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Small details that took you FOREVER to notice in the Star Wars films — Page 19


LexX said:

Speaking of small details, does anyone still know what the intercom voice says here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKs0iI68Rx8&t=30s
I have some idea but I still don’t know for sure what he says.

NeverarGreat said:

“Media Squad, prep your team and check any power (powdered?) supplies.”

Maybe. The sounds change based on what I’m expecting to hear.

That’s a tough one. I couldn’t make out anything at first, but now think NeverarGreat is very close.

  • “… squad, prep your team and check …” sounds spot on.
  • “Media” has the right sound, but the context doesn’t fit. Due to the sudden cut to this scene, perhaps there’s something before the “edia” sound that was lost in the editing?
  • My ears hear different vowel sounds (as well as a different rhythm) at the end: I don’t think it’s “power supplies”, but confess not to have a better suggestion at present.

Bluto said:

LexX said:

Speaking of small details, does anyone still know what the intercom voice says here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKs0iI68Rx8&t=30s
I have some idea but I still don’t know for sure what he says.

NeverarGreat said:

“Media Squad, prep your team and check any power (powdered?) supplies.”

Maybe. The sounds change based on what I’m expecting to hear.

That’s a tough one. I couldn’t make out anything at first, but now think NeverarGreat is very close.

  • “… squad, prep your team and check …” sounds spot on.
  • “Media” has the right sound, but the context doesn’t fit. Due to the sudden cut to this scene, perhaps there’s something before the “edia” sound that was lost in the editing?
  • My ears hear different vowel sounds (as well as a different rhythm) at the end: I don’t think it’s “power supplies”, but confess not to have a better suggestion at present.

Someone once suggested it’s meteor squad but I don’t know if that makes any more sense.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:

Bluto said:

LexX said:

Speaking of small details, does anyone still know what the intercom voice says here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKs0iI68Rx8&t=30s
I have some idea but I still don’t know for sure what he says.

NeverarGreat said:

“Media Squad, prep your team and check any power (powdered?) supplies.”

Maybe. The sounds change based on what I’m expecting to hear.

That’s a tough one. I couldn’t make out anything at first, but now think NeverarGreat is very close.

  • “… squad, prep your team and check …” sounds spot on.
  • “Media” has the right sound, but the context doesn’t fit. Due to the sudden cut to this scene, perhaps there’s something before the “edia” sound that was lost in the editing?
  • My ears hear different vowel sounds (as well as a different rhythm) at the end: I don’t think it’s “power supplies”, but confess not to have a better suggestion at present.

Someone once suggested it’s meteor squad but I don’t know if that makes any more sense.

Considering how early on in SW canon this is I’d say that actually makes a lot of sense. ANH has much more traditionally sci-fi elements to it the the later films did, and for all we know the announcement might be borrowed from some other movie or TV series or real life thing that just sounded right for this setting. This could even be the reason why it’s so unintelligible.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I doubt it since it isn’t in the script but just Ben Burtt recording himself in a church or whatever it was. I think it’s something very simple.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


LexX said:

I doubt it since it isn’t in the script but just Ben Burtt recording himself in a church or whatever it was. I think it’s something very simple.

Well, yes, that’s kinda what I meant. It could just be something he recorded at an airbase, or something he swiped from an old movie, etc. I’m sure they made sure to record/find something that wouldn’t sound (too) out of place in a starship hangar setting, but I was never suggesting it was scripted. Of course it could just be something Ben Burt made up on the spot that he felt sounded sci-fi-y and then just added enough echo and electronic crackle in post to make it borderline unintelligible. Had this been any other movie than SW I doubt we would even bother to try an analyse this incidental background noise in the first place.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


LexX said:

Bluto said:

LexX said:

Speaking of small details, does anyone still know what the intercom voice says here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IKs0iI68Rx8&t=30s
I have some idea but I still don’t know for sure what he says.

NeverarGreat said:

“Media Squad, prep your team and check any power (powdered?) supplies.”

