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The Rise of Skywalker: Ascendant (Released) — Page 297


I finally got around to watching this, and as far as fan edits go, I dig it!

Wasn’t nearly as put off by the added voices as the thread perhaps keyed me up to be. I could take or leave the KoR, but I majorly enjoyed the Exegol additions, which really seemed to be the secret ingredient in making the fleet arrival finally “click” for me personally.

Most of the fundamental issues I have with TROS still remain, but I nevertheless appreciate Hal’s efforts to smooth out the film’s many rough edges (and slow down the overall pace, which was desperately needed).

Finally, changing Leia’s saber to purple was an inspired change and makes Sheevy’s ultimate fate all the more poetic if you think about it.


Hal 9000 said:

nl0428 said:

You think you’ll make a trailer for your Sequel edits like you did for your edits of the Prequels, Hal?

I played with the idea a couple weeks ago but found I didn’t have the right time and energy for it. For that prequel trailer I really just overlaid clips to the TFA trailer’s music. I think if I were to, I’d do something similar with another film’s trailer music. But it didn’t work out when I last sat down with the idea. Idk

You could do the same in terms of overlaying clips to the music of The Rise of Skywalker’s trailer.

The name’s Lawson. Noah Lawson.



You’ve got to ask yourself one question: “Am I making Carrie Fisher’s ghost proud?”
Well, are ya, punk?


Looking forward to watching this edit, the first time seeing the film since that disappointing night at the theater last December.


MalaStrana#2 said:

On the small cons, as already stated by other members, I am not a huge fan of the audio additions:

  • KoR voices are well done but I prefer them to stay silence (I actually often prefer less dialogues in Star Wars 😃)
  • the same goes with “for Skywalker !” added bit (even if I’m more ok with this one)
  • Duel of the Fates cue is very hard to notice: I wouldn’t mind it being slightly louder if there was a V2 of the edit one day

I would then welcome an alternate audio track so I could chose if I want talkative or silent KoR. It’s nice to provide both tracks Hal 😉

I am thinking about creating an alternate track to add the complete Palpatine message. Don’t know yet if I will follow through the idea but here is a first mock up using the front channels (levels are not much corrected, it’s only a POC):

https://vimeo.com/479965791 (go after 1min20s)

I don’t have any other audio edits ideas though.

I followed through the idea and I am almost finished. Hal kindly provided me with the uncompressed tracks to work with, using the tracks without KoR voices, adding two alterations:

  • I have implemented Palpatine full broadcast just after the opening crawl. I must say, it would work even better with the original crawl stating “The dead speak! The galaxy has heard a mysterious broadcast, a threat of REVENGE in the sinister voice of the late EMPEROR PALPATINE.”, but it also works well in the context of this new crawl;

  • Since I am not always a huge fan of created sound content on fanedits, I have reinstalled the “civil fleet arrival” audio from the theatrical version. It was a very well done addition guys, it’s just I prefer to keep the pure musical original version.

I was thinking about using Duel of the fate cue in a more obvious way, but as I am not familiar with the movie enough, I am not sure where to implement it in a seamless way. If anyone has a idea I could play with, tell me.

I have adjusted Burbin subtitles in 3 languages to go along with this alternate audio track 2. I will make a final check and begin to import a 640kbps output by today or tomorrow. I will probably share it to anyone interested through a MEGA link.

So long 🙌


Reinstalled the “civil fleet arrival” audio!?

A fanedit of a fanedit to undo one of the best parts of the fanedit!

I guess I should have been prepared for this, after all I have witnessed people blasphemously pick all the pepperoni off a slice of pizza and then eat “cheese pizza.”

heil Palpatine!


Well I understand 😃

I thought a lot about this: I kinda like the “standing by” bits but I don’t really dig the “we believe in you Poe!” and “For Skywalker!” parts 😕 When I watch the edit they struck me as “oh, this sounds fanedited”… besides they are very LOTR oriented and TROS already borrows way too much from LOTR-ROTK in my opinion.

So long 🙌


One day technology will be so advanced that we can build our own version of a movie that suits our various tastes but until then, there’s nothing stopping anyone from doing their own versions of this movie.

If you wanna revert back to the part of the original film then there’s nothing stopping you from doing it yourself.

Promote your own Fanedits on the worlds largest fanediting database MRDb here: https://www.moviesremastered.com/

Invite link to MR Discord: https://discord.gg/EBdQVXhDUh


Watched the edit a few nights ago… Loved it! The pacing flowed so much better. I think my favorite part of this edit was Kylo’s visions to reconstruct the helmet. The force ghost at the end was the cherry on top. I just wish Anakin had a moment with both Rey and Kylo. It’s always been his story and he was VERY absent from the ST. I figured since Luke, Leia, nor Han couldn’t save Ben it would be Anakin to bring him back to the light. Oh well! Great job to everyone involved


Hey Hal, could I get a PM for the link to download?


Hello, would really love to see this movie. Anyone can pm me a link? 😃


As I finish working on an update to my ANH project, the only thing outstanding about my SW edits is the Rey Nobody version of TROS. That aside, being an alternate cut anyway, things have never felt this complete. Like it’s time to let it be.
It’s been a great experience the past 8 years or so putting these together. It’s been a hobby and communal thing. There’ll be some sadness, but I know it can’t go on forever.
I will stick around in any event, and I won’t say “never,” even if I set things down intending to do so for good with SW fan editing. I know there’s work to be done yet, but at the same time, it feels like I’d better plan to “retire” once it is.

If the right idea grabs me, I would be happy to tinker with other things, but the SW saga can soon be laid to rest comfortably. And that feels good to this looooongtime OT.com weirdo.

My stance on revising fan edits.


Your edits will be enjoyed for years to come. They are the go to in my inner circle of friends and our own canon. May the force be with you… always!

The Skywalker Saga:
I · II · III · IV · V · VI · VII · VIII · IX
This is the way.


Thanks for your services, they’ve been appreciated. live long and prosper.


-standard issue request for the edits link, reply when most convinent-

How was I to know your kind can’t eat sweetweed?


Hal thanks for making the StarWars saga films get the respectful ending they truly deserved.

Your name goes up there with Harmy, Team Negative 1 & OohTeeDee for what you’ve achieved with you edits and whatever happens we will always have the true Hal 9000 unaltered original versions to enjoy from now on.

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

💡 Save confusion & express your comments with Markdown Emojis here 💡


Thanks for all the passion and effort that went into these edits, Hal!

Having seen the last official workprint, I want to wait a little before watching V1 in order to avoid overkill. That said, that workprint is a huge improvement over the original and also over the workprint (no.3, I think?) I’d seen previously! What this community has achieved is honestly pretty amazing!

I’m already looking forward to seeing how it’ll inspire other editors and their own takes on RoS.


We’re all grateful to Harmys and Hal9000 works. I thinked that I could never see the original version of Star Wars, but you realize a dream. Thanks. And also you fix the last chapter (and many others) of this incredible saga. I hope to see one day the Rey Nobody version. May the force be with you… always.


Hey there, where could I find the commentary version? I’ve got the link to the google drive edits but I can’t see any commentary versions?