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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 48


I’m still a bit confused as to why so many people complain about the music of the season finale. I thought it quite dramatic, especially when Luke arrived. And the score for the farewell scene between Din & Grogu was great.

Is it just the darktrooper music? A bit odd admittedly, but I honestly didn’t notice it until it was pointed out, and I am far from a fan of dubstep music (or modern popular music in general). As a score for robots it seemed a fairly logical choice. Also it’s not like Göransson’s score hasn’t been odd and experimental before in this series. F.ex. when the Razor Crest is falling towards Trask in Chapter 11 you can literally hear what sounds like metal being banged together as a part of the score. Overall I feel that he’s restrained himself much more in season 2 and kept it fairly “traditional” for the most part.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I can’t defend the Dark Trooper Dubstep, but…

I watched a little interview with Göransson and he talked about the music not being traditional Star Wars, but that the trumpet fanfare in Mando’s theme being the one part that’s a tribute to William’s scores. Fair enough. However, the end of this episode took a much more traditional, orchestral turn. Of course, the end of the episode also featured a Jedi Knight cutting down Imperial troops, talking about the Force, etc.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


StarkillerAG said:

Geez, why do you guys hate this episode so much? I thought it was good. Not the best episode ever, but not an abomination against the Star Wars franchise as we know it like some of you guys are acting.

I was enjoying the episode just fine until Luke showed up to do the same eye-roll videogame bullshit that Vader did in Rogue One, and then he took off his cloak and looked like a videogame character, and then it just kept going and didn’t resolve the much more interesting conflict that had just arisen (Mando vs. Bo-Katan and the implications of that whole thing), nor even make it a cliffhanger - it’s just…forgotten about while Luke takes Grogu and then…credits.

It was a good episode that was ruined by a last 10-ish minutes that really, really, REALLY didn’t work for me in just about every way.

And then the post-credits scene happened and I just checked out. I have zero interest in the Continuing Adventures of Boba Fett, so that just left an even worse taste in my mouth.

The horror-movie angle with the Darktroopers and the Mando v. Gideon fight were all excellent though, no complaints with all of that. And, again - super invested in whatever ends up happening between Mando and Bo-Katan with the Darksaber.


The last bit was just off to be honest. Like, does Din not want to discuss things with this stranger a little more? Why is Luke seemingly uninterested in letting Grogu’s ostensible guardian know a little more about the situation going forward? I mean, meeting Ahsoka and sorting things out from there took a while (a whole day), and that didn’t even pan out.

But then Luke rolls up and the pacing at which things happen is Mando going “i guess i have no choice” like a self aware bit in a Dan Harmon show. Maybe if no one else was in the room it would have played slightly better the exact same way, but it just felt so obvious they couldn’t really “use” Luke. And in the context of everything else, so rushed. No questions, just bye Grogu. The helmet scene is only good in isolation from everything around it.

Andor: The Rogue One Arc


With deepfake vidoes as good as above clip Luke can only get better from now on via fandits so no loss there 😎👌

This finale was far more then I could ever of expected, with season 3 to be released xmas 2021 and focasing on Mando and Bo-Katan with Moff Gideons actor saying hes about alot theres plenty to look forward to. And then theres big bad Bobba the crimelord to contend with.

Its good to be a Star Wars fan at the moment 😁

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


You know, Luke’s line about how “he will not be safe until he masters his abilities” got me thinking about Rey a bit… I feel like everyone’s main complaint about her is how far she got without training, and this show only seems to be emphasizing that. With so many of the new shows taking place between episodes 6 and 7, and Moff Gideon’s story starting to hint at connections to the Sith loyalists, I wouldn’t be too surprised if somewhere down the line they revealed that Rey actually did get trained, and just forgot about it like she forgot about her parents.

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


But that makes those movies an even more convoluted mess.

I hope they just stay clear from the sequels.

Or burn those heresies to the ground.

Deus vult style .


I digress.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


idir_hh said:

I hope they just stay clear from the sequels.

Or burn those heresies to the ground.

