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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 60


Oh OK. I can understand being annoyed by her showing up, since she’s not really one of the original Star Wars characters. Personally, I don’t mind it, since I think she’s a good character. I was far more annoyed that Jar Jar constantly showed up in the Clone Wars.


RicOlie_2 said:

Oh OK. I can understand being annoyed by her showing up, since she’s not really one of the original Star Wars characters. Personally, I don’t mind it, since I think she’s a good character. I was far more annoyed that Jar Jar constantly showed up in the Clone Wars.

I was never bothered by Jar Jar when he was first introduced in TPM, but he really got on my nerves whenever he appeared in TCW, and I’m 100% sure that one episode where he’s the centerpiece was George’s final fuck you to all those who don’t like him.


RicOlie_2 said:

Oh OK. I can understand being annoyed by her showing up, since she’s not really one of the original Star Wars characters. Personally, I don’t mind it, since I think she’s a good character. I was far more annoyed that Jar Jar constantly showed up in the Clone Wars.

Jar Jar is only in 13 episodes out of 133.


fmalover said:

I was never bothered by Jar Jar when he was first introduced in TPM, but he really got on my nerves whenever he appeared in TCW, and I’m 100% sure that one episode where he’s the centerpiece was George’s final fuck you to all those who don’t like him.

Don’t forget the episodes where he teams up with Mace Windu and gets a girlfriend! The fact that they wisely left Jar Jar out of the show after the early seasons then inexplicably brought him back in season 6 in the funniest possible way always makes me laugh.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


People seem to take the parts of Star Wars they don’t like as some sort of personal affront. Not everything is about you. The only time George has said something that really bothered me was his remarks around the time of the GOUT discs being released. Some of that really bothered me. That definitely seemed aimed directly at certain fans. Of course, as always, these are just my opinions on it all.


I haven’t been around to comment on this show before now, but I’ve really enjoyed the majority of THE MANDALORIAN’s initial 2 seasons. I wasn’t expecting too much from the TV show side of things initially, but it’s exceeded my expectations with some excellent moments throughout…and it’s been fun to be transported back to a ‘STAR WARSY’ setting on a regular basis.

I’ve just posted some ideas on page 10 of the main THE BOOK OF BOBA FETT discussion thread, and mentioned that I’d also prefer to alter the ending of the THE MANDALORIAN’s 2nd season more to my own taste too…so I thought I’d show EXACTLY HOW over here.

It was a fantastic moment when ‘Luke Skywalker’ initially revealed himself at the time…but despite a good effort, the digital face replacement wasn’t quite there during all the shots, mainly due to a somewhat ‘dead-eyed’ look I think. On top of that, things then ended up being just a little too schmaltzy for my liking, which is another reason I’d rather alter it. But that’s just my own take on that at the end of the day.

I’ve since seen Shamook’s excellent ‘deepfake’ improvement of the scene on YouTube of course, and I only wish that there could be a future official release of the show using his version. I would be content with the existing ending if that was the case. Anyway, it’s terrific news for us all that he’s actually been hired by Lucasfilm now, and it’s great to know that this type of thing is in very capable hands for their future shows.

Anyway, here’s how I’d alter things for a less schmaltzy, final moment once the summoned Jedi is allowed to enter by the Mandalorian…

As the tension builds, the Mandalorian puts ‘the child’ down, and then presses a switch to open the doors…

…and the anticipation builds as the hooded figure enters, as we get our final look at Mando and the waiting group…

…and then the lightsaber switches off, as we get to the ‘Oh WOW, look who it is!’ moment…

…and as a brief reprise of John Williams’ familiar music gently plays over Luke’s eventual reveal, I’d finish things off on the next shot below…where we’d get our final look at Grogu, as he peers round at Luke and blinks, while the the music fades down…

…and then I’d CUT to blackness as we hear a brief echoing sound (from where the lift door closed during the final shot in the original version), as the echo fades to silence and the end credit ‘Directed by PEYTON REED’ appears, before the end theme begins as normal…

So I’d be content with just that, as we only see the best of the existing ‘Luke’ shots, without having to see any more of them. A ‘Jedi’ has heard the child’s ‘Force call’, and come to his aid…so we are at the end of the Mandalorian’s mission now. We effectively end on the sudden ‘Oh WOW!’ factor of the reveal that it’s actually ‘Luke Skywalker’ who has responded, and know that all will be well for the child now, with no further dialogue necessary.

