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Star Wars Holiday Special - Zion Hybrid v2 (Released)

VintageMan94 said:

I Did Stumble Across The YouTube Video That Was In 60FPS and it was The Star Wars Holiday Special.

A while back, I had installed some ā€œ60 FPS filterā€ plugin that didnā€™t seem to be working, and I forgot all about it.

Then I downloaded the Holiday Special and I think it finally started workingā€¦and it gave me some serious motion sickness >_<

At least, thatā€™s the only explanation I can think of. After I burned it to a disc and watched it on a different setup, it didnā€™t quite have that ā€œsoap opera lookā€ anymore.

Project <strong>4K80</strong> (a WIP)

Man, I didnā€™t realize how orange & blue this movie was. This monitor isnā€™t calibrated at all, but a lot of that orange (especially in the 16mm) looks almost neon.

Valheru_84 said:

Who knew the Star Wars fandom would be first to release the Star Wars OUT (or in any form for that matter) in 4K before Lucasfilm or Disneyā€¦

ā€¦probably most of usā€¦ Ā¬_Ā¬

At this rate, I seriously doubt Disney has any interest in the OUT. And unless they accept Mike Vertaā€™s offer, I seriously doubt they could do any better.

Williarob said:

Youā€™re joking right? The blurays were created from scans of the original negative, the original negative was not color graded for theatrical release, so the entire movie had to be graded from scratch for the bluray. In other words, ALL of the colors were altered for the bluray.

Not only that, but according to Mike Vertaā€™s analysis, some of the shots look as if there was so much color loss, that they were basically colorizing grayscale footage.

Did they color grade the Blu from scratch, though? I thought they used the DVD SE masters as a base, and just fixed some bits and pieces.

Return of the Pug (ROTP) - webpage and screenshots (Released)

captainsolo said:

Argh! You obviously know me too wellā€¦I get bugged horribly by all the lack of fidelity from over loud commercials to bad broadcast audio-but especially the poor recording of many youtube uploads.

I donā€™t know if things are better now, but back when I used to upload the Kitty Half-Time videos, YouTube was very picky about what was and wasnā€™t ā€œhigh defā€. I couldnā€™t find info on exactly what minimum resolution your videos had to be, but YouTube decided that my capture cardā€™s raw output wasnā€™t high enough, and would automatically upload it all as 240p =|

Info Wanted: 'Mad Max Fury Road' - no b&amp;w or silent version?

Ronster said:

Without the Dialogue you miss a lot of the culture of ā€œthat worldā€ and no Mad Max film has ever been silent before.

A good portion of Mad Max 2 is silent.

Iā€™m sure Iā€™ll check out Fury Road in silent mode at some point (provided itā€™s a separate audio track as promised), but Iā€™m indifferent towards the idea. Seeing it in Black & Chrome is what Iā€™m really pumped about. I bet itā€™ll look awesome that way, and as good as the theatrical release was, I was already pretty tired of Orange & Teal at that point.