Well, that’s what they said about the prequels before Filoni got involved (and even for a while after).

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Grogu is a child (maybe even a toddler?), Rey is an adult. As an adult she can better control her emotions than a child! Rey is self-taught, that’s a thing that adults does.


I think the difference between the prequels and sequels is that one tells a story, and one does not.
No matter how badly the prequels were executed, at least there was a clear story that was being built on. The Sequels are simply a mishmash of ideas with no clear story or message. And for that reason, I don’t think they will ever be remembered fondly.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Well, maybe not the trilogy as a whole, but TLJ and TROS each had their own story to tell thematically, plus the latter was basically a whole trilogy’s worth of new lore crammed into one movie. I can’t be the only one who wants to see that explored more, can I?

You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


The only thing that Rey does that’s ever really troubled me is the TFA mind trick, because it feels like JJ Abrams nodding at the audience and saying “Remember that time Ben Kenobi mind tricked that stormtrooper about the droids? This movie is like that movie!” - it doesn’t strike me as an organic thing for Rey to just discover like that. Other than that, Rey’s Force and lightsaber usage comes across to me as appropriately sloppy, uncontrolled and untrained most of the time, not like a precise and trained prequel/TCW-esque Jedi (even in TROS, despite having received just as much training from Leia at that point as Luke ever did from Yoda). And we see that that is dangerous, since she almost blows up Chewie by accident in TROS; hacks away at Kylo like a woman possessed in TFA; breaks Luke’s saber in TLJ; goes straight into the dark side cave; etc. Yoda makes it fairly apparent in ESB that tapping into the Force is mostly about self-belief, not like, progressive overload weight training. It’s clear that Lucasfilm wanted to cut to the chase with making one of the protagonists a Jedi so that they could have some Force usage from the heroes in VII, and it certainly could’ve been executed worse.

Also idir_hh, if you’re going to insist on endlessly moaning about movies that most people here already aren’t that fond of anyway, at least come up with actual criticisms rather than “they don’t have a story”. Events occur in the course of the plot of the trilogy. That’s a story. Is it a good story? A thematically-rich story? A story that builds on the previous stories told in this universe? Perhaps not; those are all up for debate, but it certainly exists.


Wow the new deepfake took like a day and still looks better than theirs? Jeez.

idir_hh said:

I think the difference between the prequels and sequels is that one tells a story, and one does not.
No matter how badly the prequels were executed, at least there was a clear story that was being built on. The Sequels are simply a mishmash of ideas with no clear story or message. And for that reason, I don’t think they will ever be remembered fondly.

They had one chance to build a third instalment that tied it together in a nice triad. But instead it was written by hacks.


[sade1212 said:]
At least come up with actual criticisms rather than “they don’t have a story”.

That is precisely my criticism. There was no story.

Ask the most casual viewer or child and they’ll tell you in just a few words what the prequels and OT are about.
The sequels? Well, things happened. What exactly? Need some mental gymnastics to answer that.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Mocata said:

Wow the new deepfake took like a day and still looks better than theirs? Jeez.

Eh, I personally think the original looked better. The deepfake looks too sharp, like his face is on a different plane of existence from the rest of his body. The original version isn’t perfect, but replacing someone’s face with the face of an actor from 1983 probably isn’t very easy.

And about the other complaint people had about Luke, people say that the subplot with Mando and Bo-Katan was cut short by Luke’s arrival, but I don’t really agree. Bo allowed Mando to have the Darksaber, any sort of rivalry they had before then was probably gone by that time. Just because they ended the episode after Mando handed Grogu to Luke doesn’t mean that the previously established plot elements of the show can’t continue.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


Ask the most casual viewer or child and they’ll tell you in just a few words what the prequels and OT are about.
The sequels? Well, things happened. What exactly? Need some mental gymnastics to answer that.

A fledgling hero must join with new friends to stop an evil force from taking over the galaxy, while figuring out her identity. That’s the story. The specific details and internal mechanics of the story might not be good. But it takes far more mental gymnastics to ignore this and complain endlessly in a thread about The Mandalorian.


idir_hh said:

[sade1212 said:]
At least come up with actual criticisms rather than “they don’t have a story”.

