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Episode VIII : The Last Jedi - Discussion * SPOILER THREAD * — Page 15


I think their names imply that the Knights of Ren grew up playing wayyy too many online FPS games.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ZkinandBonez said:

That’s an interesting thought. It hadn’t even occurred to me that Rey might have seen into the future.

Well in the Force Vision she also sees Kylo Ren popping from behind a tree where their confrontation later takes place on SKB. Funny thing is though that Kylo Ren had his mask on in the vision but not when the actual fight went down.

I’m also quite intrigued by what a “monk of Ren” implies.

It’s been rumored that the KoR are like the Church of The Force; non force sensitives that worship The Force. Maybe this Monk is the only KoR with the exception of Kylo that can draw upon The Force.


Lord Haseo said:

ZkinandBonez said:

That’s an interesting thought. It hadn’t even occurred to me that Rey might have seen into the future.

Well in the Force Vision she also sees Kylo Ren popping from behind a tree where their confrontation later takes place on SKB. Funny thing is though that Kylo Ren had his mask on in the vision but not when the actual fight went down.

Right I forgot about that. Doesn’t she also briefly see the Starkiller Base laser beam?
Makes you wonder if the whole Luke and Artoo bit might also be from the future.

Lord Haseo said:

ZkinandBonez said:

I’m also quite intrigued by what a “monk of Ren” implies.

It’s been rumored that the KoR are like the Church of The Force; non force sensitives that worship The Force. Maybe this Monk is the only KoR with the exception of Kylo that can draw upon The Force.

Well there was an interview where Abrams/Kasdan (I can’t remember which one) described Kylo as being a “religious fanatic” so that’s possible. That might also explain his overly harsh treatment of Lor San Tekka and his people (of course the Empire/First Order isn’t exactly know for being nice, but it seemed somewhat extreme regardless). There’s also the fact that they seemed to know each other, or at least Tekka knew of Kylo. Maybe KoR originates from the Church of the Force? For all we know there could have been a religious war going on in the thirty years between ROTJ and TFA.

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I have to doubt that the KOR shot is a glimpse of the future simply because Kylo loses both his mask and his lightsaber by the end of TFA. I’m betting he’ll have a distinctly different mask (if he has one at all) and a more traditional saber the next time we see him.


joefavs said:

I have to doubt that the KOR shot is a glimpse of the future simply because Kylo loses both his mask and his lightsaber by the end of TFA. I’m betting he’ll have a distinctly different mask (if he has one at all) and a more traditional saber the next time we see him.

Yeah, that’ll probably be the case, but as Haseo did point out, Rey does have a vision of her fight with Kylo from the end of the film where he wears his mask. He also “sees” her during her vision of the KoR, so obviously her visions aren’t completely objective. So many of these moment might be from the future, despite her seeing the people involved as they currently are. Or Kylo might have partaken in the massacre with his old mask and saber had she not defeated him on Starkiller Base. So it’s not impossible that we’ll see and alternate version of her vision.
(PS, yes I know I’m stretching here, I’m just saying it’s possible.)

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joefavs said:
I’m betting he’ll have a distinctly different mask (if he has one at all)

The mask is already iconic (even though the character isn’t at this juncture) and there’s no reason why they should leave out such a terrifying mask. Plus don’t you think he should have spares lying around?

and a more traditional saber the next time we see him.

Perhaps. Maybe he’ll get Vader’s once he completes his training.

ZkinandBonez said:
Maybe KoR originates from the Church of the Force? For all we know there could have been a religious war going on in the thirty years between ROTJ and TFA.

The KoR were originally called “The Seven Light” in the visual dictionary so that’s entirely possible.


Lord Haseo said:

don’t you think he should have spares lying around?

Not really, at least not identical ones. We’ve seen that there doesn’t seem to be a standard issue Knight of Ren helmet, everything looks to be either scavenged or custom built. If Kylo found his helmet somewhere, then I doubt he’d have another one just like it, and if he built it, it would be a bad narrative choice to have him craft a new one that’s exactly the same as the old one after he’s lost it in this life changing experience. I think it’s possible he’ll end up with something very similar, especially if it was an existing piece that he repurposed rather than something he forged himself, but I think it will be tweaked to some extent. Think of all the variations of Mandolorian armor we’ve seen. He could come back with something that’s clearly from the same culture or order or whatever, but pretty obviously not the exact same object.


As Yoda once said, “always in motion is the future”, so no vision is going to be 100% exact in the details.

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joefavs said:

Lord Haseo said:

don’t you think he should have spares lying around?

Not really, at least not identical ones.

Kind of like Vader? In all 3 films Vader wore slightly different helmets.

