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21C Peasant

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Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

Below, is my reasoning for the placement of the tie pilot shot. I tried things in different orders but it kept coming back to this (which, personally, I really like). Still, I don’t presume to think that there is any single correct sequence. If others end up using any of this, it will be cool to see all the different versions they come up with.

The ties come into formation by the end of the castle shot. The tie pilot stays in the middle of the forest fly-over shot because this is the drop zone. Before the shot, he has not scoped out the forest yet. After the shot, there is no implied space of time before the drop happens. To me, having him state that the drop zone is clear gives us a reason for the ties to be there in the first place, as well as connecting us to seeing the eventual troop drop.

I might give the other shot you mentioned with the ties coming at the camera a try at some point.

Thank you again for the great tip on optical flow!

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

If anyone’s interested, here’s an update, including a version with no tie pilot:

The ties come into formation by the end of the castle shot. The tie pilot stays in the middle of the forest fly-over shot because this is the drop zone. Before the shot, he has not scoped out the forest yet. After the shot, there is no implied space of time before the drop happens. To me, having him state that the drop zone is clear gives us a reason for the ties to be there in the first place, as well as connecting us to seeing the eventual troop drop.

Anyway, these are just my thoughts.

For now, this is my final sequence.

This is the same scene with no pilot.

Star Wars: <strong>The Rise Of Skywalker</strong> Redux Ideas thread

For anyone interested, this is my latest work on the intro to the Battle of Mustafar. This is a major improvement over my last effort to include Vader’s castle. To me, this gives clear context as to where exactly this scene is taking place (on Mustafar, near Vader’s fortress), because in the theatrical version, it is entirely unclear unless you have read the novelization.

The additional music is from the original piece that John Williams composed for the opening scene but was not used. I have already inserted this into my own edit of TROS.


Star Wars Episode IX: The Last Hope (Help Wanted Finishing This Edit) (WIP)

To Movies Remastered or anyone interested,

This is my recut of the beginning of the Battle of Mustafar using as much of the footage that other editors have provided as possible.

The three TIEs proceed down to the surface first as recon. The troop carriers then follow down and deploy the troops. Numerous SFX have been added.

The reason I’m sharing this is that in one of the lava shots, I’ve managed to sneak in a brief glimpse of Vader’s castle looming in the hazy distance.


Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut) [ON HOLD INDEFINITELY]

I’m sorry to hear that you might be shelving the project for good. I’ve had edits that I’ve set aside for years and then returned to when inspiration struck.

Either way, I’d love to check out Revenge of the Sith (The New Canon Cut). Your ideas sound great and your edit seems to be held in very high regard.

A link would be most appreciated!

Info: Fixing the TFA and TLJ Deleted Scenes

That’s good stuff.

Did someone edit out the “SOLO!” line as well?

Yes, I edited out the “Han Solo” line. I think it’s better without it for multiple reasons, but because in my fan edit I still had the scene back at the base in which Kylo senses his father’s presence and says his name, it didn’t make sense for him to say it again. He then goes and finds the Falcon to confirm what he had sensed.

Anyway, that’s the way I like to see it played out. To me it shows that Kylo may have been feeling a bit of nostalgia on the Falcon, a feeling that he believed he didn’t want, a feeling that angered him. Overall, I look at Kylo Ren as someone who is being so played by the dark side that he’s always on the virge of insanity, intentionally being kept unstable. Just like his saber.

I don’t think this is a new revelation to anybody, really. Just my thoughts.

The Star Wars Fan Edits Request Thread: Request the links to Star Wars fan edits here

This year I put together a Mandalorian edit using other fan edits for footage (I do have a subscription to Disney+, by the way), but I’d like to incorporate some other scenes not included in those edits. Could anyone help me get my hands on a high-quality rip of the entire season one?

Any help or suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

The Star Wars Fan Edits Request Thread: Request the links to Star Wars fan edits here

Chase Adams said:

That is honestly incredible! I completely forgot where the timecode was even supposed to be! Where have you been all this time? 😉

I haven’t been very active on any forums, but I’ve been fan-editing for my personal use for quite a few years now. Long enough that I had my own versions of the OT and PT before I’d ever even heard of great editors like hal9000.

Sometime this fall, my internet connection is supposed to get a major upgrade (I live in the middle of nowhere on the top of a mountain ridge). After that, I’m considering sharing some of my work which includes every Star Wars film, The Hobbit, Willow, and more.

In the meantime, I’ve been toying with the idea of making what I would call a Fan Edit Junkyard, where I would share lots of parts and pieces from my editing that might be useful to others in their own edits (even if only for inspiration).

Let me know if anyone would find this of interest.