Now onto the NEXT season’s adventures, post haste!

IMPORTANT NOTE - if anyone wishes to comment on any of this, please DO NOT re-‘quote’ the entire post, thanks!


I disagree, because I think the scene where Din Djarin finally takes his helmet off in front of Grogu is what the season has been building to. It’s his last act to Grogu which proves how much he’s come to love him, and how much he’s accepted that he’s ready to move on from the strict customs of The Watch. I have some criticisms of Luke’s appearance, but that scene between them is beautiful and I can’t imagine the season without it. It would end resolving the plot of Din handing Grogu over to the Jedi, but it would lack everything that gives that moment any substance.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

I disagree, because I think the scene where Din Djarin finally takes his helmet off in front of Grogu is what the season has been building to. It’s his last act to Grogu which proves how much he’s come to love him, and how much he’s accepted that he’s ready to move on from the strict customs of The Watch. I have some criticisms of Luke’s appearance, but that scene between them is beautiful and I can’t imagine the season without it. It would end resolving the plot of Din handing Grogu over to the Jedi, but it would lack everything that gives that moment any substance.

That’s a fair enough view j_b, and I’d certainly be content to re-watch the whole show again someday with the 2nd season ending play out as normal, despite my issues with it.

But I definitely find the less-than-convincing digital shots of Luke pretty distracting in the scheme of things…especially knowing that Shamook was able to improve them so well. So as a way to eliminate those distractions, I’d have no problem just ending things with the welcome surprise of the Jedi’s initial silent reveal instead, with the implication that everything will be fine now where Grogu is concerned, seeing as it’s Luke himself who has turned up…without needing to watch an actual parting of the ways between Grogu and Mando afterwards.

In addition, while I like the last piece of music that finishes off the existing finale, I reckon the section that plays over Luke’s initial reveal would make for an equally good note to end things on too, helping to make this a possible solution for me.

( I only hope that the little guy doesn’t hang around that ‘training temple’ for too long in the future… )


ImperialFighter said:

But I definitely find the less-than-convincing digital shots of Luke pretty distracting in the scheme of things…especially knowing that Shamook was able to improve them so well.

I agree with this, I do find that the computerised Luke is obviously not real and takes a little heart out of the scene for me. On some level I think a CGI effect of some kind was perhaps the right move for that particular scene, as it should be instantly recognisable as Luke, but in general I prefer casting a younger actor or bring back the character in animation instead. The CGI Luke face just seems soulless and I hope I don’t have to bear whole scenes of dialogue with the same effect in future!

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


Star Wars episodes in 2022:

The Book of Boba Fett - 6
Obi-Wan Kenobi - 6
The Bad Batch season 2 - 16
Andor - 12

That’s already 40 weeks of new Star Wars this year. Not to mention any Gallery making-of docs they might put up. If we get a few episodes of The Mandalorian season 3 at the end of the year, then it’s even more. This is going to be a great year for Star Wars fans!


Rodney-2187 said:

This is going to be a great year for Star Wars fans!

Let’s see if anything good is actually showing up (you know, quality vs quantity), because so far Boba is quite controversial.

So long 🙌


MalaStrana#2 said:

Rodney-2187 said:

This is going to be a great year for Star Wars fans!

Let’s see if anything good is actually showing up (you know, quality vs quantity), because so far Boba is quite controversial.

Well, I like all three episodes of Boba Fett already. The first two seasons of The Mandalorian and the first season of The Bad Batch were great too. After seeing Deborah Chow’s episodes of The Mandalorian, I am looking forward to seeing what she does with Obi-Wan. I think the volume is great, and The Mandalorian looks amazing, but hearing how they’ve built multiple sets on location for Andor has really piqued my interest. So I think we have all the reasons to be optimistic for 2022, at least regarding Star Wars. Can’t wait for Celebration, even though I’ll be streaming it at home this year.