Maybe. The sounds change based on what I’m expecting to hear.

That’s a tough one. I couldn’t make out anything at first, but now think NeverarGreat is very close.

  • “… squad, prep your team and check …” sounds spot on.
  • “Media” has the right sound, but the context doesn’t fit. Due to the sudden cut to this scene, perhaps there’s something before the “edia” sound that was lost in the editing?
  • My ears hear different vowel sounds (as well as a different rhythm) at the end: I don’t think it’s “power supplies”, but confess not to have a better suggestion at present.

Someone once suggested it’s meteor squad but I don’t know if that makes any more sense.

Meteor does sound more correct from a Star Wars perspective. I was trying to figure out what that first word was and came up with ‘Phoenix’, but Meteor does sound best.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


I always heard “Sand People. Or worse.” as “Sand People. The worst.”

Also, when the Dianoga let go of Luke, I thought Luke said “I saw him, and he disappeared.” Like the dianoga literally teleported away before Luke’s eyes.

Now that I think about it, nearly all of my misheard dialogue is from ANH. It’s something specific to that movie.

But we can’t turn back. Fear is their greatest defense. I doubt if the actual security there is any greater than it was on Aquilae or Sullust. And what there is is most likely directed towards a large-scale assault.


I once was fooled into thinking Luke screaming hey, was Carrie.


When they park the Landspeeder outside of the Cantina, in the same shot when Obi-Wan says “The Force can have a strong influence on the weak minded,” I just now noticed R2 (or rather Kenny Baker) struggling to pull himself off the speeder and stand upright. 3PO walks over while this is happening, like he’s about to try to help but doesn’t quite get the chance.

But we can’t turn back. Fear is their greatest defense. I doubt if the actual security there is any greater than it was on Aquilae or Sullust. And what there is is most likely directed towards a large-scale assault.


For some reason I’ve never noticed until now that the first mentioning of the name Anakin is when Ben talks to Luke on Dagobah. I always thought the conversation between Luke and Vader on Endor was the first time. It’s fascinating how casually they drop the name, as if we were just supposed to already know who it referred to (not that it’s particularly hard to figure out based on the conversation).

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


ZkinandBonez said:

It’s fascinating how casually they drop the name, as if we were just supposed to already know who it referred to (not that it’s particularly hard to figure out based on the conversation).

Would some fans have already known because of other material, books or otherwise?

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


ZkinandBonez said:

For some reason I’ve never noticed until now that the first mentioning of the name Anakin is when Ben talks to Luke on Dagobah. I always thought the conversation between Luke and Vader on Endor was the first time. It’s fascinating how casually they drop the name, as if we were just supposed to already know who it referred to (not that it’s particularly hard to figure out based on the conversation).

Yep. That’s the only reason I’m very strongly against SE Emperor - I don’t mind the makeup or the altered dialogue that much in general - but “offspring of Anakin Skywalker” kills it for me. It makes infinitely more sense for us to learn that name in an intimate moment with Luke and Ben, after Yoda passes and confirms Luke’s greatest fear. It’s a very deep and delicate scene, perfect for us to learn his name. And, of course, if you miss it, Luke says it to Vader in his face later on, also a good moment.

I suppose in the context of the PT, which is what the 2004 SEs were for, it makes more sense for the Emperor to say that than just “Luke Skywalker”, but looking at the OT as a trilogy, that’s a no no.


Z6PO said:

How “Star Wars” Flopped a Shot

I was watching 4K77 a few days ago and ever since I saw the RocketJump Film School mini-documentary about the editing of ANH I’ve been unable to not notice many of the problem-solving edits, and creative workarounds used in the film, but I’ve never noticed this one before.

As someone who has directed several shorts films, as well as having done a fair bit of editing, I find these creative solutions really fascinating and also very relatable. It does unfortunately make it much harder for me to just enjoy the film the same way I used to, but at the same time it has given me a whole new appreciation of the hard work that went into the film.

