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The Mandalorian - a general discussion thread - * SPOILERS * — Page 28


Z6PO said:

Did you catch the format change? It went from CinemaScope aspect ratio to full screen HDTV for the action sequences!

Thank God. I thought I was losing it. While I was watching, I was caught up in the story, but also had a moment where I thought I was either seeing a change or imagining it. Great episode and I agree with all the points made so far.

Likewise on appreciating that they’re letting the needs of the story decide the length of the episodes. This was a more complex story, so it got the time to tell it.

Cobb was a likeable character and well played by Olyphant. I like that he was a bit puffed up when they meet, as you would be if a known gunslinging killer shows up in town asking questions. It may not have been intentional, but I like how Cobb looked a little silly wearing the armor particularly since he didn’t have all of it.

It was nice to see Peli again and I really liked how they didn’t pad any of that portion with unnecessary retelling of their meeting from last year. They wouldn’t do that in real life, so it worked that they didn’t do it here. He goes to see someone who he knows is honest, she’s happy to see them again, helps him as much as she can, and he’s off to tend to business while leaving his ship somewhere safe. To me, that was a perfect way to handle a revisit like that.

I agree with the other points too about the cinematography. Really well done and more than holds its own with the films. As someone mentioned earlier, this was like a one-hour film. As it was last year, the franchise is in excellent hands.

I waited until after dinner to watch it so that the day’s stresses would be over and I could relax and raise a glass to the return of the show. It was even better than I expected. I’ll watch it again tomorrow.

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canofhumdingers said:

Am I the only one who was a bit annoyed they retconned the Krayt Dragon to just be a Dune sandworm clone rather than the more lizard like creature it has always been in the old EU?

I wasn’t annoyed that they retconned the Krayt dragon design so much as that they went with the sandworm idea that just felt very un-original and “been there, done that”. Would’ve preferred something different. And you could easily accomplish the same story with a different creature design.

I actually thought it was an upgrade, not just because now the Krayt dragon is bigger. Having a comically large sandworm that can eat an entire building whole if it feels like it… just feels to me like the kind of exaggerated Star Wars creature design that Tatooine would have. In Knights of the Old Republic, there’s loads of setting up how big and difficult to kill it is, and we already know that the Tusken Raiders got the life scared out of them just by hearing its call in the movie… then the dragon emerges and is killed fairly easily. No harm to KOTOR, and it’s nice that The Mandalorian referenced that bit. I thought the new canon Krayt dragon was much more of a challenge, and fits the purposes of the story better. As a sand worm it’s better for it to be able to disappear and re-appear, constantly building and dropping the tension, and staying a step ahead of the characters.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


I also really liked how the Krayt dragon seemed to almost magically pop up from both the sand and even solid rock at some point. It’s the kind of fantasy monster logic I expect (or at least prefer) from SW, even though it would have been quite jarring in a ‘proper’ sci-fi series/movie.

Also, did the new version have legs or did they just straight up turn it into a worm? I know most EU versions, both new and old canon had legs, but the skeleton in ANH seemed to just be a spine and a head so I supposed making it a worm of sorts works as well.

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I love watching the end credits for the score and artwork. I don’t have nearly enough of the Star Wars art books. I can’t wait to get “The Art of Star Wars: The Mandalorian” in December.


I found its popping-up ability a little much, but excusable. The easter eggs were a little heavy by including R5, but otherwise great. All in all, immensely pleased with this. I expect he won’t get off Tatooine before meeting Boba.

ROTJ Storyboard Reconstruction Project


Amazing episode, on par with the best Season 1 had to offer. Love how it went full-out Western.

It really benefitted from an expanded runtime and I didn’t feel there was unnecessary padding at all.

The return to Tatooine was done much better and felt more organic than in Season 1. Other than the brief return to Mos Eisley, almost everything was new. And I loved how they built on the humanization of the Tuskens that was briefly touched upon back in the earlier episode. I can’t believe I’ve just felt bad about Tuskens being killed! This series does mostly great when relying in nostalgia and familiarity, but I love it even more when it dares to take this familiar elements and does new things with them in a way that still makes complete sense and doesn´t feel forced. The sequel trilogy should take note regarding that last part.

