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No it wasn’t a thing in the previous animated shows, I think it was just for Jedi Fallen Order since in a game you have to sense places/objects to gain xp and exposition.
Has Ahsoka always had Psychometry (aka ‘force echo’) as a force power or is it a new ability of hers for this show? (in episode 2).
I thought it was something you were born with, and that it was a power that couldn’t be learned or achieved through training. Only a few individuals outside the Kiffar have it?
I’m fairly sure this is the first time we’ve seen her use it but I definitely could be wrong. I love the ability, honestly even if she’s able to use it out of nowhere I’m happy.
“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”
No it wasn’t a thing in the previous animated shows, I think it was just for Jedi Fallen Order since in a game you have to sense places/objects to gain xp and exposition.
Has Ahsoka always had Psychometry (aka ‘force echo’) as a force power or is it a new ability of hers for this show? (in episode 2).
I thought it was something you were born with, and that it was a power that couldn’t be learned or achieved through training. Only a few individuals outside the Kiffar have it?
Disney Star Wars is horribly inconsistent and doesn’t adhere to any rules
I think the force echo will feature prominently in this, as Sabine will most likely sense it or feel it, as well as Jacen sensing something too.
I am finding this show very hard to like. The characters seem to talk too much but not actually say anything except the plainly obvious by telling the audience exactly what is going on. It’s just very very dull, and knowing that it ultimately leads to the first order etc doesn’t make me any more interested only less
No it wasn’t a thing in the previous animated shows, I think it was just for Jedi Fallen Order since in a game you have to sense places/objects to gain xp and exposition.
Technically retconned so Rey has it as well meaning it debuted with her, to explain her vision as she touched the lightsaber in The Force Awakens.
No it wasn’t a thing in the previous animated shows, I think it was just for Jedi Fallen Order since in a game you have to sense places/objects to gain xp and exposition.
Technically retconned so Rey has it as well meaning it debuted with her, to explain her vision as she touched the lightsaber in The Force Awakens.
How many retcons now in Disney Star Wars? It just seems like a pathetic excuse now for lazy writing.
Has Ahsoka always had Psychometry (aka ‘force echo’) as a force power or is it a new ability of hers for this show? (in episode 2).
I thought it was something you were born with, and that it was a power that couldn’t be learned or achieved through training. Only a few individuals outside the Kiffar have it?
Disney Star Wars is horribly inconsistent and doesn’t adhere to any rules
Agreed. Even its own 2014 canon rules, as Caston posted about Filoni and Lucas overwriting or retconning others’ work in Star Wars (some before and some after the 2014 canon/legends announcement):
Has Ahsoka always had Psychometry (aka ‘force echo’) as a force power or is it a new ability of hers for this show? (in episode 2).
I thought it was something you were born with, and that it was a power that couldn’t be learned or achieved through training. Only a few individuals outside the Kiffar have it?
I’m fairly sure this is the first time we’ve seen her use it but I definitely could be wrong. I love the ability, honestly even if she’s able to use it out of nowhere I’m happy.
Thanks. I thought the scene itself was well done and even liked it. But it does seem strange to give established characters new and rare force powers who haven’t previously shown them. Once is okay I suppose, but I wouldn’t want to see more unique force powers given to characters this way. Force Speed for Obi Wan to use just that once in TPM still feels odd to me! 😃
“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas
No it wasn’t a thing in the previous animated shows, I think it was just for Jedi Fallen Order since in a game you have to sense places/objects to gain xp and exposition.
Technically retconned so Rey has it as well meaning it debuted with her, to explain her vision as she touched the lightsaber in The Force Awakens.
To me that feels like a random vision rather than a new power, and it’s never used again or talked about. Then again a bunch of stuff in TFA was never brought up later so who knows.
Also the holograms on this show are more colour than blue. This seems like a big overlooked change
No it wasn’t a thing in the previous animated shows, I think it was just for Jedi Fallen Order since in a game you have to sense places/objects to gain xp and exposition.
Technically retconned so Rey has it as well meaning it debuted with her, to explain her vision as she touched the lightsaber in The Force Awakens.
To me that feels like a random vision rather than a new power, and it’s never used again or talked about. Then again a bunch of stuff in TFA was never brought up later so who knows.