PS. Did you make this video or did you just find it on YT? Either way, it should be “flipped” not “flopped”. When I first saw the post I was a bit confused about how a shot could flop.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


It’s not my video. It’s from Todd Vaziri who is a VFX artist and has worked on numerous blockbusters! There’s always a lot of interesting things on his twitter.


ZkinandBonez said:

Z6PO said:

How “Star Wars” Flopped a Shot

I was watching 4K77 a few days ago and ever since I saw the RocketJump Film School mini-documentary about the editing of ANH I’ve been unable to not notice many of the problem-solving edits, and creative workarounds used in the film, but I’ve never noticed this one before.

As someone who has directed several shorts films, as well as having done a fair bit of editing, I find these creative solutions really fascinating and also very relatable. It does unfortunately make it much harder for me to just enjoy the film the same way I used to, but at the same time it has given me a whole new appreciation of the hard work that went into the film.

PS. Did you make this video or did you just find it on YT? Either way, it should be “flipped” not “flopped”. When I first saw the post I was a bit confused about how a shot could flop.

“Flop” was the jargon used inside Lucasfilm itself, I believe. GL asked for shots to be “flopped” so frequently that on Temple of Doom the crew made him a baseball cap with the text “Professor of Flopology” with the last word there in mirror writing.

“That Darth Vader, man. Sure does love eating Jedi.”


ZkinandBonez said:

It’s fascinating how casually they drop the name, as if we were just supposed to already know who it referred to (not that it’s particularly hard to figure out based on the conversation).

It’s also good storytelling. These days it would have some weird artificial build-up. Kinda like naming Anakin Darth Vader in ROTS.

And in the time of greatest despair, there shall come a savior, and he shall be known as the Son of the Suns.


Omni said:

Yep. That’s the only reason I’m very strongly against SE Emperor - I don’t mind the makeup or the altered dialogue that much in general - but “offspring of Anakin Skywalker” kills it for me. It makes infinitely more sense for us to learn that name in an intimate moment with Luke and Ben, after Yoda passes and confirms Luke’s greatest fear. It’s a very deep and delicate scene, perfect for us to learn his name. And, of course, if you miss it, Luke says it to Vader in his face later on, also a good moment.

I suppose in the context of the PT, which is what the 2004 SEs were for, it makes more sense for the Emperor to say that than just “Luke Skywalker”, but looking at the OT as a trilogy, that’s a no no.

Almost like George Lucas designed the saga so the prequels are meant to be watched first or something…

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Omni said:

Yep. That’s the only reason I’m very strongly against SE Emperor - I don’t mind the makeup or the altered dialogue that much in general - but “offspring of Anakin Skywalker” kills it for me. It makes infinitely more sense for us to learn that name in an intimate moment with Luke and Ben, after Yoda passes and confirms Luke’s greatest fear. It’s a very deep and delicate scene, perfect for us to learn his name. And, of course, if you miss it, Luke says it to Vader in his face later on, also a good moment.

I suppose in the context of the PT, which is what the 2004 SEs were for, it makes more sense for the Emperor to say that than just “Luke Skywalker”, but looking at the OT as a trilogy, that’s a no no.

Almost like George Lucas designed the saga so the prequels are meant to be watched first or something…

Technically true, yes, but you’d think he’d at least remember to actually explain the Force in ep. 1 then. This confused me so much as a kid. Thankfully ep. 2 & 3 hadn’t been made yet so I didn’t have to wait long for the explanation. Either way, the saga is kind of a mess to fully understand if watched from ep. 1 to 6 IMO. Of course most people know these things already or know someone who does, but I don’t think you should have to rely on outside sources to understand movies.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


G&G-Fan said:

Almost like George Lucas designed the saga so the prequels are meant to be watched first or something…

