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20th Century Fox 75th Anniversary DVD megaset

generalfrevious said:

 most people now can't tell the difference between the original and SE of each SW film, due to the relative nonexistence of the original version. 

Thats what George's master plan is and unfortunately, I think it's working, or the majority of people just don't care anymore.

 I will bet money that it's the SE. IMO that is false advertising.

When did Star Wars stop being fun? (aka, the Anti-Correct Viewing Order thread)

Gaffer Tape said:

Well, aside from the "Limited Time Only" lie and the poor quality, that actually made Star Wars fun for me again.  I can watch and enjoy the trilogy on DVD.  It's not perfect, and it deserves its admonishments, but it allowed me to break away from all the bullshit at least.

I totally agree, and after runing the "bonus discs" through DVD rebuilder and making them anamorphic, I too can enjoy Star Wars, The Empire Strikes Back & Return of the Jedi in there (as close as can be) original form. For me Star Wars was even fun when the SE's came out. Star Wars stopped being fun when it became apparent that the SE's where gonna be the "true vision" and all the prequel, EU stuff took over.

Discussion: What am I up against trying to find a first edition Star Wars paperback?

Nanner Split said:

I've got a hardcover 76 Sci Fi Book Club edition (which I found for $1.50 in a used bookstore :D ), and I don't think there are any forewords/prefaces in it. Although it is interesting to read the character list on the dust jacket and see things like "Chewbacca the Pirate, along with his sidekick Han Solo" :P .

 All the "older" paperbacks I have all have the pics and stuff.  I think the one you got is the book club edition, but I may be wrong.