Cobb Vanth was likable and well-acted, and I liked how they covered his backstory in broad strokes. Is he the first canon EU character to make the jump to live action? Because it sets a good precedent for more to come.

I really liked the krayt dragon, it has become of my favorite Star Wars creatures. Not what I expected physically, but still awesome. I recall it was established that two subspecies of krayt exist, meaning this has to be the greater one.

The cinematography was stunning and blows literally any other TV production out of the water. The krayt dragon battle was so engaging and immersive that I almost didn’t notice the episode changed its aspect ratio at one point.

I was expecting Boba Fett to appear at some point but his appearance still drove me crazy and hyped for more. I really hope they finally will make Boba a fleshed-out, sympathetic yet badass character, the same way they brought back Maul and made him better than before.


Knight of Kalee said:

Cobb Vanth was likable and well-acted, and I liked how they covered his backstory in broad strokes. Is he the first canon EU character to make the jump to live action? Because it sets a good precedent for more to come.

Saw Garrera in Rogue One was originally introduced in the Clone Wars series. Though I suspect it was a rewrite (or simply a name change) as they’re fairly different characters apart from the broad strokes.

Cobb Vanth is apparently a bit different than his novel counterpart as well. But it’s fun regardless to see this interconnectivity between live-action and other media while they at the same time allow creative freedom by not following canon slavishly.

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
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Technically Snap Wexley is the first EU character to make the jump, since he was in Aftermath before TFA came out.

After being beaten and battered by prequel hate, I promise not to be that to the next generation.


On the topic of Krayt Dragons. The EU had a distinction between the two types of Krayt Dragon long before it was retired.

There are Canyon Krayt Dragons. They’re the typical depiction you’d expect to see in various EU media. They’re described as:

The canyon krayt was a common species of krayt dragon that lived in the rocky caves and canyons of Tatooine’s desert ranges. More often than not, the term “krayt dragon” referred to this lifeform. Patterns of horns and spikes appears to have varied from individual to individual.

Compared with the Greater Krayt Dragon. That are based on the Krayt Dragon skeleton we actually see in SW77. They’re described as:

The greater krayt was a rarer, larger species of krayt dragon, known for its tremendous size and continual growth over time. Creatures of near legendary status, greater krayt dragons had ten legs, measured at least 100 meters from snout to tail tip and had the ability to move through or on Tatooine’s desert sand.

If I had to pick, I’d say what we saw in Mandalorian was a Greater Krayt.

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So glad to see KOTOR mission in live action within Mando show done so well 😁👌

“We Are What They Grow Beyond” - Yoda

My Prefered Saga Viewing Preference:
Ep. III - Revenge of the Sith Special Edition (StankPac Edit) * Rogue One - A Star Wars Story (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. IV - A New Hope D+77 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. V - Empire Strikes Back D+80 (OohTeeDee Edit)
Ep. VI - Return of The Jedi OTD83 (OohTeeDee Edit) * Ep. VII - The Force Awakens Restructured (Hal 9000 Edit)
Ep. VIII - The Last Jedi Legendary (Hal 9000 Edit) * Ep. IX - The Rise of Skywalker Ascendant (Hal 9000 Edit)

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Tobar, the images in your post do not show up (for me anyway).

What a starts to the new season. I must admit I was wary of letting the trailers, promos, chatter and excitement for the return of the series overhype it (or me) to a point where the first episode may have felt flat or lacking in something. But no, it was such a satisfying and enjoyable watch. Something I want to go back and watch again and again.

The power of simple storytelling done well, by talented people with an obvious love and admiration for what has come before, whilst doing their own thing… and it still working for modern audiences of all generations today 😃

This is the way.


The Krayt Dragon didn’t use Obi Wan’s call from the 2011 Blu-Ray. Worst. Episode. Ever.

Use the Force, Joh Yowza.


Fabulous episode, maybe my favorite so far. Really liked the bartender, and the sandpeople. And I’m glad they’re not over-using baby yoda’s force skills. I was afraid they were going to have him stop the dragon.