Well, Rey senses the dark history of Ochi’s dagger when she discovers it in TROS as well.
I know I’ve made some very poor decisions recently.
Also the holograms on this show are more colour than blue. This seems like a big overlooked change
If you mean the communications holograms (since multi-colored holos have been around since the Rebel Briefing in ROTJ), this has at least been a thing since the ending of Solo
Episode 3 spoilers:
I don’t get why they riffed on the Original Trilogy here, other than it being a homage of sorts? The training section and rear gunner battle; couldn’t they have done some thing new or fresh instead? The dialogue of “I can’t see” and “I got one!” just fell flat and was cheap fan service to me. I was pleased to Mon Mothma, but a little disappointed with the little they gave Genevieve O’Reilly to work with. I agree with RogueLeader, it appears we are simply going to get years of the New Republic being incompetent with very little nuance. 2 people with Jedi powers and lightsabers just scuttled a Rebel transport, killing many of the crew, freed an important prisoner, but Senators claim Hera just wants to use Rebel resources to find Ezra? The whole reasoning and writing of this makes little sense or logic.
The Ahsoka somersault flightsuit fight was cool and silly in equal measures, although lucky the spaceships didn’t aim for the other wing, or the underside, where there isn’t a Jedi with lightsabers that can deflect these bolts away from the disabled ship. Sabine and Huyang were the more interesting characters in this again, along with Baylon and Shin. I enjoyed this more than the opening episodes, a little short, and still nothing unexpected from Filoni yet. The visual design does look for this series.
I was surprised to see it is only getting around the same viewership as Andor, as this had a lot more promotion, and Andor’s viewership increased as the series went on. I hope this does too, and improves along the way.
Episode 4 spoilers:
That is some weird de ageing of Christensen, or is that how people are going to look like in the live action World Between Worlds? I do wonder what anyone who hasn’t seen Rebels, and doesn’t know of the WBW, thinks is going on right now. The Vader music added on at the end seemed off and redundant.
It was an okay episode overall but it does struggle with pacing or direction like the the episodes. Some otherwise great scenes, but entwined with “action scene, then stop, look into distance and ponder, then a line or two line of dialogue delivered slowly, or learn something or try to say something profound; then more action scene, stop, look and ponder, a line or two of dialogue delivered slowly, learn something or try to say something profound” running through it. It feels “cluncky”, especially the slowly delivered dialogue.
Ahsoka’s “can I trust you?” to Sabine, out of nowhere early on, was a little clumsily done so that some raised red flags. I did very much like the fight with Sabine and Shin, the force power move, Sabine acknowledging her Mandalorian side! Baylon too was engaging again as he has been throughout the 4 episodes. Poor Marrok, just another disposable 2D henchman. Poor Hera too, and that hyperdrive scene was visually cool.
I think I’m watching this each week out of curiosity, rather than enjoyment, or it being a good series. There are parts which are of quality: the villains, action sequences in the main, visual and sound design. But they entwined with some middling and poor background characters, and their decision making, staid acting choices and odd dialogue from the main characters (Baylon apart), the political aspects of the New Republic and their 2D incompetence (see RogueLeader’s post), and the direction.
It is as if the show needed another polish, some further retuning before they started filming, but ran of time. So here we are. A pity, as there is a good series hiding away in here somewhere. Maybe the last half of this series will deliver?
The Imperial need for control is so desperate because it is so unnatural. Tyranny requires constant effort. It breaks, it leaks. Authority is brittle. Oppression is the mask of fear.
Formerly Emre1601 - computer hard drives are brittle too!
Just watched episode 4. It was very good. Now I understand why episode 5 is getting a small theatrical release lol
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I’ve realized that the biggest issue I have with this show is the lack of reason to fear Thrawn. I know him from the books. Some fans know him a bit from Rebels. But in this show we have been given no information or evidence of his clout beyond his rank. Even from Rebels we know that he has with him one Imperial class Star Destroyer - what difference does that make? I’m sure there were plenty after Endor that had to be dealt with.
I’m loving the prospect of seeing a new region of space in Star Wars, and I want to see Thrawn in live action, but the threat just isn’t something I feel.
To expand upon the last comment, Thrawn is really a nothing burger ultimately.
This show is set between the OT and the ST.
