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Preserving the...cringe...Star Wars Holiday Special (Released) — Page 10

Ziz said:

I just got one from someone over at FanEdit.org who said it's better than the KCCI, but I'm in the middle of moving to a new apt right now so give me a week or so to have a chance to compare them and see what's up.  A quick scan thru it shows promise but I want to look for specific parts to compare one to the other.

Use the comparison page (link given in a post above) to see which one it is.  Let us know what you find out...


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]

Tobar said:

Hey everyone, I think I might have found a new copy of the Holiday Special.


Looks nice!  I hope you follow-up on it.  I've got a good VHS deck with tracking control and a variety of TBCs and would be willing to transfer it.  But I wouldn't be surprised if someone here on the forum is even better-equipped, VHS-wise.

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

Tobar said:

Hey everyone, I think I might have found a new copy of the Holiday Special.


Looks nice!  I hope you follow-up on it.  I've got a good VHS deck with tracking control and a variety of TBCs and would be willing to transfer it.  But I wouldn't be surprised if someone here on the forum is even better-equipped, VHS-wise.


Working on it now.  Not sure if I'll be able to get the original tape, but I will certainly be able to get a copy of the DVD transfer from it.  And I'll do the best I can to see if there's a way to get raw, uncompressed video.


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]

SKot said:

Working on it now.  Not sure if I'll be able to get the original tape, but I will certainly be able to get a copy of the DVD transfer from it.  And I'll do the best I can to see if there's a way to get raw, uncompressed video.


I'm confused... if you get a copy of the DVD transfer, it's by definition NOT raw uncompressed video, right?  Or do you mean that there had been a transfer to some uncompressed digital medium (such as a mini-DV tape)?

"Close the blast doors!"
Puggo’s website | Rescuing Star Wars

Puggo - Jar Jar's Yoda said:

SKot said:

Working on it now.  Not sure if I'll be able to get the original tape, but I will certainly be able to get a copy of the DVD transfer from it.  And I'll do the best I can to see if there's a way to get raw, uncompressed video.


I'm confused... if you get a copy of the DVD transfer, it's by definition NOT raw uncompressed video, right?  Or do you mean that there had been a transfer to some uncompressed digital medium (such as a mini-DV tape)?


I don't know it there was ever an uncompressed transfer, but I'm going to see if that's the case.  If not, I'm trying to find out if it's possible to do one.  That may require getting hold of the original tape, if the owner is willing.

In the meantime I'm getting a copy of the DVD so I can compare it to the KCCI version and see how it holds up.  At the very least, it's good to have two nice copies in case there are glitches (or station IDs!) you want to work around.


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]


There's a major glitch on my copies of the KCCI version, right at the end of Chewie's flashback scene (do you know the one I mean?) and it seems like this new version (based on the youtube clip) has some bad edits at the commercial breaks. If you could combine the best footage of the two, you'd have a really great, near-perfect copy.


That's cool SKot, so he made a dvd copy from the original then?

Forum Moderator
Tobar said:

That's cool SKot, so he made a dvd copy from the original then?


Yes, he did... which is great, but it will also be compressed video.  What we really want is the raw, uncompressed video that we can work with without further quality loss.


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]


I'm just starting to delv in to the Expanded Universe and so just found out about this special.  I haven't had much luck with torrents and file sharing sites in the past, so I'm hoping to find a copy that's already burned to a DVD.  Can you guys tell me where I can go, or who I can contact to get one?

Your quarry in 2 days or less or the next one half-off!

Hi Rikter!

Wanted to contact you about getting a copy of SWHS. I know you have incoming PMs disabled, so would you mind PMing me? We could exchange email info or something like that. 

Thanks for your time


Is there any versions of the Holiday Special availible for download?


Pauley79 _used_to_ but when his site went dormant for a while it went away.

I'm not aware of any downloadable versions.

“Before the Dark Times. Before the Prequels.”


The KCCI version was up on the 'Spleen, but who knows if there are any seeders anymore...


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]

SKot said:

The KCCI version was up on the 'Spleen, but who knows if there are any seeders anymore...


there are 2 versions up on demonoid right now,

i just got a DVD version, and there is an avi also..




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


For the bandwidth-challenged Google video still has the WMAR broadcast in iPod/PSP format.

However, in practice you must take into account the “fuckwit factor”. Just talk to Darth Mallwalker…


Rapidshare links may still be active, for those that are into that sort of thing. Try searching for "KCCI" at fileshunt.com.

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With everyone talking about "film" versions of trailers and whatknot, has there ever been a "film" version of this found or seen?  What was it originally done with?  Video or film? 


