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Last movie seen — Page 320


Okay, I decided to update my previous ratings because I’m not happy with them, and I thought I should make a new post instead of just editing.

Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home (1986) – B

The Princess Bride (1988) – A-

Army of Darkness: The Medieval Deadit | The Terminator - Color Regrade | The Wrong Trousers - Audio Preservation


The Amazing Spiderman (2012): C+

Every time I watch the amazing spiderman movies my opinion changes, they’re such a mixed bag. The movie really starts to fall apart in the third act when Dr. Connors becomes “crazy” for no apparent reason and wanted to turn everyone into Lizards. I wish they kept the villain relatable and not ridiculous.

On the other hand, the romance is good, the drama is great and there are many fantastic scenes sprinkled throughout. The movie really is a mixed bag

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


Smithers said:

The Amazing Spiderman (2012): C+

Every time I watch the amazing spiderman movies my opinion changes, they’re such a mixed bag. The movie really starts to fall apart in the third act when Dr. Connors becomes “crazy” for no apparent reason and wanted to turn everyone into Lizards. I wish they kept the villain relatable and not ridiculous.

Making him the actual Lizard instead of Killer Croc with a tail would’ve helped, too.


I just saw Hardcore Henry. Fan-fucking-tastic movie! It was like a throwback to 80’s action flicks. Hard R rating for sure, but tons of great moments and jokes.

Solid 9/10

~The original trilogy is my life… kind of~


Smithers said:

The Amazing Spiderman (2012): C+

Every time I watch the amazing spiderman movies my opinion changes, they’re such a mixed bag. The movie really starts to fall apart in the third act when Dr. Connors becomes “crazy” for no apparent reason and wanted to turn everyone into Lizards. I wish they kept the villain relatable and not ridiculous.

On the other hand, the romance is good, the drama is great and there are many fantastic scenes sprinkled throughout. The movie really is a mixed bag

You should check out the Organic Eggs fanedit of TASM. It re-incorporates a lot of missing scenes and stuff that was cut for reshoots.

I honestly don’t understand Marc Webb as an editor. Both of his Spider-man movies suffer from too much cutting and reshoots. Both films were perfectly fine in their original form but then he’d go back and reshoot entire sections and cut out most of the good character motivations/moments. It felt like he was trying to sabotage his own films but it’s more likely he suffered from heavy studio interference.

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Tobar said:
You should check out the Organic Eggs fanedit of TASM. It re-incorporates a lot of missing scenes and stuff that was cut for reshoots.

I honestly don’t understand Marc Webb as an editor. Both of his Spider-man movies suffer from too much cutting and reshoots. Both films were perfectly fine in their original form but then he’d go back and reshoot entire sections and cut out most of the good character motivations/moments. It felt like he was trying to sabotage his own films but it’s more likely he suffered from heavy studio interference.

I’ve seen it before, I just don’t have it anymore. I watched the theatrical version today because I was bored and because I’ve been thinking of doing my own radical edit of it. I’m eagerly awaiting Nimibro’s version of the two films.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


Just watched the original Iron Man last night. I had forgotten what a damn good movie it is. Definitely very near the top of my list of favorite superhero movies.


Tobar said:

Smithers said:

The Amazing Spiderman (2012): C+

Every time I watch the amazing spiderman movies my opinion changes, they’re such a mixed bag. The movie really starts to fall apart in the third act when Dr. Connors becomes “crazy” for no apparent reason and wanted to turn everyone into Lizards. I wish they kept the villain relatable and not ridiculous.

On the other hand, the romance is good, the drama is great and there are many fantastic scenes sprinkled throughout. The movie really is a mixed bag

You should check out the Organic Eggs fanedit of TASM. It re-incorporates a lot of missing scenes and stuff that was cut for reshoots.

I honestly don’t understand Marc Webb as an editor. Both of his Spider-man movies suffer from too much cutting and reshoots. Both films were perfectly fine in their original form but then he’d go back and reshoot entire sections and cut out most of the good character motivations/moments. It felt like he was trying to sabotage his own films but it’s more likely he suffered from heavy studio interference.

I highly doubt Webb was the one who made those decisions.


I’ve been on a huge Godzilla kick this weekend for whatever reason. I bought a Showa-era box set and found a couple Heisei-era films on obscure streaming services. I really didn’t have much familiarity with the Heisei series at all; the Showa films were the ones that were always on TV when I was growing up and until now I’d never had much desire to explore the franchise further. I’m definitely going to be taking a look at more of the Heisei stuff now, though. They’re so delightfully weird but played completely straight. Anyway, the ones I’ve watched the last few days are:

Godzilla, King of the Monsters!, 1956 (American edit of Gojira) - This one is indisputably inferior to the original Japanese version, but it’s far from the unwatchable travesty a lot of people make it out to be. The addition of the Raymond Burr scenes is clumsy and unnecessary, but strange enough to be kind of interesting.

