jedimasterobiwan said:
So does this mean you got the wampa to work if so i really can’t wait for june 😃
No. No Wampa. Like the mechanical shark in Jaws, Ady could not get the Wampa to work. So, taking a cue from Spielberg, Adywan has decided that less is more. There will be an augmented white blur that knocks Luke off his Tauntaun, and the suspense of not knowing or seeing whatever malevolent force is lurking out there in the snow will enhance the entire experience. In the cave sequence, shadows will cover the threat approaching Luke’s hanging form in the cave with some of Williams’ academy award-winning theme from two years earlier intermixed with the Force theme to build the tension. As the shadows grow closer with audible growls of the unseen creature approaching, Luke cuts himself free and swings the saber and we are left with that single furry white arm falling cauterized to the snowy floor - leaving us to our frightened imaginations of just what it was that attacked Luke.