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Anakin Starkiller

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The Dream of the Giant Fractal Woodlouse.

Instead it’s the Eleventh Doctor who bursts onto the scene.with his iconic theme I Am the Doctor. It’s a lavish corridor with bright red tapestry walls covered in paintings, including a massive one near us. My mom is dismayed and asks if he’s been rehabilitated. The two of us lead grandma down the endless hallways filled with clutter. Mom worries that she’ll notice the absurdly long corridor and think it’s a secret passage or something. Eventually, I ponder the logistics of the invisible columns after nearly choking to death on the contents of one. I figure that can’t be possible and that they merely conceal objects within themselves and are not solid themselves and that such furniture would be too big to choke on.

But now in the study hall the twins are at the table doing some goofy stuff that makes me go “see this is why I didn’t get with them” (which is unequivocally false) and float up to the frame of the window to other study hall (we’re in the middle on of three). One of them asks about the one on the other side of the window and I say that I headcanon it doesn’t exist, but now I’m there, the bell rings, and I see a stairway leading up to a series of doors to the outside. I can see the daylight shining through. Who knew I was so close?

I walk up the stairs into a wide open room with an absurdly high sealing and a stained glasses window, which I promptly fly up to and through into the outside of the school. There’s a cement ceiling and columns everywhere. Just outside that I see the cage where the people are playing what a handwritten sign describes as the controversial sport of chickenball. Last time they were playing just with raw chickens that you might see at the grocery store. This time the “chickens” were massive live birds akin to ostriches or emus but completely featherless like the raw chickens of before. They were flinging and throwing them with such absurd force that the impact was deadly. I struggle to make my way past them to the parking lot trying not to get hit and die as they were thrown in my general direction.

I reach the other side where a teacher guides me to safety (a relatively old woman). I gaze past her to the poor person who’s been crushed by a bus and their head that exploded onto the asphalt in the most gruesome way. I try to leave before I get crushed by the many moving school buses but the teacher won’t let me leave. I ask if I could just go around the school over to the football and she says I can’t because I’m being arrested. I protest that I’m innocent but know that technically I am at the scene of the crime (deadly ostrich tossing) so I guess I’m a suspect.

Now I’m in the colorful waiting room of the police academy (looks like an establishment for children, really, whatnot), along with a slew of other suspects from the incident. After a while I get sick of waiting and decide to leave, since the police clearly don’t value my time. As I walk through the door an older criminal passes me by. Then the suspects on the other side of the room see a door and point out the green walls on the other side and how that must be the green area we were supposed to go to, so I come back through the lobby to there and continue down the schoollike hall past the colorfully uniformed teenage police cadets.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

Actually, dubbing Snoke as a woman would be an opportunity to change some lines. I know it’s a nitpick, but I’ve always hated how he says “You lost to a girl who had never held a lightsaber. You failed!” instead of “You lost to a girl who had never held a lightsaber in her life!”, the latter of which I find flows much better, but really that’s neither here nor there. Perhaps his scenes in TFA could be amended to have Snoke mention the Senate, perhaps ordering its imminent destruction.

Info: The random and general <strong>Fan Edit Ideas</strong> thread....

Indiana Jones and the Island of the Dinosaurs

It’s Jurassic Park III with old Harrison Ford deepfaked over Sam Neil, his voiced dubbed by an impressionist, and his hat rotoscoped to be brown. Modern technology is toned down as much as possible to make it plausibly seem like the 50s or 60s. This unfortunately means cutting the satellite phone plot. Billy Brennan is now Dr. Jones’s paleontological advisor, since Jones himself obviously can’t fulfill that role.

Certain musical cues are replaced with the iconic Indy theme, but the rest can remain largely intact, as Don Davis masterfully imitated Williams’s signature style. The Jurassic Park theme should probably go, given its close association with the source material.

The island is reframed as a classical lost world that is typical of the Indy series’s genre of origin. Not sure what to do with all the manmade stuff, though. Prior expedition? Soviet research colony? You can’t remove it altogether as it’s in every other scene, including the unskippable runway sequence. The other question is why Jones would be dragged along in the first place.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

As I mentioned in the PT thread, the Deutsch-Grammophon album Across the Stars has violin arrangements of Yoda’s theme, Rey’s theme, Across the Stars and Luke & Leia that could be useful in a rescored edit.

Thank you for bringing this to my attention. Saving it to my playlist. Also, I do see potential in the rendition of Hedwig’s Theme for my Potter edits. The violin would feel a little less out of place there. In Star Wars, violin should probably be kept to a minimum. It feels hearing it lead like this. But we’ll see, if someone wants to make a mockup. The tracks do a have standard Williams orchestra backing it up, so it’s not completely strange. Hearing such intense Williams violin does remind me of Schindler’s List.