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Anakin Starkiller

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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Chase Adams said:

Really sorry about changing the subject AGAIN but a while back I heard about an idea floating around on TROS edit ideas thread.
Someone, not sure if it was Hal or someone else, but they suggeted that in order to make it more obvious that Rey becomes the physical embodiment of every single Jedi we could see the Jedi’s spirits become part of her and she could glow or some shit like that.

I tried to experiment with this, by using the distarcting Exogol strobe lights to my advantage, I made Rey have a subtle glow effect for a couple frames after we see some spirit-like elements surround her and pass through her. It comes across as a little cheesy but it’s an iteresting experiment nonetheless.


I literally can’t tell the difference.

As for rescoring the fight, I swear Finn’s part in that scene is cringier every time. He deserves so much better. Cut him from that scene entirely. He should not be aboard the Death Star. What is he hoping to accomplish? Rey’s beaten Kylo before. She can handle herself.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

NeverarGreat said:

Chase Adams said:

Here’s my shitty proof of concept for extending Mustafar:


Clearly you can see here that nothing really works with this clip as the video quality of the added shots is very poor as well as the added music.

There are some good aereial shots here, as well as a dramatic take of lava exploding around trees at this point:


Maybe the trees shot, when slowed down, could be used instead of the ring of fire to introduce the forest?

Those are at night, though. It wouldn’t work.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Octorox said:

I don’t know about this specific clip but maybe something with lava in a forest setting could blend well with the existing footage? https://youtu.be/eLE3kaLUfUk

Unfortunately that shot has several watermarks that make it unusable.

As for Evazan’s work, I think it looks great, but I’d replace that one shot of the lava flowing in a circle. It’s just strange and unnatural looking. Like it’s trying to form an arena for an unwitting protagonist.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

I have ADHD and have always struggled with reading long texts. Recently I’ve started reading some shorter ones (The Nutcracker, Duel of the Fates) and it’s gone relatively well. That said, anything beyond the hundred something pages those are and you’ll lose me for sure. In fact I still need to finish DotF, but I’m a little burned out on SW so it’s hard. Definitely gonna take a break from the series after that.

General Writing, Illustration, and Publishing Thread

I like it. It sounds very promising.

Personally, when I don’t yet have a title, I give a project a codename for convenience. Chrono Club was Project Legacy, Kirano (which I have yet to talk about) was Project Turtle, that untitled first part from my trilogy is Project Lorax, etcetera. What I’m saying is maybe consider giving a codename for the time being so we have something to refer to it as. Maybe Project Starthrones as a nod to that R.R. Martin inspiration? It’s not really important what you call it since it’s temporary. Have you thought about the actual title?

Conclude the Original Trilogy differently

So you’ve been hired by George Lucas to close out the trilogy after the hit sequel The Empire Strikes Back. What’s the emperor like? What happens to Vader now that he’s Luke’s father? Do they rescue Han?

Try do like a DotF/TRoS deal where it’s a completely different story with different strengths and weaknesses. Don’t just rewrite the film we have.

General Writing, Illustration, and Publishing Thread

I tend to see different aspects of myself in my characters. While we’re on the topic, let’s go over the core cast of Chrono Club.

Alex: Quiet, aloof, and awkward, but very brave and emotional. Slightly strange fashion sense. His element is fire.

Emily: Calm and compassionate. The real heart of the group. Sees the good in everyone. Her element is nature.

Joey: Very relaxed and at ease, but proactive when the time calls for it. His element is water.

Clara: Just bursting with energy 24/7. A bundle of joy. Her element is earth.

Lucas: Nerd. His element is tech (lightning/metal).

Heather: Chinese girl from 2142 stranded in this 2011 Canada with her new friends. Doesn’t initially speak any English. Her element is wind.

Eredan: “Good evening children. Allow me to introduce myself.” triple flips “I am Eredan. Bringer of death, lord of chaos, agent of destruction. I will be your host tonight.” Our villain everybody.

