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The Mandalorian - Star Wars live action TV series : Non Spolier thread — Page 10


Shades of Dark Side Of The Moon/Wizard of Oz! 😛

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Where were you in '77?


OutboundFlight said:

If Vader refers to the carbon freezing tech as crude, then the tech must be from the past. The carbon freezing from this trailer is probably a more modern variant, safe for bounty hunters.

“Crude” does not equal “old”. It simply means it’s in a rough, not refined state. Like my cheap analogue watch from Walmart is a crude timepiece compared to the more sophisticated and high tech apple watch. Heck, maybe the Bespin facility was pieced together with parts salvaged from a scrapyard?

I agree with the sentiment that I prefer the idea of carbon freezing to be a unique thing done in ESB. However, I don’t have a real issue with it being used elsewhere in Star Wars from a technical, writing, or “plot hole” point of view. There’s nothing in ESB that actually indicates this is a unique idea that’s never been tried before. I agree with others that the “crude” comment refers to the poor state of the equipment and the question of Luke or Han’s survival comes from this poor quality, not necessarily that it’s a new process. We could even suppose that maybe carbon freezing living beings has been tried before but the success rate is low.

Also, this show takes place after ROTJ and you can bet that Captain Solo’s frozen form made a splash with the denizens of Jabba’s Palace. I’m sure word got around! Maybe there’s been a wave of carbon freezing going viral around the galaxy after that?


Yeah, I think I like what we’ve seen from The Mandalorian thusfar. It may end up being the post-Lucas Star Wars content I like the most, actually.


This is going to do so well, the list of people wanting to guest star next season will be long.


Rodney-2187 said:

This is going to do so well, the list of people wanting to guest star next season will be long.

I’m wondering if Mark Hamill might lend his voice somewhere in this series. I doubt Harrison Ford would, but if he did, I would be ecstatic. Anthony Daniels C-3PO and Chewbacca are other possible guests that could return.


CarboniteSolo said:

Rodney-2187 said:

This is going to do so well, the list of people wanting to guest star next season will be long.

I’m wondering if Mark Hamill might lend his voice somewhere in this series. I doubt Harrison Ford would, but if he did, I would be ecstatic. Anthony Daniels C-3PO and Chewbacca are other possible guests that could return.

I wouldn’t mind a few characters we know showing up but I was more referring to actors that have wanted to be in Star Wars but the timing or role was never quite right. The cast is already great, but there’s bound to be characters who appear for only a few episodes that could attract some great talent.




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If Filoni’s as heavily involved as he seems to be, I think it’s a guarantee either Hondo or Ahsoka (or both) are going to appear in this show before it ends.


I’d say Hondo’s almost a lock, but Ahsoka is doubtful.

It’s still Favreau’s baby more than Filoni’s, though, so he might outright veto the idea.


I don’t see Favreau or Filoni really being at odds though. So long as Filoni has a good idea for why Ahsoka (and/or Sabine) might show up in that time period on the outer rim, I don’t know why Favreau would shoot it down or veto it on general principle. It would have to be a bad idea or a bad pitch first. A big part of why Favreau is even part of this whole thing is due to Filoni hiring him to be a voice in Clone Wars.

Mandalorian’s already got a second season, will likely get a third. I think chances are more than good that Hondo, Ahsoka, Sabine, and Bo-Katan might all appear before the run is over. Maybe even Hera. I also think if that happens, they’ll put Tiya Sircar, Ashley Eckstein, Katee Sackhoff, and Vanessa Marshall in their corresponding roles.


I didn’t think about this before but they do already have a live action Hondo costume. There’s a video briefing by Hondo on the Millenium Falcon ride right before you enter the cockpit, where instead of an animatronic, Hondo is played by an actor in makeup and costume. It could be they borrowed it from The Mandalorian.

Oh, just found some video of Hondo appearing in person in the park.

Forum Moderator

I can see Hondo making an appearance, but Ashoka seems a bit much. I think with a live action SW series they’ll probably try to make it more accessible to a broader audience, and suddenly having Ashoka appear would confuse most viewers I think. I think they’ve learned their lesson that EU characters like Saw Garrera is neutral enough to work for both casual viewers and fans, while something like bringing Darth Maul back will basically just confuse 90% of your audience. I’d also be surprised if there was any kind of Jedi, Sith, etc. at all in this series. Hondo, Hera and Sabine could work though.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


I love TCW, but I hate how Filoni’s favorites never die. Ashoka’s death against Anakin was perfect - now we learn there’s a far more experienced Jedi running around while Luke was “the last hope”.

Maybe Ashoka was Yoda’s “other”.

Maul- A Star Wars Story


Not to derail the Mandalorian thread, but I do hope they do more to differentiate Ashoka from other Jedi. She seemed pretty different in the Rebels epilogue, so I hope they emphasize that. That she isn’t just a “grey Jedi”, but she operates by a different set of morals than actual Jedi. Sort of like the Bendu. Ezra needs to be the same. Next time we see him, he should no longer be a “Jedi”. The Unknown Regions needs to have changed him.

So there can be other Force-users who have different sets of priorities, but Luke is the only Jedi.


Except Ahsoka isn’t a Jedi and hasn’t been one since the Clone Wars. The Jedi are a specific organization that she left. Just because you commune with the Force doesn’t automatically make you a Jedi.

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Haha, that is exactly the first thought I had upon seeing that image!

I think, in addition to the things you mention, there’s something about the costumes themselves that lend to the “action figure” look. It’s something that’s been bugging me about a lot of the Disney era costumes. While much better than anything in the PT, there’s something very artificial looking about a lot of the new props and costumes. It’s like the fabric is too thick, and high quality. The stitching is too good. The molded parts (helmet, armor, etc.) too cleanly molded/sculpted and too nicely painted. Even the weathering and wear-and-tear looks too curated and “artistically” applied. The costumes in the OT looked like real clothes that people actually wore and lived in. The newer stuff looks like an art department with too big a budget trying to replicate that look while using much higher quality materials.

I dunno. It’s a small nit to pick but it’s something that sticks out to me from time to time. Oddly though, on screen I feel it’s much less of an issue (not that it goes away entirely, but that it’s somewhat mitigated). It’s these production photos and behind-the-scenes things where it really stands out.


I think that’s an issue with the production design on a lot of modern films. The materials are too high-quality and too well-designed for what would realistically be in that setting. See also: any live-action depiction of Superman’s costume since Superman Returns.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ATMachine said:

The materials are too high-quality and too well-designed for what would realistically be in that setting.

That’s exactly what I was trying to say, but said so much more succinctly!

NeverarGreat said:

Maybe the issue is that there is nothing to concretely establish a sense of scale, since none of the figures have human features. Another issue is probably the frame rate of the video this still was taken from, since the cloaks have no motion blur and thus look motionless and staged.

That’s an excellent point about the lack of motion blur. I also thin the shallow depth of field is a major player.