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What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Anakin Starkiller said:

Vladius said:

They’ve been that way for a long time and it really pissed me off. They really just do not pay attention, and I think they do it because they think it’s funny and relatable to act confused. They would also do that a lot with information they’re not directly familiar with. They have an encyclopedic knowledge of certain dumb and obscure things, but the idea that Taskmaster was a popular Marvel villain, for example, gets played up into this crazy wild nerd concept for them to act baffled about. I don’t even care most of the time, it’s just annoying when they pretend like having some information or context is somehow beneath them.

If no one on the show knows what they’re talking about to fill in the others, it becomes a problem.

I’ve dropped shows and podcasts because of getting basic stuff wrong. Those fans didn’t spend hours pumping wikis full of info for people to not bother using them!

Vladius said:

My original point with the RLM tangent was that the criticisms of the prequels were mostly correct. No one has really disagreed with that, just disliked the presentation.

Nah, the Plinkett reviews had excellent presentation and idiotic arguments.

Do you have some examples of the bad arguments? I can see how a lot of it can be less-than-convincing for some.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Vladius said:

My original point with the RLM tangent was that the criticisms of the prequels were mostly correct. No one has really disagreed with that, just disliked the presentation.

I mean, I dislike the presentation, but the critiques are exceptionally valid. The whole bit with “the urban market” is something I’ve brought up when talking about tokenism/Hollywood racism.

But it does raise a point—if the reviews hadn’t been presented like they were, would they have been noticed to the same level?

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Mocata said:

Disney never had a spine to start with and it doesn’t care about these current day ethical quandaries and diversity inclusions. People like to argue over it but it’s not true. This is a soul-less corporation that was about to tell some guy his wife dying in their park recently was her fault because she signed a D+ user agreement. They just want money, and they thought these projects were a way to make it. When the viewers and subs take a hit then we see shows getting cancelled (or removed). That’s all there is to it; numbers in a share holder meeting and money spent versus money earned.

Exactly. The culture war BS is an unpleasant distraction from the truth of the matter about Disney corporate. I just wish the unpleasant distraction wasn’t constantly being used by the not-so-nice part of the fandom. There’s this excellent video essay called “Sacrificial Trash” that gets to my point.

But back to The High Republic era, I do hope Plagueis is followed up on in future novels or comics. Perhaps James Luceno can return?

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

Vladius said:

BedeHistory731 said:

NFBisms said:

Spineless, craven decision IMO.

Absolutely. It’s just giving the not-so-nice side of the fandom more ammo to blame the show’s issues on culture war BS instead of it just being an overpriced yet poorly-written piece.

Also, I’m pretty sure it means the High Republic stuff is on the way out in favor of more Skywalker-era stuff.

I’m sure you’re aware that the culture war BS people also point out how poorly written and overpriced it is. They wouldn’t have any ammo at all if people stopped handing it to them hand over fist. It’s a cliche by now but many people appreciate how good Andor is, and Andor is full of diversity.

Not really? They’re more willing to blame all the failings on culture war BS in their shallow hatred.

<strong>The Acolyte</strong> (live action series set in The High Republic era) - a general discussion thread

NFBisms said:

Spineless, craven decision IMO.

Absolutely. It’s just giving the not-so-nice side of the fandom more ammo to blame the show’s issues on culture war BS instead of it just being an overpriced yet poorly-written piece.

Also, I’m pretty sure it means the High Republic stuff is on the way out in favor of more Skywalker-era stuff.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Vladius said:

That isn’t kinda clear. They used to do both. The Rogue One Half in the Bag video is the funniest thing they’ve ever made. The Star Trek Picard seasons 1 and 2 reviews are incredibly good and don’t have any Plinkett at all.

I thought their Rogue One video was painfully unfunny, even if it had salient points. I would rather watch them talk about RepliGATOR or Vampire Assassin a thousand times before ever watching the Picard reviews. I like watching them when they’re having fun and not when they’re completely miserable.

If you only watch stuff that’s “for” you then there’s no point. They’re getting thousands and thousands of dollars in Patreon money to watch movies and they whine that they have to go to movie theaters. It’s silly.

That sounds like a Half in the Bag/modern stuff problem. I wrote off Half in the Bag as an “old man yelling at cloud” show ages ago, as it’s nowhere near as enjoyable as Best of the Worst or Re:View.

Jay regularly brings up what people on Twitter are saying or whatever online outrage happens about the movie they’re discussing, so that they can say that it’s overblown and people are overreacting. It’s never funny or insightful and it always dampens the way they talk about it so they don’t say anything tooooo crazy.

I mean, Jay’s completely right about Twitter and the overreactions on there. He’s correct to dunk on the people there.

