Thank you for sharing the comparison reel, Ady, and as always it looks incredible! Watched it several times now and even once with your original ANH:R playing for comparison also. It’s fun to see how your talents have grown over the years and I can’t imagine it looking even better than this, so now, truly, “your skills are complete” 😃
Loved seeing all the various fixes and enhancements in the clip but one of my favorites (and I’m surprised nobody else mentioned it) is the occasional glow effect you’re implementing with some of the laser bolts, especially noticeable during the trench run; I think a small but substantial detail like that goes a long way for making them look even more real and therefore further immerses you in the action!
Well we didn’t see a K2 security droid walking by during that elevator scene but my fingers are still crossed that we still might get a surprise for either the full version of the scene or in a hallway elsewhere on the Death Star 😉 Ooh, or maybe (also) a couple/few K2 droids at the end of the hallway during the “Han chasing storm troopers scene” (no idea if you’re planning to keep the SE edit or revert it to be simpler and more like the original).
oh_riginal said:
…The only thing that still bothers me is when the rebels are flying away after the Death Star explodes, the Falcon always looked like it was flying crooked, like it’s not facing completely forward. I don’t know if I’m explaining it well enough, but the trajectory and the ship’s angle don’t seem to match…
NeverarGreat said:
You know, something that’s always bugged me about ANH and its Special Edition is that in the final shot of the ships headed back to Yavin after the Death Star’s destruction, the Falcon model enters frame from the left but then moves into the center of the frame without substantially changing orientation.
The Falcon model clearly starts turning left as it enters frame, as expected, but then it stops turning and just continues almost straight forward with its nose pointed well to the right of Yavin and its engines firing to the left. It’s a really bizarre movement that I would have thought Lucas would have changed in the SE like he did in so many other weird model shots.
Of course, I imagine it would be difficult for Ady to fix this issue since it would require rigging and filming a whole new model (practically or digitally) to put in that shot.
Yeah you guys aren’t alone about this. What helped me all these years, justifying the MF’s semi-awkward movement, is thinking that it is simply doing a little space drifting right there, lol. If Ady decides to do a touch-up on it after all, that’d be awesome, but if not, I’ll continue my space drift theory 😄
As for the “red Artoo” talk, I wasn’t bothered by the color change but understand the comments about it and agree maybe there could be another better way. Very curious now to see the alternate idea you’re already exploring for improving that shot, Ady. I’m supposing it’ll be easier to replace it with something new than removing the “red artoo” entirely.