I still strongly disagree with this idea. The saga doesn’t work anywhere near as well if you watch the prequels first. The prequels don’t work without having seen the OT first, and the OT doesn’t work as a sequel to the prequels. ANH was meant to be the audience’s first exposure to the universe (because why else would it be made first?), and the marketing for the prequels clearly indicates they were meant to serve as backstory for people who had already seen the OT. Like the guy above me said, they didn’t even explain what the Force is in TPM! Lucas’ claims that the saga is supposed to be the “tragedy of Anakin” are clearly just more revisionism from him.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


That’s why there should’ve been more thought towards chronological viewing in the prequels, namely to preserve spoilers from the OT. I know that’s an unpopular opinion for some, but I’d prefer watching I, II, and III where:

  • we have no idea what Yoda looks like, but we know his name as an exile of the Jedi Order
  • Obi-Wan had two apprentices, either one likely to be Vader (but we know it’s Anakin - situational irony)
  • we don’t know that Padme gave birth to twins

Unpopular, but I appreciate prequel rewrites that keep this stuff in mind.


Anakin becoming Vader is the new twist of the saga though. Because when you watch it in order, it happens in the middle and is literally the turning point of the saga. ESB is no longer in the middle like it was during the original trilogy. At the beginning of ROTS it seems Anakin has overcome his flaws (because he’s happy, mature, and has a good rapport with Obi-Wan during the rescue of the Chancellor)… only for him to succumb to his Achilles’ heal (not being able to let things go).

Trying to hide that Anakin is Vader is stupid and would damage the prequels. Like, you’re literally losing the best scenes of the prequels. The Knighting of Vader, the immolation scene, and Vader getting his suit give me goosebumps. If anything I’d be more in favor of hiding that Luke is Anakin’s son and framing it like he’s the Lars son or the son of some other Jedi Master, maybe even Obi-Wan, but even that is dumb.

I’d argue that knowing that Luke and Leia are Vader’s children but none of them know adds TENSION, you’re wondering when they’ll learn the truth and what the consequences of that will be. How will Luke react when he finds out Vader is his father, and that the man he thought he could trust most lied to him? Because unlike what JJ Abrams thinks, surprises are not the most important thing in storytelling (or the only important thing, for that matter).

Also regarding Yoda I’d argue that it’d initially make people wonder “Why’s Yoda acting like this… this is weird”.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits


G&G-Fan said:

Anakin becoming Vader is the new twist of the saga though. Because when you watch it in order, it happens in the middle and is literally the turning point of the saga. ESB is no longer in the middle like it was during the original trilogy. At the beginning of ROTS it seems Anakin has overcome his flaws (because he’s happy, mature, and has a good rapport with Obi-Wan during the rescue of the Chancellor)… only for him to succumb to his Achilles’ heal (not being able to let things go).

Nah. If it’s a twist, it’s a very hacky twist. The movie still rushes Anakin’s fall and the series suffers for it. Besides, ESB is in the middle again (five out of nine movies - close enough).

Trying to hide that Anakin is Vader is stupid and would damage the prequels. Like, you’re literally losing the best scenes of the prequels. The Knighting of Vader, the immolation scene, and Vader getting his suit give me goosebumps.

Sure, they’re good scenes in the context of that movie. A rewrite would give a Vader character (one of Obi-Wan’s two apprentices) similarly cool scenes.

If anything I’d be more in favor of hiding that Luke is Anakin’s son and framing it like he’s the Lars son or the son of some other Jedi Master, maybe even Obi-Wan, but even that is dumb.

Nah, keeping a mystery around Vader’s identity (within the context of the movies) is much more appealing to me. Heck, one can redeem Obi-Wan’s lies a little by making it clear he doesn’t know which apprentice Vader is until the duel on the Death Star. He suspected it, but now he knows (that troubled look he has now indicates that he’s thinking of how Luke is going to handle this).

I’d argue that knowing that Luke and Leia are Vader’s children but none of them know adds TENSION, you’re wondering when they’ll learn the truth and what the consequences of that will be. How will Luke react when he finds out Vader is his father, and that the man he thought he could trust most lied to him? Because unlike what JJ Abrams thinks, surprises are not the most important thing in storytelling (or the only important thing, for that matter).

