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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 323


Hal 9000 said:

^ Was referring to the “why don’t you just build a model” comment.

Wait … why don’t we just completely replace most of the movie with our own stuff! Yeah! 😄

“Because you are a PalpaWalker?”


Yeah. Anyway, here’s everything on my radar for V2:

  • Add Vader’s Castle to the opening Mustafar sequence (seems like it’ll be the work of 21C Peasant and Movies Remastered - ongoing)

  • Add two shots featuring Coruscant to the Star Destroyer conference room scene (thanks to Poppasketti)

  • Remove line “from the Southern shore” from 3PO’s translation, as that was when a protractor was involved, and now it’s merely a coordinate followed by mystical guidance (not super necessary, maybe)

  • Possibly remove Rey asking, “What?” when Finn formerly started saying he had something to tell her in the sinking fields (I forget who pointed this out - haven’t zoomed in to investigate for myself yet)

  • Possibly restructure the space battle opening slightly like DominicCobb, but I need to zoom in and consider it

  • Can Rey’s mother not mention her name? We all liked the idea that Rey named herself, per the X-wing helmet’s Aurabesh translation in TFA.

  • Use the crackly saber effect courtesy of kewlfish and Luka Frik

  • If it comes to fruition, use RogueLeader’s idea for Rey’s saber to fizzle out as Kylo gets the better of her during their duel on the DSII.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Have you considered using some of the trailer shot extensions that DominicCobb used in his edit, Hal? Other than extending the desert encounter with Rey and Kylo Ren in his TIE fighter.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.


I have, but they proved trickier (for him and thereby me) than originally supposed. They don’t quite match and for the most part the entire full shot would only be achieved by piecing the two together.

My stance on revising fan edits.


I’ve been working on the Mustafar, Coruscant and glitchy Saber scenes all day.

Mustafar release needs a custom tie fighter animation for the establishing shot. I’ve finished the clean footage and I have the model but can’t get the speed right. If anyone can help please let me know.

Coruscant is done but the planet shot is very blurry. I’ve messaged Poppa but if anyone has high res image please let me know.

Glitchy Saber is looking good but I’ll need some help with contrasting as I’m colourblind.

I’ve also been thinking of keeping Hans dice a reality in TLJ and having Ben look at them just before Han shows up on DSII. I’m thinking of reshooting the scene IRL as I couldn’t get the disappearing dice looking right before they disappear but what are your thoughts?

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


Hey Hal, I’ve only watched bits of your edit so far, but it’s so much improved over the original that it’s almost comical. The pacing, the color correction…just incredibly well done. I haven’t been this excited about a fan edit since Despecialized. Thank you, thank you, thank you!

I did have a thought though - what do people think about not having Hux as a spy? It massively contradicts with his borderline over-the-top Imperialism that we see in the other two movies. Surely, I can’t be the only one who thinks that it’s jarring to go from this guy to “I’M THE SPY!!!”

And the thing is, it really wouldn’t take that much work to remove. Clip a couple of lines about “The Spy!” when Poe and Finn come back from their reconnaissance trip in the beginning, and then cut straight from the two of them rescuing Chewie and running down the hallway to them recovering the Falcon. That way you also avoid the awkward “Hero is captured > Hero escapes > Hero is re-captured > Hero re-escapes” setup, which is very strange pacing-wise. Hux is literally completely irrelevant to the film.


Movies Remastered said:

I’ve been working on the Mustafar, Coruscant and glitchy Saber scenes all day.

Mustafar release needs a custom tie fighter animation for the establishing shot. I’ve finished the clean footage and I have the model but can’t get the speed right. If anyone can help please let me know.

Coruscant is done but the planet shot is very blurry. I’ve messaged Poppa but if anyone has high res image please let me know.

Glitchy Saber is looking good but I’ll need some help with contrasting as I’m colourblind.

I’ve also been thinking of keeping Hans dice a reality in TLJ and having Ben look at them just before Han shows up on DSII. I’m thinking of reshooting the scene IRL as I couldn’t get the disappearing dice looking right before they disappear but what are your thoughts?

What Coruscant shot are you working on?

Perhaps poppasketti could add TIEs to a finished clean plate shot. That’s exciting!

And what’s the dice idea? That he’ll look down at them in his hand using TLJ footage? I guess you’d have to not have them disappear earlier, you mean?

My stance on revising fan edits.


About Hux. I think we tossed that around but it doesn’t really make the movie any better. Just causes more problems and makes it abrupt.

Thanks for the kind words, though!

My stance on revising fan edits.


Hal 9000 said:

About Hux. I think we tossed that around but it doesn’t really make the movie any better. Just causes more problems and makes it abrupt.

Fair enough - you’re the expert! And I’m very excited reading about your proposed V2 ideas!

Also, I know it’s not on the agenda right now, but regarding the thought that Leia should “conjure” Han for Ben…I honestly think that it’s one of the few instances of ambiguity that actually works in the movie. Personally, I always saw that scene as a physical manifestation of Ben’s inner dialogue - a visual representation, done for the sake of a visual medium. I never interpreted it as Han literally appearing.

That’s just me though; I realize that scene caused a lot of contention with fans. Again, you’re the expert, not me!


Hal 9000 said:

Movies Remastered said:

I’ve been working on the Mustafar, Coruscant and glitchy Saber scenes all day.

Mustafar release needs a custom tie fighter animation for the establishing shot. I’ve finished the clean footage and I have the model but can’t get the speed right. If anyone can help please let me know.

Coruscant is done but the planet shot is very blurry. I’ve messaged Poppa but if anyone has high res image please let me know.

Glitchy Saber is looking good but I’ll need some help with contrasting as I’m colourblind.

