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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 309


nl0428 said:

DominicCobb released his workprint of his edit. He presented a very creative alternative for the hanger scene for a Rey Nobody version.

:0 link please!


DominicCobb said:

For those without AE I think an alpha render would be a good alternative.

Looks great, Luka!

I agree with what others have said about applying it to the original and let others add LUTs and other version tweaks.

If you do go the Alpha route, though, make sure you set the alpha to “straight” in the render settings, otherwise it won’t blend well with the footage underneath. If you’re using video copilot’s saber effect, the rendered file with the alpha channel may also blend differently that than it did in AE. You may need to test it in premiere to see if you need to set a blending mode (“add” or “screen” would be my guess) to better merge it with whatever footage is put underneath.


Thank you all for your help ! I think I’ll share an alpha render, the AE files and the movie version I’ve worked on (I couldn’t work on the original version, I have the Blu-Ray but no device to extract the movie from it). I might DM some people here for more advice when I’m fully satisfied with what I’ve done.

Also, I checked what Kewlfish did, I think we used the same plug-in since my version of Luke’s saber is quite consistent with his.


Yeah, I checked last night and most of it is consistent with Kewlfish. I haven’t seen you Zorri scene yet but I loved the flow of Kewlfish version. I’m not sure which scene a he finished but the mock up was excellent.

Also, what setting are you using to render out? The files seem extremely small and slightly pixilated.

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darkshadowspike said:

nl0428 said:

DominicCobb released his workprint of his edit. He presented a very creative alternative for the hanger scene for a Rey Nobody version.

:0 link please!

Might be best to PM Dominic for the link, as it doesn’t feel right to provide the link to a workprint from someone else.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


Sinking Fields scene suggestion: I noticed that in this scene Finn calls many times Rey to tell her something; the part “Rey, i have to tell you something…” was rightly removed, but when Finn call her, she reply with “What? Finn”. So that “What?” has no sense, because it’s connect to removed part and if you are sinking in sand I think you don’t scream “What?”. So i tried to remove that and replace the line with a “Rey!” screamed by Finn taken from the battle Rey-Kylo on destroyed Death Star (in that scene some Finn’s screams was removed in Ascendant final edit). What do you think?


I would assume the Knights are saying that they get his teeth when he’s dead. Obviously they hadn’t executed him yet.


Looking forward to seeing the completed work on the crackling sabre, the work done so far is amazing!

Merry Xmas All

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Hey everyone,

I finally had a little free time and was able to make an effort to add Coruscant into the board room meeting scene!

pw: fanedit

The new FX shots are at :06, 1:23, and 1:25. There’s no audio because the clip I had to work from didn’t have audio, but I can add that later!


Whoa dude this is incredible!! It looks so much better than I was imagining!

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


The Master returns. Amazing work poppa

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


I’ve been looking forward to this 😄 Coruscant looks magnificent.


Poppa, you beautiful bastard. I was just thinking about this today! You did a great job, man. I think it’s perfect.


Wow that looks exactly like I’d pictured in my head, great work!


poppasketti said:

Hey everyone,

I finally had a little free time and was able to make an effort to add Coruscant into the board room meeting scene!

pw: fanedit

The new FX shots are at :06, 1:23, and 1:25. There’s no audio because the clip I had to work from didn’t have audio, but I can add that later!

Nice work!

I did notice an oddity though in the final two shots. On the right hand side of the frame the planet’s smaller city ‘rings’ are properly oval so close to the horizon line, but the left hand side rings are almost circular where they should also be oval.

Though if I wasn’t looking for problems I probably wouldn’t have noticed it. 😉

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Wow, thanks everyone, so glad it’s working!

Nev, I hear you on the rings! I can fix that. The less oval ones on the left are from a different image. I added those bright lights in the dark side of the planet because I was worried people wouldn’t recognize it without them!


poppasketti said:

Hey everyone,

I finally had a little free time and was able to make an effort to add Coruscant into the board room meeting scene!

pw: fanedit

The new FX shots are at :06, 1:23, and 1:25. There’s no audio because the clip I had to work from didn’t have audio, but I can add that later!

What did we do to deserve you again?


Wow that looks good, especially the push-in shot where Coruscant is behind Kylo. It’s super smooth.

Looking super close for any mistakes at that final shot, however (yep, here we go with the “cOnStRuCtiVe cRiTiSiSm” again, I know) I notice the cut-outs aren’t 100% perfect, which is fine. But I think I did notice what felt like the planet clipping into the ship on the right of the frame (and in my peripheral vision) during my first watch. But then on close inspection, it was just not 100% perfect cut outs. Not a huge issue at all, but just thought I’d mention that I noticed something weird about it out of the corner of my eye on first watch. Hey, it harkens back to how they used to incorporate matte paintings in the original trilogy, so we could say this is just an Easter Egg referencing that! I’d be okay with that honestly. My point in mentioning it at all, again, is that I noticed it on my first casual watch.

Also, I should say, the first shot is a little disorienting for some reason. I guess the original shot of the ships flying in has that handheld shakiness effect to it, and you did a great job trying to match it. But… maybe we could try to attempt to stabilize that shot, perhaps, if it’s possible? So Coruscant sitting there is a little more smooth? Because you’ve done all you can do to try to match the original shaky cam style, and I’m not sure what else could be done to make it even better. Other than some sort of stabilization. Not sure if it could be done. Probably (definitely) not even worth the effort I’m sure it takes, honestly.

Fantastic work regardless of my little notes here. I hope I didn’t come off condescending or anything like that. If this was the final product, that’d be perfectly fine. The concept is so genuinely wonderful.

Save the Sebastian Shaw Ghost! Save the dream…!