Modern RLM is so much better than the old stuff to me, especially when they stay away from franchise stuff.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

I mean, it’s kinda clear that their best material comes when they’re dunking on schlock and bizarre videos. Not comic book movies or Star Wars/Star Trek. Besides, Mike and Rich do re:View videos on that stuff often and realized that the modern stuff isn’t really for them. So they stopped watching, like any sane person would.

Also, Jay is very much there and present when they talk about the schlock. He’s there when they talk about ‘80s action and horror trash, surreal tapes, and random delusions of grandeur. Was he magically gone when they talked about Actar 911 Infantry or Creating Rem Lezar?

Jay doesn’t really seem to put too much mind into his Twitter, so I don’t know where you’re getting that from. They’re not “afraid of being cancelled” so much as they’re older and lost some of that righteous passion from the Plinkett days. Maybe that’s the legacy of Space Cop draining them of their filmmaking urges, IDK.

Modern RLM is way more enjoyable to me than the classic Plinkett stuff. Especially when Jack, Josh, or Colin are there.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Vladius said:

…and modern RLM can’t muster very much edge or anger anymore.

Modern RLM is much more palatable to me, especially Best of the Worst and Re:View. They got older, mellowed out, and shifted a lot more into doing what they wanted to do. I’d rather watch them learn about The Orgasmic Birth or Shark Exorcist than see the Plinkett character again.

What Do YOU Think Star Wars Should Do Next?

Vladius said:

Spartacus01 said:

Star Wars should have three main timelines that exist simultaneously and expand in parallel to each other: the old Expanded Universe timeline, the New Canon timeline, and the Original Trilogy timeline. The Original Trilogy timeline should consist of the Original Trilogy films and the pre-1999 EU, and the authors who write their works in this timeline should be free to completely rewrite the Prequels, the New Jedi Order and the Old Republic by using the pre-1999 lore, as well as the ideas and theories that circulated among the fans in the 90s .This way, every major section of the fanbase would be happy: the fans of the old EU would see their favorite stories continue; the fans who like the newest TV shows, books, comics and video games would continue to enjoy them; the Original Trilogy fans who were disappointed by the Prequels and did not like the prequelisms that were introduced in the old EU after the trilogy came out could have an alternative version of the Prequel era (explored through written media and video games) that could potentially satisfy them.

I agree with this but it won’t happen. The pre-1999 people like me are a vanishingly small minority. Maybe until some zoomers put out some 3 hour video essays about it, but that seems unlikely.

Even then, it’s gonna be accompanied by comments about how ridiculous some of it is. Also, there’s the big accessibility issue with the books and comics not all being readily available/a lack of unabridged audiobooks for the material.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Attacking others to deflect away from the content of your own posts? Good job!

I think I’ll keep on scrolling past your posts.

Two of us each have a number of forum memberships and social media from years before, a decade even, before joining up here. + Keyan is who he said he is from his pre-covid socials. From your posts it appears you knew that when you made your insult, and then doubled down on it afterwards.







Your claims are something that have previously occurred on here, by others also trying to deflect away from their own actions and posts. Those false claims were disproved then, and these new false claims above have now been disproved above too. According to others here who saw through both the previous and this latest round of horseshit the accusations were made by previously banned users, friends of, or people who’d previously burnt their britches here. Caston & Keyan have already left here, and now me also. This forum is awesome, as nearly all the users are on here, but it does obviously have a small dark poisonous clique, a cancer. I hope that gets cut out or removed, for the benefit of everyone else here and for the forum itself.

I now see why you chose to try and shift the discussion onto slurring others, rather than own the rancid views you posted above. You do you.

Well that’s a blaze of glory departure for oojason and his many dupe accounts. And with broken image links too!

But back to expanded universe unpopular opinions: I don’t mind the cosmic horror stuff like Abeloth as much as some people. There’s space for things like that.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Spartacus01 said:

BedeHistory731 said:

This is why, despite Matt Lanter giving overall better performances, I have a soft spot for Matt Lucas as Anakin. He actually tried to sound like Hayden, emphasis on tried.

Hey, I actually think he sounded very similar to Hayden.

He got there a lot of the time, but some of his intonations and grunts didn’t fully connect with me. It’s probably more on my ears than anything else.

Lucasfilm really lucked out in having James Arnold Taylor do a near-perfect “Ewan Kenobi” voice. Maybe a thread ranking voice actors would be a good idea, since we’ve had so many of wildly varying quality.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Spartacus01 said:

JadedSkywalker said:

I’m not having an existential crisis, but I was drawn into the middle of this, and I didn’t want to be, how can I make that clear? Should I take it to private messages I guess I should and not derail thread further.

And yes, I know that being in line with the Prequel films is not considered a compliment around here, but I like the Prequels and I like consistency, so to me it is a compliment.

This is why, despite Matt Lanter giving overall better performances, I have a soft spot for Matt Lucas as Anakin. He actually tried to sound like Hayden, emphasis on tried.