That is precisely my criticism. There was no story.

Ask the most casual viewer or child and they’ll tell you in just a few words what the prequels and OT are about.
The sequels? Well, things happened. What exactly? Need some mental gymnastics to answer that.

Umm, what? The sequels had a story, just as much as the previous two trilogies did.

OT: Luke must become a Jedi and defeat the Empire.
Prequels: Anakin fights the Separatists, but then turns evil.
Sequels: Rey must become a Jedi and defeat the First Order.

As you can see, the sequel plot line is derivative of the OT plot line, but that doesn’t mean the sequels had no plot.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


That’s not the story of the ST. You both proved my point.

Edit: I honestly don’t want to get into long posts about semantics. Let’s just move along.

Peace is a lie
There is only passion…


Keep in mind that plot and story are fairly different things. The ST definitely has a story (i.e. stuff happens), however the plot (i.e. “a series of events deliberately arranged so as to reveal their dramatic, thematic, and emotional significance”), that’s an entirely different argument. Plot-wise the OT and PT are very complimentary stories, where the same themes are played out in reverse, Anakin is seduced by evil, Luke deafeats the darkness it and becomes good, etc. etc. The ST is very much a copy of the OT in both story and plot, with the quality of both being highly debatable.

An interesting question would be; what could the ST have done to compliment the PT & OT? Though this is hardly the thread for this discussion.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Beyond the OT Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
Amazon link to my novel; Dawn of the Karabu.


I watched the entire second season again. To me this is a master class in how you do Star Wars. This is my absolute favorite Star Wars content but the last thing I want to do is use it to bash other entries. The prequels and sequels aren’t perfect, but neither are the originals. I’ve yet to read an idea that was better than what we got.

Every aspect of The Mandalorian is just excellent. The writing, the special effects, the direction, everything is just top notch, but if I had to pick what impresses me the most, it’s the score. Just give Ludwig another Emmy right now.

Mocata said:

And I think they should know by now to stop burning money on this stuff that always fails and has to be fixed by amateur deep fake people online. Mark Hamill can still have the role, but when it’s so prohibitive (to the budget and the performance) they need to do it another way. Give him a beard, do practical makeup, do something else. It’s gonna age like milk. Evidently people haven’t complained enough.

People aren’t complaining because it wasn’t a fail. More than that, not only was it not a fail, it was a huge success. Not saying it was perfect, but nothing ever is or will be. They told us a great story and used what they had to tell it the best way they could. I loved every second. The reward was well worth it.

ChainsawAsh said:

Also, super irritated that the Mando/Bo-Katan conflict that had just presented itself was put on pause for Luke to show up and do his twirly light show, only for them to never unpause it, leaving that thread dangling without it feeling like a proper cliffhanger.

The Empire Strikes Back ended with Luke’s hand cut off and his parentage in question while Han was frozen in carbonite, and we had to wait three years for Return of the Jedi. I’m guessing we’ll find out more about the darksaber sooner than that.


idir_hh said:

That’s not the story of the ST. You both proved my point.

Then, what do you think the story of the ST is? I don’t understand what you want me to do, I was literally just summing up the premise of the sequels.

Let’s get back on topic though.

My preferred Skywalker Saga experience:


If we think that Grogu will meet Ben Solo at Luke’s school, will we see Han? If so, will they have to do a creepy Han video game character because Alden Ehrenreich would look weird next to Luke?

Max rebo has no arms, only legs.


rebothejedi said:

If we think that Grogu will meet Ben Solo at Luke’s school, will we see Han? If so, will they have to do a creepy Han video game character because Alden Ehrenreich would look weird next to Luke?

I’m guessing they’d use CGI - Alden works better as a younger version of Han, not as a Han replacement. But i don’t think they’ll do it at all. If they were to have a cameo of Han, I’d view it as pure fan service unnecessary to the plot and wouldn’t be happy. One major original trilogy protagonist is quite enough.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”