We’ve seen that there doesn’t seem to be a standard issue Knight of Ren helmet

Well he is the Master of the organization…

and if he built it, it would be a bad narrative choice to have him craft a new one that’s exactly the same as the old one after he’s lost it in this life changing experience.

Lol what? What if he’s just fond of the mask?

I think it’s possible he’ll end up with something very similar, especially if it was an existing piece that he repurposed rather than something he forged himself, but I think it will be tweaked to some extent.

I posted this in another thread but I wouldn’t mind something like this.

But what I don’t want is something similar to the Jedi Killer concept art.




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I’m wondering if Snoke tells Kylo that in order to become a Sith, he must face off with not only Rey, but Luke as well, in order to become a true Sith. If he kills them, he WILL be as powerful as Vader.

I think in a way, it will be a mirror of TESB, where Luke rushes to fight Vader, so will Kylo Ren, but in doing so, it will be his down fall. He will get injured and actually have to where a breathing mask, just like Vader did, modified of course. However, we probably won’t see that mask until Episode IX.

Luke wanted so much to be Jedi and he fulfilled that destiny. Kylo is the exact opposite, he wants to be a Sith and will do ANYTHING to fulfill his destiny.

As for Rey, that’s a completely different story, one that will make more sense after Episode VIII.


I think the fact that Kylo is wearing the mask in Rey’s vision is because the scene was probably originally shot with the mask on. If you look at the first trailer with Kylo in the woods, he has the hood on which means the mask also.

They probably reshot the scene with Kylo without the mask to make it more dramatic or to change something. The shot of Kylo in the forest with his mask is just a leftover from the unused sequence. Also it could be they hadn’t revealed Kylo’s face yet in the movie and so just used the mask in the forest to hide his face until the reveal.


Makes sense but it’s an out of universe explanation. I guess if I could rationalize it with an in universe explanation I would attribute that to “Always in motion is the future” just as SilverWook said.



"It seems that Laura Dern is a leader of The Resistance.
Leia’s ship is ambushed, she is blasted through space.
Leia ends up in a coma. Laura Dern’s character then takes over Resistance command, but makes things far worse.
With this in mind, Poe takes control of the situation and becomes the interim leader of The Resistance."

I’m not sure how reliable this info is, but it’s an intriguing idea.

PS, I can’t remember anyone having posted this photo from Dubrovnik earlier;

It looks like Finn, and maybe Rey, riding some animatronic cat-horse thing. I’m assuming that that metal pole sticking into it’s “guts” is connected to the inner mechanics and that it’ll be removed digitally in post.
So it’ll be interesting to see this thing in action in the film. Hopefully, it’s a bit more active and on screen than the Jakku pig-thing from TFA.

EDIT: I think I can see a wheel as well attached to the front of the whatever-it-is.

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Well, what’s wrong with the design of Naboo? Sure, TPM is a pretty bad film, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that the designs were bad. Just because they were unlike anything we saw in the OT doesn’t mean that they aren’t proper SW designs. The OT only showed us a few planets, many of which were pretty primitive, so why shouldn’t there be some fancier places out there? Cloud City was pretty fancy, and very unlike anything seen in ANH.
Also hasn’t someone pointed out that the Dubrovnik sets were based off some old unused McQuarrie concept art?

Either way, as long as they avoid any Camino-esque hyper-futuristic designs I’m personally not going to complain.

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Smithers said:

All of the Dubrovnik photos I’ve seen so far look nothing like they should be in star wars, they remind me a lot of Naboo except higher class and everybody wears Earth fashion clothing.

Agreed. I don’t mind the architecture, but the chrome speeder and tuxedo-ed aliens really bother me. The speeder feels like it’s out of a futuristic sports car magazine rather than a lived-in, retro sci-fi world. And the aliens look like a visual spoof, almost like it’s from Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy.

Oh and before people point out that these things will mesh in the finished film: when the first photos leaked of R2 in Episode 7 it was clear that parts of his design were just incorrect. People told me to stop nitpicking, since it was just a production picture. Well I’m pleased(?) to report that R2 looked just as wrong in the finished film. It is perfectly legitimate to criticize an aesthetic from production photos in my opinion.

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There are no shiny speeders anywhere in the galaxy? Not every planet is like Tatooine.

And there were plenty of goofy looking aliens in the OT.

This is the first I’ve heard of Artoo not looking right in TFA.

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Also there’s so much of the Galaxy we haven’t seen so to say certain stuff doesn’t fit in is based on our quick glance into that universe.


NeverarGreat said:
rather than a lived-in, retro sci-fi world

Why should the ST feel retro? 30 years has passed both in that universe and in our own.