color correction has been done on the 35mm scan to fix some brightness/contrast issues
  5. Video and audio multiplexed using MKVToolNix

Released on MySpleen, and I can send you direct download links in PM. Feel free to upload this anywhere you want.

Hope you all enjoy!

Fantasia - 35mm Project (Help Needed) (a WIP)

Class316 said:

Words like “I don’t know” and “my friend in another country told me” are not very encouraging.

I firmly doubt there was a recent theatrical showing of Fantasia in the UK which had both Deems Tayler’s voice and the longer intros.

I know, but it raised my expectations somehow. Just brought it up here to see if anyone else than this guy on MySpleen knows anything about such a release.

Fantasia - 35mm Project (Help Needed) (a WIP)

Yeah, that would be weird if Disney released a 4K restoration of Fantasia quietly. The guy who started this rumor was asked about it and replied:

I don’t know, one of my friends in the UK got to see a theatrical reshowing recently and told me it had Deems Tayler.

as for the release date, that’s the rumoured date that all of the 4K restorations are being added to Disney+

Whether the Disney+ rumor is true or not, if this guy is right about the Deems Taylor audio and it was actually found… then, is there any way we may be able to get our hands on it? That would quite a huge progression in the preservation of Fantasia.