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21C Peasant

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The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

NeverarGreat said:

Oh masking every scene of Jakku would work, but is it worth the trouble for a subtle improvement? To me, not really.

Actually, I’m not sure you know what I mean. With the color mask tool I use, I basically can select certain colors for an entire scene and then easily change them. The test I ran (which I admit is very rough) only took me about two minutes.

Anyway, on to other things — the Han with the dice shot is really looking good. As I’ve said before, I can’t wait to see your finished edit!

The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

NeverarGreat said:

  • The Jakku regrade is pushed about as far as I can take it without the washed out grade negatively affecting the explosions and skin tones and such, and so I’m pretty happy with it.

I see your point with the opening scene on Jakku being at night and having blaster fire, explosions, etc.

However, I put together a quick test using simple color masks to whiten the sand in a couple of the other scenes that do not take place at night. Not that this is necessarily the way you would want to go with this, but I was just curious to see if it might work.


The Force Awakens: Starlight (V1.1 Released!)

First off, I just want to say I’m really loving this edit!

The restructuring has not only breathed new life into this film, it has made it a far superior film. The whole sequence in which the Starkiller Base alarm is sounding and the scenes are inter-cutting from Kylo to Hux to Rey and back to Kylo just gives me the chills. The music build-up there is spectacular, and the woman’s voice over the loudspeaker (“confirming launch window”, etc.) is hauntingly reminiscent of the voice from 1984.

The editing is great, the effects are great. Just a super fun project!

With all that being said, I do have a couple of thoughts on things that I would prefer to see tweaked.

  1. Jakku’s new look is a great idea to differentiate it from Tatooine. I get that when it is either early morning or late evening, the new color effect is not so strong, but for my taste, I would still like to see the sand look a lot whiter in those scenes to fully convince me that we are not on Tatooine.

  2. In a few of the scenes and shots, such as Kylo interrogating Rey, the filter/color-correction used adds what feels like a jarring amount of contrast compared to the rest of the film.

In the end, these are just my thoughts.

Overall, I can’t wait to see the finish product. And I can’t believe you’ve gotten me this excited about The Force Awakens again.

Many Thanks!

Deepfake Tarkin & Leia swap (Rogue One) (up on the Shamook youtube channel)

Amazingly, I was just doing some remastering work on my Rogue One edit this week when your PM arrived. Perfect timing!

Awesome work. Shamook’s Tarkin now feels like he is part of the film image instead of layered over it.

I was considering doing something similar to what you did (adding some noise, adjusting color, et cetera).
Now, thankfully, I don’t have to.

Many thanks!

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

nl0428 said:

I know this has probably been decided now, but I think adding that shot someone made of the TIE fighters circling around Vader’s castle to the shot of them flying over the woods would be fantastic to add in.

This is my latest update to those shots for anyone interested.


The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

At the risk of annoying everybody, I put together another version of my tie sequence including a brand new shot of the ties with the castle in the background.

Please keep in mind that I’m doing this purely for my own enjoyment, not to try to impress anyone or to try to convince Hal9000 to include this in his edit. I’ll be putting this in my own personal edit, but if anyone wants to use it in theirs, that would be cool, too.

As someone in this community once said, “The best edit is always your own.”

Right on!


The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Jar Jar Bricks said:

Yes, it appears that the shot is already reversed and inverted.
If anybody is still interested, I think a good first step in making the castle appear more abandoned is removing the glowing “windows” of lava on the front of the castle.

I actually tried that at one point, but it made the castle look far less menacing.

Also, to my thinking, the lava would continue to flow regardless of the castle being abandoned. I can’t remember all of the other canon/non-canon stories about the castle, but I like to think of the beings that Kylo is fighting as cult members who likely are still inhabiting the castle as a dark shrine of sorts.

Just my thoughts.

The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released)

Hey, I’m honored that you guys are still talking about my shot with the ties flying by Vaser’s castle!

Just for general info, the shot of the castle is flipped, cropped, color corrected (obviously), and enhanced (because of the cropping). I also added a thin layer of smoke to the foreground so that the ties appear to fly through it.

I’m still toying with adding another shot at the end of the tie sequence with the castle further in the background.

I agree with those who feel that showing Vader’s castle as an establishing shot is vital. When I first saw the film in the theater, I had no idea the planet was supposed to be Mustafar. It looked like it from space, but then the trees threw me completely. Also, it’s important that we know that the wayfinder (I will always call it a holochron) is located on the grounds of the castle.

Anyway, I look forward to maybe seeing the shot in some other edits. It’s already been in my personal edit for quite some time.

AI Upscaling of Deleted Scenes and other content (Released)

I’ve been comparing your ESB:R upscale to the original, and all I can say is WOW!

For anyone who wants the grainy old-school feel, this is probably not for you. However, if you’re looking for a clean modern-looking version, this is way better than the 2019 bluray disaster. Plus you get all the cool additions by Adywan.

Definitely worth checking out!