There are some leaked set photos and very interesting - and credible - rumours accompanying them. I’ll hide this in case anyone doesn’t want possible plot spoilers.

[Images removed by Moderator. See Rule 7.]

A very reliable source has backed up these leaked photos as real. Apparently these unknown red troopers will be fighting Din Djarin alongside Praetorian Guards from The Last Jedi. It makes sense that Snoke would be involved, related to the mysterious cloning plot they began in season 2.

I won’t name the source since evidence suggests they’ve done some really nasty things, but they’ve leaked things such as the Grand Inquisitor in the Obi-wan series, and the entire plot of The Rise of Skywalker, before.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

There are some leaked set photos and very interesting - and credible - rumours accompanying them. I’ll hide this in case anyone doesn’t want possible plot spoilers.

[Images removed by Moderator. See Rule 7.]

A very reliable source has backed up these leaked photos as real. Apparently these unknown red troopers will be fighting Din Djarin alongside Praetorian Guards from The Last Jedi. It makes sense that Snoke would be involved, related to the mysterious cloning plot they began in season 2.

I won’t name the source since evidence suggests they’ve done some really nasty things, but they’ve leaked things such as the Grand Inquisitor in the Obi-wan series, and the entire plot of The Rise of Skywalker, before.

I personally hope this doesn’t turn out to be true (the direct ST reference that is) as I’d rather have this series stick to a self-contained-ish Imperial Remnant plot, and of course Mandalorian culture, without dabbling to much in ST arcs, let alone anything so blatant. Since we’re getting Thrawn in the future, I’d much rather have that be the main focus of this and the Ahsoka series, and whatever else they might add down the line (such as the BOBF announcement being a surprise within another show). Of course they could downplay it and leave it a “mystery” that only knowledge of the new movies can help answer, or something like that. But I’d rather this show didn’t have any loose threads in the end.

Direct reference to the leaked photos:

The helmets do remind me a bit of the Imperial Mandalorians we saw in Rebels, so it could be that Mandalorians that are still loyal to the Empire could appear in season 3. This could be really interesting seeing as they’re clearly building up to a Din, or at least someone else through him, becoming the new Mandalore with the Darksaber, not to mention that it’d stir up a lot of emotions in the main characters for obvious reasons.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


ZkinandBonez said:

But I’d rather this show didn’t have any loose threads in the end.

I would agree about wanting it to be self-contained, if it hadn’t already had part of its main plot happen in a different show…

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


jedi_bendu said:

ZkinandBonez said:

But I’d rather this show didn’t have any loose threads in the end.

I would agree about wanting it to be self-contained, if it hadn’t already had part of its main plot happen in a different show…

True, but at least BOBF was a spin-off show from The Mandalorian, and I’m getting the impression that we’re getting a Favreau mini-verse as it was, with Filoni’s cartoon strongly tied to it as well. So, yes, it’s clear that it won’t all be completely self-contained, which of course is pretty hard seeing as all SW is based on the OT anyhow, and in this case the PT as well, but I’m still hoping they’ll focus on past and present continuity and not leave things overly open-ended for future continuity.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novels.


Christopher Lloyd is a national treasure.


I finally went ahead and rewatched season 1 and saw season 2 for the first time. It’s alright. It’s not great, but it’s decent as casual entertainment. I like the whole premise of a wandering warrior in the vein of Yojimbo and the Dollars trilogy. Where the show loses me, though, is its central conflict of the Empire trying to capture Grogu to harvest his midichlorians to create…Snoke? Or the Palpatine clone, maybe? Either way, it’s not an appealing central conflict for me, and there’s only so much you can do with that concept in a serialized show. Season 3 will probably move away from that, though.

I also think the show is often frustratingly vague about the state of the galaxy. I want to actually see the New Republic in some onscreen media, but we’ve only been given fleeting glimpses so far. I get that they’re setting the story on the anarchic frontier like Spaghetti Westerns, but since Spaghetti Westerns are set in an actual time and place in history, we already know the historical context. But with Mandalorian, our information about the galaxy during this time period is tantalizingly sparse.


Damn seeing post Episode 6 Coruscant is something, I hope we go back to the Jedi temple.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


I hope we get to see the live-action debut of Fenn Rau.