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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 388


sherlockpotter said:

Heck, Kylo talks to Palps in a hallway, then leaves through a door; and the next time we see him, he re-enters what looks like an identical hallway. What was he doing in that other room, I wonder…?

Don’t know if you noticed but there is no door in that hallway. They just add the sound to help the transition. It’s so stupid haha! That’s a great idea btw. Let me know if you manage to finish it…

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That’s a pretty nice idea! I’m sure you understand, but I don’t wish to include the dice in TROS:A. Luke retrieved them in TLJ and they paid off. At best it’d be one more thing to strain between 8 and 9.

But man, how cool would it be to contrive a scene of Kylo entering the Falcon using the deleted scene from TFA? Essentially serving the same purpose even, just two films later.

If there’s one deleted scene I’d love to have it’s Kylo facing Chewie during that section of the movie.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I just found out about the comic strip of Chewie playing with Ben when he was a kid and him having flashback while having a clear headshot in TFA. He then switched to a hip shot because of their connection. I thought that was pretty cool.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Movies Remastered said:

I just found out about the comic strip of Chewie playing with Ben when he was a kid and him having flashback while having a clear headshot in TFA. He then switched to a hip shot because of their connection. I thought that was pretty cool.

It’s such a good headcanon right? Hopefully we eventually see that TROS deleted scene of them together which would be close enough. Cannot imagine why it was cut


Hal 9000 said:

That’s a pretty nice idea! I’m sure you understand, but I don’t wish to include the dice in TROS:A. Luke retrieved them in TLJ and they paid off. At best it’d be one more thing to strain between 8 and 9.

But man, how cool would it be to contrive a scene of Kylo entering the Falcon using the deleted scene from TFA? Essentially serving the same purpose even, just two films later.

If there’s one deleted scene I’d love to have it’s Kylo facing Chewie during that section of the movie.

Fair point, although…do we ever see what happens to the real dice? Luke is holding them on the Falcon; I could be wrong, but I don’t think we see them again until Crait, when they’re just Force Projections. Maybe Luke kept them in his hut on Ahch-To; but maybe he left them on the ship. In which case, it might be a cool through-line - Kylo wants to take the dice at the end of TLJ, but he’s denied. He finally gets them back now, but at what cost? Has his journey been worth it? Where will he go now?

Cue Han on the Death Star.

With or without the dice, like I said, “remastering” the deleted scene to be TROS-compatible is beyond my skill set, but I’d love to help how I can!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

With or without the dice, like I said, “remastering” the deleted scene to be TROS-compatible is beyond my skill set, but I’d love to help how I can!

I’d imagine all you would really need to do is add some glowing red cracks to his helmet, as well as change the snowy exterior in the Falcon’s cockpit to something like a First Order hanger bay. Would be a really cool scene to include imo.

Of course, there would be a couple of problems that likely couldn’t be solved:

  1. Kylo’s TFA outfit is slightly different than his TROS one. Also, he isn’t seen anywhere else in TROS with his hood up.
  2. Why are there snow troopers on the falcon? Of course, you could argue they are there because Kijimi is cold and they are troops from Kijimi. But I’d imagine the troops boarding the falcon would be returning from their mission on Pasaana, not Kijimi.

Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

With or without the dice, like I said, “remastering” the deleted scene to be TROS-compatible is beyond my skill set, but I’d love to help how I can!

I’d imagine all you would really need to do is add some glowing red cracks to his helmet, as well as change the snowy exterior in the Falcon’s cockpit to something like a First Order hanger bay. Would be a really cool scene to include imo.

Well I don’t know how to do that, Jar. Jar. Sheesh!

Of course, there would be a couple of problems that likely couldn’t be solved:

  1. Kylo’s TFA outfit is slightly different than his TROS one. Also, he isn’t seen anywhere else in TROS with his hood up.
  2. Why are there snow troopers on the falcon? Of course, you could argue they are there because Kijimi is cold and they are troops from Kijimi. But I’d imagine the troops boarding the falcon would be returning from their mission on Pasaana, not Kijimi.

My headcanon of the scene was that Kylo was kind of sneaking onto the ship to get the dice that Luke left there, because he didn’t want anyone in the First Order to see his “weakness.” So he went in, hood up. There’s a shot in the deleted scene of him pulling his hood down. You’d replace the shot of the Stormtroopers with that establishing shot of the Falcon interior I created, cut to (Luke’s) back as he approaches the cockpit, cut to the deleted scene of Kylo pulling his hood down. Grabs the dice that Luke hung up. Badda bing, badda boom. You’ve got a character beat.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

My headcanon of the scene was that Kylo was kind of sneaking onto the ship to get the dice that Luke left there, because he didn’t want anyone in the First Order to see his “weakness.” So he went in, hood up.