Anyway, enough about my stories, what are you lurkers writing about? And by lurkers I mean members who lurk here, not actual lurkers (although they’re welcome to join too). I’ve been carrying this thread on my back. Now it’s your turn. I can do this all day but I’d like this be a truly interactive exercise, not me talking to a wall.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

drakesepi0l said:

Then why bother making a fan edit if you’re locking yourself out of ideas because it’s “established in canon?” This is a bad reason for not trying something unless you’re explicitly making a “canon edit.”

I understand that. I see that most agree on making big changes. I meant that i personally prefer when an edit improves the narrative, tone and pacing of the story, but doesn’t contratict it.
I’m really enjoyin these ideas here, don’t get me wrong. They could be much better than the original.

So basically a HAL edit.

Idea: a 'Prequel Trilogy Edit: The Reincarnated Edition' - a Wishlist thread (* CANCELED *)

I find the title of these edits cringey. Like, the original Prequels are fine. They’re not horrible movies. Sure, you can argue there’s room for improvement (and there most certainly is), but they’re not as bad as, idk…The Battle of Ranskoor av Kolos (just the title right there tells you how many rewrites this had)?

General Writing, Illustration, and Publishing Thread

So today I’m feeling pretty down, and you know what I like to do when something is troubling me in life? Make a story about it. So that’s what this is. Granted, I didn’t just create it today, but it arose from moments like this. I present you The Life and Times of Hickary Finch.

If Chrono Club is the life I wish I had, Hickary Finch is the life I’m stuck with. Hence it’s rather depressing. Hickary is not a total self-insert, but I put him through a lot of the same stuff I’ve been through. A pseudobiography if you will. Characters aren’t people I’ve met so much as archetypes of people I’ve met (god I love working with archetypes). Basically, if you squint and assume artistic license you can sorta see my life story. Except the suicide attempt. That’s an idea I just had today because I think it would serve as a properly satisfying climax. That said, there are a couple of parts that are taken practically word for word from experience, but they’re few and far between.

So basically it’s about this kid growing up realizing how lonely he is as friends are only around as long as their lives happen to follow his, drifting apart sooner or later. All the while his creative ambitions aren’t paying off financially and he’s still never had a girlfriend. His outlook on life becomes bleak but just when he’s given up a stranger reminds him that “Happiness can be found in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.” (quoting Dumbledore here, but might not in the actual script) Here’s some notes I just wrote.

Theme: Holding out in the darkest of times.

Music: Folk/Indie, very calm. Think Miss This. In fact, get them if they’re willing and affordable.

Aesthetic: Chalkboard drawings to represent Hickary’s imagination.


First love: Lucy (rejected but remain friends)

New friend: Charlie

Second Love: ??? (rejected)

High School Graduation: Lucy’s departure

Third Love: ??? (rejected)

College Graduation: Charlie’s departure

Hickary thinks he has no future.

Suicide (jumping off a bridge) prevented by friendly stranger

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Back to my earlier topic, what are my odds of getting a date loitering in a cafe? There’s no speed dating AFAICT for anyone under 25 and dating apps have done fuck all. You know the next time brother goes to a party, I think I should tag along with him to see if I can meet anyone there. Besides, I’ve never been to a college party, so it’d be something and interesting, and there’d be familiar faces so I’m not too alienated.

Every time I think about this it just makes me so sad. I feel so alone. This really does not mix well with my current overall stagnancy. I feel like my life is going nowhere. I’m almost done CEGEP and I don’t even have any decent film material to get into a university film program, so I have no clue what I’m gonna do. I also don’t even know where to begin to write something I can actually produce on my non-existent budget. So far the best I have is adapting Stubagful’s Class (which if I’m being honest I only kinda like).

I haven’t felt this low perhaps since the end of high school, but by that logic, university should shake things up and make it all good again. Not sure how I’ll last 'til then, though. School is out cuz of coronavirus and I’m just wasting away in front of my computer all day doing nothing productive. I’m not advancing my creative endeavors/career, and I’m certainly not getting a girlfriend (although soft quarantine is putting a bit of a damper on that for the moment).