That’s not tension, that’s just lessening the experience of the OT. Again, preserving twists makes the reveal all the more of an emotional shock in the final two movies of the trilogy (or saga, depending on your perception). Knowing it all along just doesn’t feel right.

Also regarding Yoda I’d argue that it’d initially make people wonder “Why’s Yoda acting like this… this is weird”.

Or, if we don’t know what the hell Yoda looks like, “Who’s this weirdo?” Not knowing Yoda’s appearance makes the reveal (especially having seen the PT first) all the more surprising.


BedeHistory731 said:

That’s why there should’ve been more thought towards chronological viewing in the prequels, namely to preserve spoilers from the OT. I know that’s an unpopular opinion for some, but I’d prefer watching I, II, and III where:

  • we have no idea what Yoda looks like, but we know his name as an exile of the Jedi Order
  • Obi-Wan had two apprentices, either one likely to be Vader (but we know it’s Anakin - situational irony)
  • we don’t know that Padme gave birth to twins

Unpopular, but I appreciate prequel rewrites that keep this stuff in mind.

I’m with you too.

And for arguing that the prequels were made to enhance the OT, that ignores how Luke’s primary motivation for becoming a Jedi and redeeming his father was the belief that his father was ultimately a good person and not a genocidal child-murderer. If Obi-wan had shown Luke the prequels in his hut Luke would absolutely have vowed eternal vengeance against that monster.

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


He killed children once he became Vader, once he turned to the dark side. If we’re counting Vader’s actions, then Vader in the original trilogy was complacent in the destruction of an entire planet, killed his best friend and mentor, and tortured Han and Leia. And Luke is AWARE of those things. Luke isn’t ignorant to the fact that his father did horrible things and became a monster, he wants his father to return to who he once was, the guy we see at the beginning of ROTS.

And yes, Anakin was a good person deep down: https://qr.ae/pGDxjU

And if you’re talking about the Tuskin Raiders, those monsters abducted and tortured a random women and killed 26 of the 30 people who went out to save her, and those Tuskin children were going to grow up to become just like the murderous adults. He basically just killed baby Hitler. And even then Anakin KNEW what he did was wrong. We also see them shooting innocent podracers and trying to kill Luke when he did nothing wrong. I’m surprised so many OT fans stick up for the Tuskin Raiders when your first impression of them was trying to kill the beloved protagonist of the OT.

BedeHistory731 said:

Nah. If it’s a twist, it’s a very hacky twist. The movie still rushes Anakin’s fall and the series suffers for it. Besides, ESB is in the middle again (five out of nine movies - close enough).

It’s almost as if a twist is a sudden change of events or something.

It “rushes” it because that’s what happened: Anakin gave into his fatal flaw and made a terrible mistake because he was scared, desperate, and sleep-deprived. His fear of loss was built up over the past two movies, and we also saw him kill Dooku in the beginning, showing that he’s willing to give into his anger. We see throughout the films that Anakin has a character flaw of giving into his fear and anger and obsessing over things rather than being willing to let things go. Instead of letting go of his anger and not killing the Tuskins and Dooku for what they did to his mother and him, he gave into his anger. Instead of having faith and trusting in Padme that she’ll get through childbirth, instead of being willing to let her go instead of destroying everything she believed in, he gave into his fear and craved power. It’s a tendency and flaw in his character that finally broke him.

Also, was talking about Lucas’ saga.

BedeHistory731 said:

That’s not tension, that’s just lessening the experience of the OT. Again, preserving twists makes the reveal all the more of an emotional shock in the final two movies of the trilogy (or saga, depending on your perception). Knowing it all along just doesn’t feel right.

Yes it is tension. You’re just clinging onto the way you saw the film as a child and refusing to see it from any other perspective.

My Star Wars Fan-Edits