STORMTROOPER: “Huh. Wonder who that could be.”

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


bbghost said:

sherlockpotter said:

My headcanon of the scene was that Kylo was kind of sneaking onto the ship to get the dice that Luke left there, because he didn’t want anyone in the First Order to see his “weakness.” So he went in, hood up.

STORMTROOPER: “Huh. Wonder who that could be.”

Force users + hoods = complete anonymity. How many people recognized Palps as Sidious when he put his hood up? Obi-Wan on Tatooine? Kylo’s just keeping up the tradition lol.

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


sherlockpotter said:

Well I don’t know how to do that, Jar. Jar. Sheesh!

Just know for future reference that when I use the word “you” I’m sometimes not referring to the actual person I’m messaging. I just use that word sometimes as a replacement for “somebody”. Should probably get out of that habit to avoid misunderstandings like that lol.


Movies Remastered said:

Or maybe just come up with some ideas that you can execute yourself to actually help lighten the load on others?

Alright, that’s it MR. I’ve been detecting some SERIOUS shade from you recently. I apologized so this wouldn’t happen. I thought you said we were good? Were you being disingenuous? Or did something happen since then?

Would really like to know. Thanks.


I think reusing the Falcon scene would be great, minus the dice. If Kylo’s new helmet could be added it would be a great way to connect back and show how he is still conflicted, and will only help flesh out Han’s scene later on.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Also, In case you didn’t know, MR, I have contributed to this project in the past. It was my idea to remove Palpatine’s “for my grandchild to come home”. I did a mockup of that change that proved helpful to Hal.

Are we not allowed to discuss fun ideas in here? I never said that you specifically need to work on such an idea. In fact, I didn’t say anybody needed to do that. I was only speaking about in theory what somebody would have to do in order to make that deleted scene work for this movie.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

sherlockpotter said:

Well I don’t know how to do that, Jar. Jar. Sheesh!

Just know for future reference that when I use the word “you” I’m sometimes not referring to the actual person I’m messaging. I just use that word sometimes as a replacement for “somebody”. Should probably get out of that habit to avoid misunderstandings like that lol.

Oh yeah, I know; I’m just messing with you. No worries!

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


I for one think the Falcon Scene is completely unnecessary, especially for THIS edit. If it was for MR’s edit, I could understand why it’s brought up.

Also, must we be airing our dirty laundry on here, guys? Really? This couldn’t be relegated to Private Messages? This thread is already pretty unwieldy, especially hot off the circular Dyad Debate… -_-


Hey guys, I’m not a mod but let’s have grumpy discussion elsewhere. I swear this thread is turning into the General Discussion page.

Do we have a remaining things list for V2? Any proposed changes that have yet to be owned by someone that we would like to try and have done by V2?

Not that it is my decision but I think we should try solidifying a list of remaining things for this edit and any other discussion could go to the Star Wars: The Rise Of Skywalker Redux Ideas thread.

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


DZ-330 said:

Hey guys, I’m not a mod but let’s have grumpy discussion elsewhere. I swear this thread is turning into the General Discussion page.

Do we have a remaining things list for V2? Any proposed changes that have yet to be owned by someone that we would like to try and have done by V2?

Not that it is my decision but I think we should try solidifying a list of remaining things for this edit and any other discussion could go to the TROS Fanedit Ideas thread.


I think the only major change that needs to be done for THIS edit is the Pasaana Puppet Pals scene.


I would be doing it in private, but I’m not going to let him take public jabs at me twice in this forum today without at least acknowledging it publicly as well:

Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I ask that because Poppa’s wonderful work was buried in our previous discussion so it was likely whoever was willing to do it didn’t notice it was finished.

Dude, I understand your excitement but chill out! You seem to be dominating this thread lately, no wonder things are getting lost.

Movies Remastered said:

Or maybe just come up with some ideas that you can execute yourself to actually help lighten the load on others?