Judging from the two copies I have, I think it was shot on video.  The only pieces that have that "film" look are the FX shots from ANH and the Vader/Bast footage, which is an unused scene from ANH with new dialogue looped in.

My outlook on life - we’re all on the Hindenburg anyway…no point fighting over the window seat.


The Holiday Special was definitely shot on video.  It has that soft focus "shot in a television studio" kind of look to it that you get with things like soap operas, classic Doctor Who, and Dark Shadows.  Besides the recycled movie shots and outtake footage, there wasn't anything in it that looked like it could have been shot on film.

There were a couple of times where rumors surfaced that a film copy of the Special (or sections of it) had surfaced, but these both turned out to be either untrue or an outright con...

The first one was when a high-end auction house put up a 16mm film reel that purported to be the footage from the Jefferson Starship segment.  I found this to be very hard to believe, but thought maybe there was some odd chance either they shot that segment separately on film and edited it into the Special, or maybe someone (the band, perhaps) needed just that video on film and had it transferred.  I talked to the guy who was the seller, and he turned out to be someone who worked on the production.  He was certain the reel had been used during the making of the show.  I took a risk and won the auction, with the full assurance that if it turned out to be not what it was supposed to be I could get a full refund.  When I received the reel, I immediately took it to a transfer house and had it telecined (along with some family 8mm footage I'd been meaning to get done).  When I got it back, I wasn't too surprised to find that the footage was not the video from the Holiday Special at all, but a 1976 video for the song "St. Charles" featuring Grace Slick.  It was still a cool find, and very very rare--I could only find one person on the internet who claimed to have a copy, and even when the band released a DVD of their promo videos recently, this was NOT included.  So I sent the film back and got my refund, and talked to the seller about what this might have actually been.  We came to the conclusion that this reel was probably ordered by the production to help sell the idea of using the band in the Special.

The second time was when a very dubious-looking auction came up on eBay where the seller claimed to have the entire Holiday Special on a 16mm reel (or two, it wasn't clear).  Why the show should be on film, we had no idea.  There was talk on this forum that some TV shows were put on 16mm film to show to schools or the military overseas, but that also seemed unlikely in this case.  The seller was very dodgy when asked about details, and the whole thing sounded extremely fishy.  The photos given proved nothing, and the seller seemed incapable of taking a picture that showed any of the actual film frames.  In the end, I decided against trying to win the auction because of the dodginess of the auction, and the fact there was no way the entire Special could fit on a couple of 16mm reels (which normally hold about 11-12 minutes each at 400 feet of film!).  As it turned out someone in France paid a lot of money for it and not surprisingly, from what I could gather, received nothing.  The seller seemed to be involved in other eBay scams as well.  It sounded too good to be true, and it was.

So the fact is, the Holiday Special should never have existed on film at all.  The master copies are on 3/4" U-Matic videotapes, and it's extremely unlikely anyone would convert them to film, especially given how much of a turd the Special tuned out to be.


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]


i making an 1 cd avi conversion of the dvd,

don't worry, the quality isn't that great,

so you're not loosing a lot.


it's just the show, and some commercials at

the end..


and will be uploading it to rapidshare...


i'll let you know when its ready..




[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


links are all up on rapidshare..

8 rar files... -> 700 Meg AVI file..


pm me, and you can share the links with others..



[no GOUT in CED?-> GOUT CED]


I have a DVD of the one with the commercials & muppets episode.

Also, SKot, whatever happened to that higher-quality version?

A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em

bkev said:

I have a DVD of the one with the commercials & muppets episode.

That would be Rikter's Angrysun Edition v1, which uses the KCMO version.  Quality about a 7/10.

Rikter's Angrysun Edition v2 is the KCCI version, which is about a 9/10 (the highest you can expect for a broadcast copy, with 10 being studio master copy quality).

Also, SKot, whatever happened to that higher-quality version?

I did receive a DVD copy of the newly-discovered WBBM version.  The quality is also about a 9/10 and looks really good, almost having an edge over the KCCI version--however, due to the rough commercial edits (done on a VCR originally), the intro missing a few seconds, and numerous video glitches here and there, the KCCI is still the best version.

I'd still like to get hold of the original videotape if possible to see what kind of transfer we can get of it.  I'll continue looking into that.


Return Of The Ewok and Other Short Films (with OCPmovie) [COMPLETED]
Preserving the…cringe…Star Wars Holiday Special [COMPLETED]
The Star Wars TV Commercials Project [DORMANT]
Felix the Cat 1919-1930 early film shorts preservation [ONGOING]
Lights Out! (lost TV anthology shows) [ONGOING]
Iznogoud (1995 animated series) English audio preservation [ONGOING]


So then, is the KCCI still available?  I'd like to have the best possible.


A Goon in a Gaggle of 'em