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More Miniatures and models in each Star Wars prequels than entire OT — Page 3


Sadako said:

Look at the CG effects used in Jurassic Park compared with the CG used in AotC, ten years later.

In Jurassic Park, they had to make the CG dinosaurs look indistinguishable from the full scale models and animatronics that were used in close-ups, and the effects still stand up today. In AotC, they used CG for everything--the aliens, the vehicles, the sets, everything, and the effects haven't aged particularly well (compared to films that are twice as old). If they had used animatronics or actors in make-up, it would have given the CG artists at ILM something to shoot towards in their rendering, something real to match.

This featurette is particularly illuminating, given that they're talking in the early 90's about effects technology that moviegoers take for granted now. (Also, physical models of the Falcon against bluescreens in '77.)


It's ironic that a film that used a balanced mix of CG and physical effects is the very film that convinced Lucas that CGI had advanced enough so that an entire film environment could be created with it.


OBI-WAN37 said:

There are more miniatures and models in each Star Wars prequels than entire OT. The whole "there's too much CGI" is not true. I've seen people comment on TFN saying they prefer the original trilogy but still know there are more models and miniatures in the PT.

 There are absolutely NO (= 0 ) miniature ships in episodes 2 and 3


As I said so many times... CGI is not any kind of problem. The problem with prequels is that we have an extremely unlikeabe jerk as the main character that we were supposed to care about. Along with other stupid stuff such as Jar Jar, clone army, droid army, aliens with bad accent, etc.



imperialscum said:

As I said so many times... CGI is not any kind of problem.

It is a problem, just not the main one.


Even if there were more models used in the prequels, there is still less cg in the originals. None.


There is a teeny tiny amount of CGI in the OOT.

I can't recall if the targeting displays were actual CGI or back lit cel animation though.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


In defense of the prequel CGI, the actual practical creatures on Ep. 1 were pretty terrible.  Look at that dealer in Mos Espa who shouts at Jar Jar or any of the Nimodians.

This probably means that the creature shop they had for Ep. 1 just didn't have the talent of the guys from 1982-83 on Jedi.

However the creature CGI is pretty solid in ep. 1.  Sebulba looks fantastic and still holds up today.

Also consider Matte Paintings vs CGI digital painting.  Only the best Matte Paintings can hold up on screen for more than a few seconds (the warehouse in Raiders probably the best matte ever done as its on screen for a very long time) while Digital CGI paintings can be held onscreen longer since the integration and lighting can be done the point that its seamless.  However this involves alot of time and work that isn't put into every shot.

Not all shots in the prequels hold up, some do and some don't.  But the same could be said about the OT.  The Matte in Jedi of the Falcon is one of the worst Mattes ever done but its also in a film with one of the best (the Emperor's arrival).


Ryan McAvoy said:

Oh and George, Ric McCallum and the rest of the crew thought TPM was cr*p too (Not just OT fans). Anybody got a link to that footage of them in stunned and horrified silence for a few seconds after the first private screening?

 I don't know if the original clip was ever uploaded but here's the one from the RedLetterMedia review: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fIWKMgJs_Gs#t=1m14s

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OBI-WAN37 said:

 Yet people never seem to mind the amount of CGI in say Avatar or the new Star Trek movies.


TV's Frink said:

Those movies don't suck.


Avatar was awful. Like the prequels so much potential...wasted.

Battle droids the robotic incarnations of Jar Jar Binks.


FX wise, Avatar was amazing. Plot wise, it's essentially Dances With Wolves Smurfs in Space.

Forum Moderator

Where were you in '77?


^You don't like Rocky Horror or Doctor Who/Shrig


^You don't like Temple of Doom /shrog

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This strangely beautiful and hypnotic video comparison of 'The Hobbit:TDOS' Trailer vs Blu-Ray was posted over on FE.org:


It's interesting to note now much a film can be manipulated, changed and fiddled with when it's shot on greenscreen like the PT. The Hobbit has way more sets than the PT but still so few that it can be messed with like this when only the foreground elements are live action.

It's not just that the PT had a lot of CGI shots, it's that every pixel was meddled with in the same way as The Hobbit so it all looked like fake CGI. And Lucas didn't just use CGI to clean up wig lines like in that Hobbit clip, he was doing crazy sh*t like chopping off actor's heads from one take and switching them to another body.

VIZ TOP TIPS! - PARENTS. Impress your children by showing them a floppy disk and telling them it’s a 3D model of a save icon.


I've heard it said that this is the only shot in TPM that hasn't been digitally mucked with enhanced:

The prequels were like a fashion magazine--every single shot is Photoshopped to make it look more 'perfect', but it just ends up looking fake. And I know for a fact there are more models in a fashion magazine than in any Star Wars movie.


fishmanlee said:

Tack said:

  • Dull, repetitive scores

 I think you mean:

"Decent, maltreated scores"

 I meant for the theatrical edits. The original scores were pretty good, I think.

I’m just here because I’m driving tonight.