Looked like they even went back to some of the same spots where R2D2 had gotten lost in ANH.

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Star Wars Instagram really turned into a Cobb-Vanth-fest today. The man’s got a lot of admirers.

It seems like a lot of viewers, maybe people who hadn’t heard of Cobb Vanth or knew of the rumours, were disappointed when it wasn’t Boba Fett, but their opinion of him went way up by the end of the episode and disappointment was easily overcome. Another nice aspect of Chapter 9, along with the ‘working together’ theme, is how Din Djarin moves from hostility to Vanth for wearing armour that isn’t ‘his’, to coming to trust him so much that he is willing to sacrifice his life for the village in the knowledge that Vanth will protect the child. I found that very powerful.

As Alex from SW Explained on YouTube mentioned in his review, perhaps Din is realising that it’s the actions a person takes that earns them the armour or the status of Mandalorian. This would be in line with some of the other themes of the series. At the end of the day, the Mandalorian creed is the Mandalorian creed, but I was still kinda surprised that Din didn’t let Cobb keep the armour.

No complaints though because now we’ll probably get an epic ‘Boba Fett reclaiming his old armour’ plot in Chapter 10.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”


People seem to go back and forth on how (or if) Fett is alive and will be in the series. I’m not up on most EU or any Lucas SE whatever-the-fucks. Is there any real reason to assume he lived beyond ROTJ?

I thought his armor making an appearance from scrap dealers and someone who purchased it was a nice send-off to the 80s and an equally interesting way to give us Fett closure. Something I’m very happy about. He went from cool in Empire to wildly over-exposed/explained by Lucas.

His cool factor was ruined by Lucas. To me, this episode restored a bit of that somehow.

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Anchorhead said:

People seem to go back and forth on how (or if) Fett is alive and will be in the series. I’m not up on most EU or any Lucas SE whatever-the-fucks. Is there any real reason to assume he lived beyond ROTJ?

Not quite sure what you’re getting at? He was alive at the end of the newest episode and this is all set post ROTJ.

In case anyone was wondering, the Krayt dragon does apparently still have legs in canon just like it did in Legends, despite them never being shown in the episode. So basically Favreau got his Tremors/Dune-vibe while still managing to stick to continuity.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q1ESPZsoUR8&list=PLYn2a0e2FVIJ66EP8vMU64l-kIhHU9zg7&index=71&t - from EckhartsLadder (8 mins long).

Star Wars is Surrealism, not Science Fiction (essay)
Original Trilogy Documentaries/Making-Ofs (YouTube, Vimeo, etc. finds)
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Amazon link to my novels.


Anchorhead said:
People seem to go back and forth on how (or if) Fett is alive and will be in the series. I’m not up on most EU or any Lucas SE whatever-the-fucks. Is there any real reason to assume he lived beyond ROTJ?

Yeah, the cameo character at the end of the episode was played by Temuera Morrison, who played Jango Fett in Episode 2. In case you’ve cleansed the prequels from your mind: Boba Fett is a clone of Jango Fett, and was raised as Jango’s son for about 10 years, until Mace Windu beheaded Jango in Episode 2 (then in The Clone Wars animated series, we see young Boba attempt to blow up Mace, and generally come into his own as a young bounty hunter.). So there’s a 99% chance that the guy who a) looks just like Jango Fett, b) showed up on the tail of the guy currently in possession of Boba’s armour, and c) is on the planet where we last saw Boba Fett, is Boba Fett. There’s a slim chance it could be one of the million other Jango Fett clones, like Cody or Rex, though.


The guy at the end definitely has to be Boba Fett. All the other clones of Jango look all like grandpas by the time this series takes place, due to their accelerated aging. All that scarring on Boba’s face is likely for two reasons: a) to conceal Temuera Morrison’s age, b) hinting that getting out of the sarlacc and wandering on Tatooine ever since did take quite a toll on Boba.


Hahaha, all you guys thinking that was Boba Fett… Temuera Morrison was obviously playing clone trooper CT-3634 from Star Wars: The Clone Wars season 2 episode 5, it makes perfect sense. I called it first.

“Remember, the Force will be with you. Always.”