Thrawn is clearly not a problem to the galaxy at large in the ST (not even mentioned once).
So basically Thrawn and his crew come back from some nether reaches and are quickly put down in Season 2 or the movie that ties these all together.
To expand upon the last comment, Thrawn is really a nothing burger ultimately.
This show is set between the OT and the ST.
Thrawn is clearly not a problem to the galaxy at large in the ST (not even mentioned once).
So basically Thrawn and his crew come back from some nether reaches and are quickly put down in Season 2 or the movie that ties these all together.
It could work if we see the New Republic being more competent than in the ST, then Thrawn shows up and wrecks it to the point that they’re weakened and willing to look the other way instead of engaging other threats like the First Order.
But I’m not holding my breath.
You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)
Well , that was an interesting episode of Star Wars The wheel of Game Of Time Of Thrones …
I am curious to see what Baylan is up to. I think he has greater goals than to bring back Thrawn. Seeing that Zahn is involved with this show, I can not help myself but think of C’baoth whenever Baylan is on screen. I suspect he wants to build some sort of twisted Jedi order or something and that is his real reason to leave the galaxy. I am definitely exicited to see another galaxy in Star Wars.
“Vader! Hologram, now!”
Fanedit idea: after Ahsoka says “Better than allowing Thrawn’s return as in ‘Heir To The Empire’”, she should just straight up look into the camera and wink.
To expand upon the last comment, Thrawn is really a nothing burger ultimately.
This show is set between the OT and the ST.
Thrawn is clearly not a problem to the galaxy at large in the ST (not even mentioned once).
So basically Thrawn and his crew come back from some nether reaches and are quickly put down in Season 2 or the movie that ties these all together.It could work if we see the New Republic being more competent than in the ST, then Thrawn shows up and wrecks it to the point that they’re weakened and willing to look the other way instead of engaging other threats like the First Order.
But I’m not holding my breath.
That’s what they’re trying to do. It’s that old thing about “The Clone Wars show fixes the prequels.” They want to repeat that concept. It’s similar to how a lot of deeply misguided fans want Mara Jade introduced so that she can get killed off to “explain” why Luke is unhinged and depressed as of the sequels.
Though I don’t think they’ll make the New Republic more competent like you said. It will be more and more of this obvious incompetence.
What really bothers me overall about the whole setup, including this new episode, is the lack of Luke in general. Not just in a “you ruined my childhood” kind of way or a sequel hate kind of way, but also common sense.
We’re expected to believe that Luke is just sitting on the one planet. Not even building the Jedi temple himself, just waiting for a bunch of ant droids to build it for him. He’s not going out and looking for Jedi or force sensitives. The only one he gets (Grogu) leaves shortly after.
Meanwhile, FULL JEDI Ahsoka, who he knows, as well as FULL JEDI Ezra and now Sabine, (not to mention probably Cal Kestis and a bunch of other new-EU characters,) plus at least two Dark Jedi, are all running around. The situation is still only slightly less egregious as it was during Rebels, with the added wrinkle that at this specific time Luke is supposed to be rounding all these people up, and he has absolutely no interest in the low-hanging fruit he should obviously look into first.
Luke appears to have nothing to do with anything that he should have something to do with!
You know who should be having adventures with Ahsoka and talking with Ahsoka at this point? Luke!
She was trained by Anakin and fought by his and Obi Wan’s side during the Clone Wars! He’s Anakin’s son and helped to redeem his father from the dark side! They have so much to talk about! You could just record hours and hours of their conversations and people would watch it and love it!
At least give them some rivalry or antagonism, something! You can’t use the “oh well Ahsoka doesn’t want to be a Jedi” excuse. She clearly does. She even has an apprentice that she calls a padawan now.
No, the best we can get is a few mumbled lines indicating they’re acquaintances, in the Boba Fett show of all things (massive lol). Then we get to watch Ahsoka do all the adventures that Luke is supposed to be doing. It gets even worse with the ending of episode 4 of this show.
