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Han - Solo Movie ** Spoilers ** — Page 39


ray_afraid said:

Is the curly haired guy in the brown sweater gonna be Lobot?
I’m gonna say yes.

I wouldn’t put it past them. “Leave no stone unturned” appears to be the rule of the day (Or perhaps that’s “No backstory left to the imagination.”).


DuracellEnergizer said:

ray_afraid said:

Is the curly haired guy in the brown sweater gonna be Lobot?
I’m gonna say yes.

I wouldn’t put it past them. “Leave no stone unturned” appears to be the rule of the day (Or perhaps that’s “No backstory left to the imagination.”).

That’s Phil Lord.

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One of the directors who just got fired.


The Lando comic was already pretty Lobot-heavy anyway. I doubt they’d want to devote much screentime to him in this after already telling his story elsewhere.


ray_afraid said:


JEDIT: Googled him. Tobars response, when ran through a filter that that removes the assholism from posts, reads like this:

Tobor said:
Guys, that guy is actually one of the directors that just got canned, so he can’t be Lobot, or anybody else!

There are multiple things wrong with this post.


yotsuya said:

I don’t know why anyone would care what an actor had done before. Peter Cushing and Alec Guiness were legendary. Billy Dee Williams and Frank Oz were very well known. Samuel L. Jackson, Ewan McGregor, Natalie Portman and Liam Neeson were all stars in their own right. Woody Harleson has a wide body of work, as does Emilia Clark. Felicity Jones wasn’t exactly an unknown either. All the Star Wars films have their share of notable people in them. They are actors, they play roles. If they have solid careers, they played roles before and they will play roles after. You can’t get stuck on one performance. That isn’t how it works.

I’ll say it again but this is how it worked for ME. Not saying it should be this way for everyone, just that this is what I experienced and it made for a very immersive experience where you’re not ever distracted by any external factors such as recognising an actor from another movie or Tv show. It’s part of what makes up my “Star Wars magic” and if you want to analyse it a bit further, it would be an attribute to the escapism I and other people often look for when watching movies. SW really did take me to a galaxy far far away for the time that I’m engrossed in the story it is telling and anything that links back to the real world is going to lessen that connection.

A parrallel could be made if say for example - when writing a fictional novel, you had to use characters from a common catalogue that everyone else also has to use. You read the novel and the story coupled with your imagination fills in for your mind what is happening but then you read about a character that you remember from another novel which you’ve already got memories and pre-conceived thoughts and opinions about and they simply clash or don’t work well with how the current novel you are reading is describing them to be or what they are doing in this particular story. It makes it hard to continue accepting this character as fitting into this particular story and essentially ruins the ability to enjoy the story and the images it creates in your mind as a standalone piece of fiction.

Obviously having actors only ever play the same characters in the same movies / franchise and not act in any others to avoid this would never work and is pretty ridiculous at the thought of it. But for those movies where it was lucky enough to happen or at least for some people viewing it, it really adds to the experience and I don’t think there’s anything wrong in hoping for that kind of luck again with other movies tied to those you experienced that in since it’s basically one big story anyway.

That or at least hope for competent actors that are able to fully pull of the character to the extent that it makes you forget for the time that you are watching their performance any of the other things that might otherwise distract and annoy you to see them playing a part in such a film. I have doubts that Emilia and Woody are capable of such performances 😉 Emilia just doesn’t seem like an actor to me that can go completely into character and pull it of for the audience and I’ve only ever seen Woody in campy comedy movies or those horrible Hunger Game movies…my experience with their past performances just doesn’t inspire great confidence for their performance in a SW movie and the fact that I’ve already got pretty set memories about them in other roles.



People forgot Woody was in a long running sitcom about a Boston bar already? And a little Oliver Stone movie called Natural Born Killers?

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

People forgot Woody was in a long running sitcom about a Boston bar already? And a little Oliver Stone movie called Natural Born Killers?

I loved him in Zombieland and No Country for Old Men.


rodneyfaile said:

SilverWook said:

People forgot Woody was in a long running sitcom about a Boston bar already? And a little Oliver Stone movie called Natural Born Killers?

I loved him in Zombieland and No Country for Old Men.

I also thought he was great in Zombieland, can’t say I remember his character from No Country though. But I can’t see him as a SW character currently and whenever I do see him in anything, I always think back to Zombieland so I hope he can really pull it of for this movie.



He’s also in the Planet Of The Apes sequel coming out this summer.

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Where were you in '77?


BigMcLargeHuge said:

There was that scene with the rathtars and the smugglers confronting Han in TFA.

Perhaps the worst scene/series of scenes in TFA.

I really don’t understand this. How is this a bad scene? I mean sure the cgi is not the best but I’ve always enjoyed it. I love the “in ya face” to the Han shot first deniers.

And as for worst scene in the saga … seriously? It’s not even the worst scene in the movie.



If they are all being frozen in Carbonite…


You get a Wookiee cookie anyway, ZkinandBonez. 😃

The set in the last photo and video reminds me of The Collector’s humble abode in Guardians Of The Galaxy.

And holy crap! That’s a stuffed Ewok in that glass case! Get the hell out of there, Chewie!

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


dahmage said:

If they are all being frozen in Carbonite…


I really hope that’s just a lift.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ray_afraid said:

His boots! Ha! 😄

JEDIT: On another look, it may just be light glare, but… Are they platforms?

Might be a height thing. Maybe Ehrenreich is smaller than Ford? Could be that they just use them in certain shots.

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Amazon link to my novels.


Lord Tobias said:

ATMachine said:

dahmage said:

If they are all being frozen in Carbonite…


I really hope that’s just a lift.

It is

Why would all three of them be on a Carbonite machine

why would one person be in a Carbonite machine?

anyway, it was just a humorous comment.