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Anakin Starkiller

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Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Has anyone tried making a version of Rey and Ben’s kiss that has a hint of Across the Stars?

A few of us have, although I don’t have any links on me.

then add as many shots as we can of people throughout the galaxy reacting to it.

This is giving me PTSD of all those attempts people made at overlaying Palpatine’s Fortnite message over footage of the bar from AotC and whatnot. It really does not work well, which simply proves we don’t have enough footage. That said, it might be feasibly to obtain the necessary footage from scouring enough fanfilms.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Ditto for the claim that Crait was originally at the start of TLJ - that leaves the movie without a functional third act; where would Luke project to?

Eh, TLJ always felt like it had two third acts stacked on top of each other to me. The battles on the Supremacy is the first one. I guess you could have Luke project there. It’s unlikely they’d have changed Crait’s place in the story once principal photography started.

I still believe there is an expanded edition of the film that JJ would have preferred to release. At least 30 mins of content that would have made things more clear. But obviously Disney wanted to make more money, so he had to cut it down.

Abrams doesn’t do long movies though. The final product feels so Abramsy I can’t imagine it not being his cut. At most there might’ve been one scene or a few shots that were executively mandated, like how TFA and TLJ each had a moment included to lead into TLJ and DotF, respectively.

Oh and lol at that fake leak referencing an EU character.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

Well after the message I posted above and subsequent departure, at least that’s not there to constantly torment me.

Why is the border an issue though? I’m not expecting to meet people in person regardless at the moment so I’ll take what I can get. You live not too far from iirc, so I’m open to the idea.

Regardless, the sentiment is something can certainly appreciate. Having someone support you like that makes a world of difference.

If you need to B*tch about something... this is the place

My Discord server exploded again, as it does every so often. By exploded, I mean it steadily built up an active userbase until suddenly it erupts into spam and I have to ban everyone involved. What’s notable this time however is how a close friend of mine, who hadn’t shown any sign of anger towards me in the past several months said the following:

im leaving
fuck you for treating me like shit
you’re shitty
and manipulative
and you use people

They promptly left. I literally have no idea what they’re referring to. They’ve stormed out of my server in anger once before only to later come back in disguise before eventually revealing themselves. Not to spy on me or anything, but just because they didn’t want me noticing they missed this place enough to come back. Or at least that’s how I read it at the time. Anyway, now with a new boyfriend to keep them company, I doubt they’ll come back again, but who knows.

The Prequel Radical Redux Ideas Thread

I unironically like Jar Jar. He is a fun character whom Qui-Gon plays off of brilliantly. I only care about cutting the halfhearted potty humor.

That said, if you wanna remove Jar Jar, I think it can be done. It’s a huge undertaking, however. The Gungans as a whole could be cut too. I remembering seeing clips here of someone digitally removing Jar Jar from some shots on Tatooine.

Unusual <strong>Sequel Trilogy</strong> Radical Redux Ideas Thread

If we hear Palpatine talking to Kylo from day one, that kinda renders the reveal that he’s been every voice meaningless because he’d already a prime suspect out in the open. For it to really be a twist that catches Kylo off guard it would make more sense for him to hear solely Vader’s voice, which would make more sense given the context of him communing with Vader’s spirit through his melted helmet. There could be an instance or two of Snoke’s voice in Kylo’s head, like maybe when he’s about to kill Leia. Then when Palps say the line, it’s like “Oh wow, Vader’s ghost, and those telepathic Snoke messages, those were Palpatine all along?” It would really shake up the audience’s and more importantly Kylo’s perspective. The scene of Kylo communing with Vader’s mask in TRoS could be pushed up to TLJ to build up this aspect before the Palpatine reveal, so we see it as something he does regularly before its true nature is revealed.