I just finished the first episode and so far I’m liking it. It’s not as good as the first 2 seasons of The Mandalorian, but it’s much better than the Book of Bobba Fett. If I had an issue it’s that it felt a little bit too long. But it’s kind of like Black Panther Wakanda Forever in that there’s really not much that I’d cut from it. It’s strong right out of the gate with the first scene and the temple investigation but then it kind of goes downhill. The dialogue between Hera and Ahsoka, and the villains on the ruins is way too long. I think the issue is some of the dialogue scenes go too slowly and from what I’ve heard so far this is going to be a recurring issue. However, the second half of the episode is much stronger than the first and when it gets going it’s quite thrilling. Ahsoka and Sabine’s banter and character dynamic are good and it doesn’t suffer from any of the problems the other dialogue scenes do. I liked the Ceremony and chase scene, Ahsoka and Hera’s conversation about Sabine, Sabine opening the map, and the final action scene which was fantastic although the lightsaber stab kind of bothers me. If it can pick up in the next few episodes I feel this could be quite good.
Episode 2 was way better than the first episode. This one moves at a much faster pace and pretty much suffers from none of the dialogue problems the first episode had. Ahsoka and Hera’s dynamic is way better here and they feel more like they did in Rebels. I liked the factory subplot as while it was easy to guess what was gonna happen it was very entertaining. The factory supervisor was a fun character and the fight scene was well done. I also enjoyed Huang’s conversation with Sabine and her finally making the decision to restart her training. I don’t really have any complaints as of right now, and I can definitely understand why they released the first 2 episodes together as episode 1 wasn’t anywhere near as good. I kind of wished the first 2 episodes would’ve been combined into 1 episode, with most of the cuts coming from episode 1, as I feel like with snappier dialogue editing in the first episode and a good 15-20 minutes being cut this would’ve been a much better opener. All that being said if you were dissatisfied with The Mandalorian Season 3 you likely won’t like this much better because right now it’s on par with the plot focus episodes of that series. Also, I don’t think anyone who hasn’t watched Star Wars Rebels would really enjoy this series as it’s pretty much season 5 of that show.
I’ve realized that the biggest issue I have with this show is the lack of reason to fear Thrawn. I know him from the books. Some fans know him a bit from Rebels. But in this show we have been given no information or evidence of his clout beyond his rank. Even from Rebels we know that he has with him one Imperial class Star Destroyer - what difference does that make? I’m sure there were plenty after Endor that had to be dealt with.
I’m loving the prospect of seeing a new region of space in Star Wars, and I want to see Thrawn in live action, but the threat just isn’t something I feel.
I agree, I want to see him in action in the remaining episodes, to see him be this feared, impressive tactician and leader, and not simply be told about it. Unless that is what the “wrap-up film” from Filoni is going to be, and this is just laying the groundwork for that? That will will be underwhelming if it does.
“Don’t tell anyone… but when ‘Star Wars’ first came out, I didn’t know where it was going either. The trick is to pretend you’ve planned the whole thing out in advance. Throw in some father issues and references to other stories - let’s call them homages - and you’ve got a series.” - George Lucas
I’ve realized that the biggest issue I have with this show is the lack of reason to fear Thrawn. I know him from the books. Some fans know him a bit from Rebels. But in this show we have been given no information or evidence of his clout beyond his rank. Even from Rebels we know that he has with him one Imperial class Star Destroyer - what difference does that make? I’m sure there were plenty after Endor that had to be dealt with.
I’m loving the prospect of seeing a new region of space in Star Wars, and I want to see Thrawn in live action, but the threat just isn’t something I feel.
I agree, I want to see him in action in the remaining episodes, to see him be this feared, impressive tactician and leader, and not simply be told about it. Unless that is what the “wrap-up film” from Filoni is going to be, and this is just laying the groundwork for that? That will will be underwhelming if it does.
Yeah I do agree that’s an issue. It’s the problem with making Ahsoka a direct sequel to Rebels because if you haven’t seen that show Hera and Sabine are completely new, and while the show does an admirable job of trying to introduce them to new viewers it doesn’t quite work. Also because it’s a sequel to Rebels it doesn’t feel the need to show why Thrawn coming back is such a big deal because it assumes you’ve watched Rebels and therefore know why Thrawn is so intimidating. If you haven’t seen Rebels he’s pretty much the main villain of the later half of that show. I haven’t read his original trilogy, but from what I saw of him in Rebels he was a fantastic villain. He doesn’t get defeated due to anything he does wrong, it’s other characters in the Empire who screw up his well-laid plans.