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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 506


I sent some takes of me saying ‘First Order’ more clearly. I actually say it in the original take, but i was masking my irish accent, but i sent clearer versions, so hopefully they help make it better.

I think the more words included in english, kind of dismantles the pasaana creatures language, so it’s all about finding a middle ground.


RogueLeader said:

Just sharing my to do list for the next test:

  • A little more bouncy movement for the puppets in the wide shot (MR)
  • Cut away from CU shot before the intense whispy dust blows across frame (krausfadr)
  • Potentially remove the storyteller’s hand from the CU shot. (DMC) MR might help with this change.
  • Un-reverse shot of kids turning their heads (Burbin)

Am I missing anything? Also, I actually applied a little grain to the puppets themselves, to try and help make the elements blend in a little more (especially in the CU shot, since it is naturally more grainy from being cropped), but I’m not sure if it is helping, so I might remove it on the next pass.

And if people wanted a green saber I could probably change the color easily. But I do agree that I think blue makes more sense.

Thanks again for the feedback and the positivity so far!

hedgesmfg said:

Do you need a nice usable 4K shot because I can provide you with one? (4K HDR or SDR)

I’ve gotten covered for this scene, but I may hit you up for other shots in the future. Thanks for the offer!

Just DM me if you need it and I’ll be happy to do what I can. (I can send HDR or SDR clips encoded in editor friendly formats! Have already done so for a few here.)


RogueLeader said:

Here are a few things.

Puppet Show (3rd Pass):


Captain Hux:

DUDE, You’re knocking this stuff out of the park 😃

Puppets look incredible. If the clunk sound is added maybe have them as crude as possible or like a wood instrument? here are a few wood sound effects https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IkU1PHC5cVY&list=OLAK5uy_lahPeo9h_ydQEM88bfOcDgh6zswVPEc14&index=94

Mustafar: I’ve been working on a similar scene and you can get away with speeding up the source footage 200% to give it more pace. I also have a first-order tie fighter 3d model if you know how to use it?

Capt Hux: The soundtrack dips really awkwardly. Are you just dipping the centre channel in 5,1 to add the new VO or is it from a stereo source? I can take a look at it for you if you wanna send me the separate line?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


This is all looking good. Im digging this. The puppet scene is just fantastic! I’d be good adding some kind of “clunk” sound, but I am not sure about adding any more “english” words, like First Order, etc. since it would seem to stick out a bit too much … almost like a broken speech if that makes sense?

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


I love just seeing the Lava with the Castle looming over it.

MR - good idea with the clunk sounds, i had a bunch of metallic sounds i sent too.

Also, if anyone is interested again in maybe implementing crackle sounds for the saber, i still have a bunch of sounds i made in a folder, they might be useless but you might be able to salvage something from them.


screamfan1234 said:

Anyone think speeding up and also reversing the Biomes shot be an option so it starts with a flyover of the castle and ends with the flyby or do you think reversing the footage would just make the tie’s flight look a bit weird?

Issue with reversing is it’ll be obvious because of the smoke and ash.


^MR, if you could add some FO TIEs to a 200% speed clip from the Biomes scene, that might be the ticket.

When people on reddit send me messages saying “whoa dude is this your project?” all I can say is “Ostensibly, but refer to the writeup; there are so many people who have done incredible things that I merely have compiled.”

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’m currently working on 19 other shots and potentially moving house AGAIN! plus the crackling saber shots still need to be finished so, I’m a little hectic at the moment but happy to chip away at bits when I can find the time.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I can handle the Mustafar Biomes shot, no worries MR.

JEDIT: I know there have been plenty of mockups of the first few shots of the film, but if someone can link me one so I can get a feel for the speed we need to match, that would be great. 500 pages is just a lot to comb through 😉

You probably don’t recognize me because of the red arm.
Episode 9 Rewrite, The Starlight Project (Released!) and ANH Technicolor Project (Released!)


Looking at the sequence again, RL and Nev, would it be possible to have the TIEs flying the other way across the screen - left to right? Most of the stuff on the surface (throughout this whole opening, honestly) with Kylo is done the same way, so I think it would be better if we could maintain a consistent screen direction.

Not that there aren’t already a million instances of screen direction flipping around mid-sequence throughout the film, but still…

The Rise of Skywalker: Untold - A “Rey Nobody” edit of Ep. IX | Looking for voices and VFX - Please reach out if interested!


Speaking of Mustafar, anyone ever tried to do something like this?


DominicCobb said:

Speaking of Mustafar, anyone ever tried to do something like this?

…are you asking if any of us have tried slaughtering people in a burning forest?


axlanian said:

…are you asking if any of us have tried slaughtering people in a burning forest?

i did! didn’t go very well

the dark side of the force is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural


Thanks Hal, I’ll sleep when this movie kills me.

Oh cool, I’m glad you’re using the volcanic shot. Did I give whoever coloured it the high res version?

Nice LUT on Mustafar. It feels more earthy without so much red. Is that Poppa’s or Skenera’s version?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


I just did a very quick and dirty color correction, zapping out all the color in the dirt and darkening it. Wouldn’t be very easy to do in motion no but you don’t actually see the ground that often so hypothetically it might not be that difficult. Probably not something I have the time for (or really the skills if I’m being honest) unfortunately.

I think that plus a couple streams of lava is what’s really needed to make the Mustafar of it all completely buyable. Until then it’s kind of just compromises (ones I can live with, but still).


I wish there was a Vader loyalist standing their ground knowing they will be killed, telling Kylo: “You will never be Vader!”.


I know it’s been said to death but this film really did need like, 3 or 4 scenes/lines of dialogue at most to really sell its beats at the most basic level. I watched the theatrical again on the weekend with some friends and had forgotten just how threadbare it is. Y’all really have worked wonders on this thing.

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I have literally nothing to add but I can’t restrain myself from outpouring huge support and admiration to all of the collaborators in this discussion and especially those producing this wonderful new collateral. This is absolutely inspirational stuff and I goddamn love this community.

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