I’ve also been thinking of keeping Hans dice a reality in TLJ and having Ben look at them just before Han shows up on DSII. I’m thinking of reshooting the scene IRL as I couldn’t get the disappearing dice looking right before they disappear but what are your thoughts?

What Coruscant shot are you working on?

Perhaps poppasketti could add TIEs to a finished clean plate shot. That’s exciting!

And what’s the dice idea? That he’ll look down at them in his hand using TLJ footage? I guess you’d have to not have them disappear earlier, you mean?

Kylo standing on the bridge as Coruscant appears in the window.

Poppa is too busy to do any work atm and I’ve exhausted all my other sources. It would be epic if I could get the timing right.

Yeah, Exactly. I’ve been working on a scene for my TLJ cut as I didn’t want the Dice to disappear and I recently came up with the idea of adding them to TROS so I’ve just purchased the Dice and looking for suitable gloves to shoot the scene myself. Thought it would be a nice touch to give Han showing up a little more detail.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/


mikereese971 said:

Also, I know it’s not on the agenda right now, but regarding the thought that Leia should “conjure” Han for Ben…I honestly think that it’s one of the few instances of ambiguity that actually works in the movie. Personally, I always saw that scene as a physical manifestation of Ben’s inner dialogue - a visual representation, done for the sake of a visual medium. I never interpreted it as Han literally appearing.

I agree with you here!


mikereese971 said:

I did have a thought though - what do people think about not having Hux as a spy? It massively contradicts with his borderline over-the-top Imperialism that we see in the other two movies. Surely, I can’t be the only one who thinks that it’s jarring to go from this guy to “I’M THE SPY!!!”

Regarding Hux - in my opinion it is in line with his character to betray Ren’s First Order if you simply delete Snoke assaulting him in TLJ (which I did in my personal version of Poppa’s Rekindled). It creates the impression that Snoke stoked his ego and treated him fairly, which contrasted significantly with Kylo choking him, flinging him around with the Force, and not even considering his opinions. With this one change, to me it makes sense that he would want to see Kylo’s Empire go up in flames so he can take control of it.


NeverarGreat said:

I agree with you there, but you’d have to delete his line about not caring if the Resistance won, then. There’s no universe in which Hux doesn’t want the First Order to win.

Perhaps his hatred of him for killing his Papa Snoke was enough to want that haha. But you’re right, that’s the only line that is somewhat out of character.
EDIT: Realized it’s up to debate whether Hux thinks Kylo killed Snoke or not, but either way my point is that he hates Kylo.


Hal 9000 said:

  • Can Rey’s mother not mention her name? We all liked the idea that Rey named herself, per the X-wing helmet’s Aurabesh translation in TFA.

You could accomplish that by emulating DominicCobb’s cut of the fight on Kijimi. I think it would work even for a Rey Palpatine cut and you’d get the added benefit of removing “They sold you to protect you”. You’d also have to remove “my parents were strong, they protected me from you” later in Palp’s arena though.


Hal 9000 said:

Yeah. Anyway, here’s everything on my radar for V2:

  • Add Vader’s Castle to the opening Mustafar sequence (seems like it’ll be the work of 21C Peasant and Movies Remastered - ongoing)

  • Add two shots featuring Coruscant to the Star Destroyer conference room scene (thanks to Poppasketti)

  • Remove line “from the Southern shore” from 3PO’s translation, as that was when a protractor was involved, and now it’s merely a coordinate followed by mystical guidance (not super necessary, maybe)

  • Possibly remove Rey asking, “What?” when Finn formerly started saying he had something to tell her in the sinking fields (I forget who pointed this out - haven’t zoomed in to investigate for myself yet)

  • Possibly restructure the space battle opening slightly like DominicCobb, but I need to zoom in and consider it

  • Can Rey’s mother not mention her name? We all liked the idea that Rey named herself, per the X-wing helmet’s Aurabesh translation in TFA.

  • Use the crackly saber effect courtesy of kewlfish and Luka Frik

  • If it comes to fruition, use RogueLeader’s idea for Rey’s saber to fizzle out as Kylo gets the better of her during their duel on the DSII.

Sounds cool. Will you provide an alternate track without added KoR lines and added civil fleet lines as well ?

So long 🙌


MalaStrana#2 said:

Sounds cool. Will you provide an alternate track without added KoR lines and added civil fleet lines as well?

Yeah, I hate to be a huge bother Hal, but I would also appreciate an alternate track without these two things since I have some ideas of my own I’d like to implement. I would in no way be offended if that never ended up happening though. 👍

Join us in the OT.com Discord server!


Oki. I will remove the fleet chatter as part of the “Palpatine broadcast” overture track I will be synchronizing to v2. Shouldn’t be too difficult 😃

(I could export a version without Palpatine overture for those you would prefer Hal’s track without the fleet chatter, since it wouldn’t be more time consuming to do so on my side anyway)

By the way, I don’t remember if there is a dedicated thread but since I mainly only contribute here, I wish you all guys an excellent 2021 !

So long 🙌


EddieDean said:

Hal 9000 said:

Yeah. Anyway, here’s everything on my radar for V2:

  • Green smoke around Palpatine’s throne?

Pleeeeease ❤️


Filmic Crossroads, Daniel L. Isidore


Cinefy said:

EddieDean said:

Hal 9000 said:

Yeah. Anyway, here’s everything on my radar for V2:

  • Green smoke around Palpatine’s throne?

Pleeeeease ❤️


Assuming you’re genuinely curious, here’s the genesis of the idea. It was discussed for about a week after that point.


The Clone Wars: Refocused | Andor: Movie Omnibus