I’ll be quiet now. If he wants to talk to me we can just message each other.


sherlockpotter said:

Whoops, sorry. Sent the line to Hal in a PM at first. Here’s the link: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1jOfypfXSDVkf7Z0p2xVB2ktg0RfwdxRW/view?usp=sharing

So, the extra layer was kind of weird. One of the problems I noticed was that there was a harsh cutoff between “become” and “A DYad”. I tried just lowering the volume of “A DY” a bit, but it still sounded uneasy to me. So I isolated the “mm” sound from “become” and layered it in a bit sooner. Then I blended it in with the “A” sound more. The end result (hopefully) was that it would go phonetically from “become. a Dyad.” to “become [ma] Dyad.”

Rather odd all around. I’m glad that it seems to have worked!

Thank you.

heil Palpatine!


I certainly think it’s possible to spitball ideas that are pie-in-the-sky without any implication that someone ought to start rolling up their sleeves to move mountains.

That said, I get how it feels to hear something as an imposition. We’ve all come a great distance and we’re gonna stick the landing for V2. Especially with TROS, there’s always going to be a million things that would be great to do that would require millions of dollars and a Hollywood studio to accomplish.

Of course, that general idea has been bent in my mind over the last year. But, we’re all limited in what we can bring to bear.

MR, whatever your day is looking like, or whatever time of day it is for you at the moment, please make sure to get a good night’s rest for your own sake. I’ve been so fortunate that for so much of our two projects their purposes have aligned in order to harness your creativity, talent, and hard work. Don’t want you to burn out!

Jar Jar Bricks, you’ve given a voice to my thoughts I feel like over the last few days and we are often on the same wavelength. I appreciate that, even if we get longwinded.

Barring any site rules, I’m all right with this thread getting repetitive at times and chasing rabbit trails. It’s how I imagine an honest mindmap of my own would go. But it’d probably be better for the project and all who venture into this thread to keep it tidy. I’d say for anything that gets nipped, it’d be better to explore those things further in the general TROS fan editing ideas thread. That’s not to crap on anyone’s ideas or work, but to make this as manageable for others who try to track our progress and lend their insights.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Jar Jar Bricks said:

I would be doing it in private, but I’m not going to let him take public jabs at me twice in this forum today without at least acknowledging it publicly as well:

Movies Remastered said:

Jar Jar Bricks said:

I ask that because Poppa’s wonderful work was buried in our previous discussion so it was likely whoever was willing to do it didn’t notice it was finished.

Dude, I understand your excitement but chill out! You seem to be dominating this thread lately, no wonder things are getting lost.

Movies Remastered said:

Or maybe just come up with some ideas that you can execute yourself to actually help lighten the load on others?

I’ll be quiet now. If he wants to talk to me we can just message each other.

I completely understand that MR was being completely flippant. However, I don’t really fully blame him for being angry.

He’s right… Things are getting lost in the shuffle when people (yourself included, Jar Jar) just go on this big 8-page argument about what exactly a Dyad is instead of dropping it and/or moving it into another thread.

I honestly think BOTH OF YOU need to chill out. And that’s all I’ll say on the matter.


Also, here’s the list of V2 changes and their status. (This is literally copied and pasted from my own list, so it’s not articulated well.)

  • Try to make Kylo say “we’ve become a dyad in the Force” (being worked on, possibly finished)

  • Try to depict a dusk>night>sunrise cycle on Ach-To

  • Use sherlockpotter’s medal shot and adjust placement ✅

  • If anyone can do it, depict Pasaana puppet show as depicting Luke’s heroics from Crait

  • Remove three lines: “He wanted her alive” immediately before we cut to Ach-To and “I never wanted you dead, I wanted you here.” AND “…for my grandchild to come home.”✅

  • Add 21C Peasant’s and Movies Remastered’s Vader Castle to the opening Mustafar sequence ✅

  • Add two shots featuring Coruscant to the Star Destroyer conference room scene ✅

  • Use Vader’s TIE rather than shuttle due to the poll results ✅

  • new shot from MR to move “T minus five” line to before exiting hyperspace (not sure about this one yet, may leave as original)

Remove line “from the Southern shore” from 3PO’s translation, as that was when a protractor was involved, and now it’s merely a coordinate followed by mystical guidance ✅

  • Restructure the space battle opening slightly like DominicCobb ✅

  • Can Rey’s mother not mention her name? We all liked the idea that Rey named herself, per the X-wing helmet’s Aurabesh translation in TFA.✅

  • Use the crackly saber effect courtesy of kewlfish and Luka Frik and MR (being worked on)

  • Luke’s Jedi haircut (jonh needs to fix a couple things then skenera can de-blue)

My stance on revising fan edits.