Speaking of which, the Anakin death yell in the ROTS video game is way funnier than the Lego Yoda death yell. The latter is super overplayed in meme culture.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Servii said:

As the EU went on, Timothy Zahn seemed to whitewash his actions more and more,

It’s a similar issue to when wrestling villains get super-popular and the promoter has to turn said wrestler into a good guy. It doesn’t always work and it barely works with Thrawn. He’s a plenty nuanced and compelling character without the whitewashing.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Spartacus01 said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Stardust1138 was a bit of a windbag and didn’t believe in economy of words, as well as having questionable taste in Star Wars video essays (nothing Fandom Menace-y, just very much against the grain here).

However, they were very much pressured out by both the sock hive mind and others. That’s not the right way to handle things on a forum, as Stardust wasn’t breaking any rules or being exceptionally awful to people.

Hell, I remember when oojason (when he was a mod) banned Chainsawash for criticizing this site and its management on the 4Kxx boards. That’s a dick move if ever there was one.

Do you know what’s the funniest thing? Oojason is the creator of these accounts.

Exactly, that’s why I brought his name up and emphasized his pettiness.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Stardust1138 was a bit of a windbag and didn’t believe in economy of words, as well as having questionable taste in Star Wars video essays (nothing Fandom Menace-y, just very much against the grain here).

However, they were very much pressured out by both the sock hive mind and others. That’s not the right way to handle things on a forum, as Stardust wasn’t breaking any rules or being exceptionally awful to people.

Hell, I remember when oojason (when he was a mod) banned Chainsawash for criticizing this site and its management on the 4Kxx boards. That’s a dick move if ever there was one.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

theprequelsrule said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Spartacus01 said:

theprequelsrule said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Spartacus01 said:

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Shit, you think people are going to take your posts or advice on here seriously after you telling a black member on here that:

First, that’s not a black person, that’s just you with another of your sock accounts, and stop pretending otherwise, because the whole forum has realized that it’s just you talking with yourself at this point.

Exactly. This is ridiculous that the moderators have allowed this sock organization to keep circulating.

Increasingly I have begun to think that everything except the preservation and fan-edit sections of the site should be deleted. This place is mostly a graveyard…especially if all the sock accounts get removed.

I disagree. In my opinion, a lot of people try not to write on the other sections of the forum precisely because they don’t want to be bullied by the guy and surrounded by all the sock accounts. For example, I’m in contact with one of the members of the forum (whose name I’ll not reveal), who openly confessed to me that he doesn’t write here anymore because he doesn’t want to be involved with the guy. Once you remove the guy from the equation, a lot of people might want to return to write on the other sections of the forum too.

That’s exactly what would probably happen, once the hijack has finally been stopped. It’d be nice if the moderators were not so absentee on the boards.

They probably don’t give a damn about Star Wars anymore either. Who can blame them?

Eh, they still have a forum to run, whether they care about the current productions or not. It’s not like people are absent outside of the sock hive mind. Even if it’s stuff I vehemently disagree with, it’s still discussion.

As for unpopular expanded universe opinions, Xanatos might be my favorite “dark Jedi,” especially since he demonstrated that Anakin probably wouldn’t have been better with Qui-Gon as a mentor.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Spartacus01 said:

theprequelsrule said:

BedeHistory731 said:

Spartacus01 said:

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Shit, you think people are going to take your posts or advice on here seriously after you telling a black member on here that:

First, that’s not a black person, that’s just you with another of your sock accounts, and stop pretending otherwise, because the whole forum has realized that it’s just you talking with yourself at this point.

Exactly. This is ridiculous that the moderators have allowed this sock organization to keep circulating.

Increasingly I have begun to think that everything except the preservation and fan-edit sections of the site should be deleted. This place is mostly a graveyard…especially if all the sock accounts get removed.

I disagree. In my opinion, a lot of people try not to write on the other sections of the forum precisely because they don’t want to be bullied by the guy and surrounded by all the sock accounts. For example, I’m in contact with one of the members of the forum (whose name I’ll not reveal), who openly confessed to me that he doesn’t write here anymore because he doesn’t want to be involved with the guy. Once you remove the guy from the equation, a lot of people might want to return to write on the other sections of the forum too.

That’s exactly what would probably happen, once the hijack has finally been stopped. It’d be nice if the moderators were not so absentee on the boards.

The <strong>Unpopular Expanded Universe Opinions</strong> Thread

Spartacus01 said:

Sideburns of BoShek said:

Shit, you think people are going to take your posts or advice on here seriously after you telling a black member on here that:

First, that’s not a black person, that’s just you with another of your sock accounts, and stop pretending otherwise, because the whole forum has realized that it’s just you talking with yourself at this point.

Exactly. This is ridiculous that the moderators have allowed this sock organization to keep circulating.