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Star Wars: The Last Skywalker Awakens - A sequel trilogy "mega-edit" (RELEASED)


Sequel Saga


Trailer: https://vimeo.com/548325471

Star Wars: The Last Skywalker Awakens is a goodbye-love letter to Star Wars.

Our story remains much the same: a metatextual space opera of lineage, legacy, belonging, betrayal, war, family, and lucrative merchandising potential, centered on Rey and Kylo Ren’s conflicting views over the Skywalker legacy.

It was also just a fun and instructive thing to make while learning my way around editing, and wouldn’t exist without a passionate and collaborative fan editing community, so thanks to you all.

Here you can find more a comprehensive list of the hundreds of edits made.

Now in two formats: a two-part theatrical edition, and a six-part miniseries edition.
Here’s a video detailing where and how the episode transitions are executed:

Part I - 2h44m
Part II - 2h49m

Part I - 52 minutes (including opening fanfare)
Part II - 45 minutes
Part III - 67 minutes
Part IV - 46 minutes
Part V - 60 minutes
Part VI - 63 minutes (including closing credits)

This edit borrows heavily from Hal9000’s sequel edits TFA Restructured, TLJ Legendary, and TRoS Ascendant, as well as from poppasketti’s TLJ Rekindled and NeverarGreat’s TFA: The Starlight Project.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


The title could be:
“The Rise of the Last Skywalker”
I invested in this edit, it sounds nice.



The change list sounds good, were you planning to drop any hints of Palpatines return during the first 2 or 3 acts? Similar to Poppasketti’s TLJ Rekindled.


Only the very subtle ones that exist in Hal’s edits (Rey’s vision on Takodana, Luke’s second lesson) but that raises a good point, this edit may benefit from some heavier foreshadowing and I will look into possibly borrowing from those edits. Are there any others that you could recommend towards that end?

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


I believe Poppa’s TLJ Rekindled has the most Palpatine foreshadowing in it.

As well as all of Hal’s Palpatine references you could also add the Palps “find me” on the radio that Kylo hears in the Crait base at the end of TLJ that Poppa added to add more foreshadowing so Palps doesn’t suddenly appear out of nowhere.

Also, just my own personal preferences if you are willing to add them in the edit:

  • In TLJ, add Luke’s third lesson from the deleted scenes where Rey runs into the Caretaker nuns camp holding the lightsaber
  • At the end of TLJ, instead of showing Rey moving the boulders from the cave (with only 2 days of training) have it appear as if Luke is using the force to remove the boulders and saving the resistance (maybe this is what kills him in the end).

I’ve experimented a bit with adding the Caretaker villager sequence back in to the story, but as it sits it doesn’t do a lot for me. The effects are very rough (especially the dodgy wire-work) and with this edit borrowing heavily from TLJ Legendary, we have no context for the Caretakers as they’ve been removed from the rest of the film. I’m going to leave it out for the time being.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


bbghost said:

  • Figure out what to do with the credits for all three films.

Play all of them at the same time. One at the top and the two next to each other at the bottom. Just like JXeditor’s Skywalker film edit.


bbghost said:

V1 of this edit is now complete!

I’ve updated the OP with a more comprehensive cut list and some examples. Pop a reply here if you’d like a download link.

Please PM me the d/l link. Thanks!


SandMTV said:

bbghost said:

  • Figure out what to do with the credits for all three films.

Play all of them at the same time. One at the top and the two next to each other at the bottom. Just like JXeditor’s Skywalker film edit.

I think they made an entire bespoke credits for their edit, but it’s a good idea. I might see if I can just plop all three credits sequences next to each other, it might look a bit janky but I’ll feel better for having them there.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


Yes please!
I would like to watch your edit!

Thank you thank you 😃


I would like to give this edit a watch - sounds pretty good.



I’m just about finished up on a V2 of this edit, which adds back in a couple of key scenes for some missing stakes and context in the TFA/TLJ chapters, as well as fix up some continuity errors introduced in larger-scale edits and a few sound fixes.

Ahsoka - Feature-length EditAlien Resurrection Resurrected2049: EYE-MAX EditionThe Siege of MandaloreStar Wars: The Last Skywalker AwakensTRON: Legacy (ISO Edition)


Sorry, bit late to the party. Would it still be possible to get a link?


Sounds very interesting. Can I get a link, please


I’m very interested to see what you’ve done, may I get a link?



Just finished watching your edit: it is awesome!
Thank you for doing what you do!
I don’t remember how Qwant (please don’t use google) led me to your post. But I thank the RNG gods for making me love that new trilogy the way you made it 😃

It’s like a Japanese garden: remove anything non essential, arrange it until you are at the root of harmony and beauty.

One thing I was looking for though was one cameo in Episode VIII:
“Rogue One director Gareth Edwards is snuck in as well. He’s the guy standing next to the guy who remarks that the surface of the planet is salt, after tasting it, possibly the greatest line in the film.”
Salt testing does not bring anything to the plot, but knowing that Storm Trooper Daniel Craig/James Bond gets mind controlled is fun, so seeing Gareth Edwards would have been cool too. It does not break the magic as only the crazy people looking for the cameos notice…

From Empire Strikes back to Episode VIII, the movie theatre is where I watched Star Wars first.
I left Episode VII amused, Episode VIII angry and disappointed, and never went to the cinema to watch the IX…
Eventually tried it on home screen, didn’t like it.

Your version made it all a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong but great experience. Had to watch it in installments.

Once again thank you thank you.