Mothra vs. Godzilla, 1964 (Japanese version) - This was my favorite as a kid and it holds up as well as can be expected. The score leans a little too heavily on the Godzilla theme from earlier movies, but the original material is great. The whole business with the fairy twins adds some cool mythology and really opens up the world more than any of the previous films had. Also, I think this might be Godzilla’s last appearance as a villain until the Heisei series.

Godzilla 1985, 1985 (American edit of The Return of Godzilla) - The first film in the Heisei series, this is one of the few from that era that I saw as a child, and even then it struck me as bizarre that the Japanese characters were dubbed but the Russians were subtitled. This one was recut for its US release just like the original; an Orson Welles-looking Raymond Burr even came back for additional scenes. The design and effects here have a cool look and the pacing’s a little better than many of the Showa movies, but in terms of story it’s exactly the same as every other Godzilla reboot. I can’t blame it for that since this is the first, but it had an effect on my enjoyment nonetheless.

Godzilla vs. Mechagodzilla II, 1993 (Japanese version) - This is a weird one. One of the protagonists’ only real character trait is that he’s super into pteranodons, another character is recruited from what seems to be a telekinesis and telepathy school, which is portrayed as a totally normal thing, a group of schoolgirls sing creepy choral music to a baby Godzillasaurus for no real reason, etc. Real 1990s Japan stuff. But hey, Rodan was in this one, so thumbs up.

I might fire up Ghidorah, the Three-Headed Monster later tonight. One thing about this box set that’s kind of disappointing is that only the Japanese cuts seem to be restored; the American versions I’ve looked at so far all had abysmal transfers. These are probably the only movies in the world I’d prefer to watch dubbed, mostly for nostalgia purposes. I’m considering taking a crack at recutting the footage from the Japanese versions to match the American soundtracks.


When Pinky & The Brain did their take on Godzilla, complete with random cutaways to Raymond Burr, it completely cracked me up.

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Where were you in '77?


The Jungle Book (2016): 9/10

This really blew me away, most of the CGI was flawless. The animals were all cast perfectly. My only complaint is that Mowgli was pretty bad at acting a few times, but that’s probably due to talking to a tennis ball most of the time.

Shere Khan was one of the best villains in a kids’ movie ever, he was truly intimidating and you understand why Mowgli hates him so much.

Highly recommended, very good adaptation of the original cartoon.

Prequel Fan-Edit thread: http://originaltrilogy.com/topic/Yet-another-series-of-prequel-edits/id/17329


suspiciouscoffee said:

Captain America: The Winter Soldier

Marvel’s best so far.


I much preferred the first one. Something about Winter Soldier's pacing made it impossible for me to settle into it.

I did end up watching Ghidorah, by the way. This might be my favorite one so far. The crazy Mothra music videos and the scene with the monsters arguing and the fairy twins translating were so epically, joyously goofy.


The First Avenger is very good, and extremely underrated, but Winter Soldier has more depth. In a world where Snyders and Goyers try to say good old fashioned heroes are bad, I’m glad Marvel is saying that the world actually needs more of them.



Smithers said:

The Jungle Book (2016): 9/10

This really blew me away, most of the CGI was flawless. The animals were all cast perfectly. My only complaint is that Mowgli was pretty bad at acting a few times, but that’s probably due to talking to a tennis ball most of the time.

Shere Khan was one of the best villains in a kids’ movie ever, he was truly intimidating and you understand why Mowgli hates him so much.

Highly recommended, very good adaptation of the original cartoon.

I’d rather see an adaptation of the book personally. Where he kills Shere Khan and wears his skin.


The sad part is that there are probably people who don’t know there is a book.

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Where were you in '77?


SilverWook said:

The sad part is that there are probably people who don’t know there is a book.

Actually, I hear that Andy Serkis’ version (next year) will attempt to be much closer to the book.



SilverWook said:

The sad part is that there are probably people who don’t know there is a book.

So they think it’s just called “The Jungle?” 😉


It’s a lot more graphic. And like I said mowgli skins shere Khan at the end


DuracellEnergizer said:

I’ve decided that from here on out, I’m going to rate every movie I see 1-5.

I’m reneging on this deal. Pray I do not renege on it any further.


The Life of David Gale (2003) – 6.5/10

The House of Ghosts (1908) – 8/10

Ringu 2 (1999) – 7/10

Little Giants (1994) – 7/10

Shaun of the Dead (2004) – 6.5/10

Midnight Express (1978) – 7/10

Ring 0: Birthday (2000) – 6/10

Rosemary’s Baby (1968) – 4/10

Sleepers (1996) – 8/10

The Day After Tomorrow (2004) – 4/10